Thursday 7 February 2019

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) impacts every area of a person’s life. It shapes their perspectives, attitudes, and behavior, and its influence is largely negative and disruptive. People who manifest the symptoms of NPD may struggle to maintain healthy relationships, and their path to career and life success may be blocked by their inability to empathize with others or recognize their own flaws and limitations. But with time and treatment services, the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder can be managed and their deleterious effects minimized.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder: A Brief Introduction

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is the most commonly diagnosed type of personality disorder. About 6.2 percent of American adults meet the lifetime criteria for NPD, including 7.7 percent of men and 4.8 percent of women.
People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) have an exaggerated sense of their own self-importance and a distorted view of their own abilities. They see themselves as masterful beings accomplishing amazing things, and any evidence that contradicts this self-perception is rejected or ignored.
Imprisoned inside their own self-awareness, men and women with NPD lack empathy for others, which leaves them unable to understand or appreciate alternative perspectives or opinions. They are capable of love, but they expect their partners to acknowledge their special qualities frequently, even though they feel no compulsion to return the favor.
There are elements of selfishness to narcissism. However, people with NPD aren’t intentionally self-centered or thoughtless. Since they lack empathy, they simply cannot imagine what it’s like to walk in another person’s shoes. They don’t understand how their words and actions affect others, and they won’t accept responsibility for the damage they cause if anyone tries to point it out.

Image result for narcissus painting

1 comment:

  1. At long last you have realised what it is that is wrong with you, Bobby - the first step on the road to recovery. You are a classic narcissist, your diseased psyche crawling with clues.

    The self importance of this ridiculous blog, which doesn't contain a word of original thought you have written yourself, but which you think is an opinion-former; your ludicrous pretensions to being a writer, with three published novels and a theological text to your credit [none of which exist beyond the first chapter]; the lies, the hypocrisy, the nastiness - which is always someone else's fault; the limitless self-regard, self-congratulation and self-praise - necessary because you are heartily despised by many with whom you have dealt; and lastly the almost psychotic inability to face up to your lies, your inadequacy and your insignificance.
