Thursday 21 February 2019



Detterling let's recall that episode when those two scumbag teacher governors tried to have the board of governors take action against me in the matter of the Church of England Busy-body. It all fell through. No one could prove I was Gene Vincent. End of story. Have you learned nothing?

That blogger named by the Times is a whole different story. A journalist hacked into the blogger's email account.   (Nasty stuff. The journalist was later disciplined). Definite proof that the blogger named was the blog author was established. Disturbing business, but, I reluctantly have to agree with Mr Justice Eady's ruling. Very different in Gene's case. You are in big trouble if you give a name, address etc and allege that this is Gene. 

You write:

'Spoke to Luke Godden (sic) at the Catholic Herald this afternoon - a nice bloke and he sounded very interested. It seems that he has taken the Herald away from its previous right-wing, narrow minded stance towards a more nuanced and liberal view: good news for the Catholic Church, maybe,  but VERY bad news for you, Gene.'

The Catholic Herald editor Luke Coppen is no doubt a sensible man. When he spoke to you he for sure twigged on within nano seconds that he was speaking to a nutter and listened politely while taking steps to put the phone down.


1 comment:

  1. "I reluctantly have to agree with Mr Justice Eady's ruling."

    You pompous pillock, Gene. You, a legal ignoramus, a cry-baby know-nothing cockney ponce, condescend to agree with a high court judge. No doubt your approbation will ensure that he sleeps easily tonight, you condescending jerk.

    "Very different in Gene's case. You are in big trouble if you give a name, address etc and allege that this is Gene."

    The fact that for the second time you decline to give legal chapter and verse for the legal retribution of which I stand in danger confirms that there is no such danger. I know you, Gene, and if you could brag, boast and crow - and provide evidence for your bragging, boasting and crowing - you would not be able to resist the impulse to do so. From which I conclude that, as usual, you are bluffing.

    And anyway I have told you five times already - I am not about to disclose your name and address to anyone. I shall merely present my dossier, complete with all the information that YOU have placed the public domain of your own free will, and which therefore has no limitations as to its use. It also contains the information which I used finally to ascertain your true identity, of which the salient points are that your forenames are Robert Willoughby, that you were born in Uxbridge in 1957, that you had an elder brother "Paul" [I will not print his real name here out of respect for the dead, but whose surname was obviously the same as yours] who was born in 1946 and died in 1966. All this information is again a matter of public record [not only on sites like 192, but also on others such as Findmypast, Ancestry UK and similar], and I am sure that any competent journalist will be able to make the connections that I did. And in law, I cannot be responsible for the use to which someone else might put the information I supply to them, can I? Bang to rights, Gene - and with four and a bit hours to go - something you need to think about very hard.

    And I can't BELIEVE that you believe that I telephoned Luke Coppen - I didn't think that you would bite at "Luke Godden" as it was so obviously a piece of bait, but your stupidity, as over The Good Yarn phone calls, your being stalked in Uxbridge High Street and other ridiculous hoaxes I pulled on you for a whole year,continues fathomless. Four hours and seventeen minutes now, Gene.
