Sunday 3 February 2019



Readers will recall that I made big new year's resolutions for 1st January 2019. 

So far so good. A vegetarian diet and no spirits. I drink only wine and beer now - mostly Chianti and Budweiser. Tuborg, my favourite, isn't so easy to find. I now drink in the Metropolitan or The Queen's Head both located in Windsor Street, Uxbridge.

I also on 31/12/2018 ceased shaving my head. It's now over twenty years since I first sported the shaven-head look. Then I was in my forties and it was a young, hip, cool, stylish look. Now that I am in my sixties I don't think it is appropriate anymore. My hair is now about a centimetre in length all over and is snow white - as is my goatee beard. Thankfully it's still very thick with just a little thining at the crown. It changes my appearance radically. I get people doing a second take and comments like, "Is that a wig Gene?" Also, absurdly, I get comments like: "There's something different about you. Have you had a haircut?"

Still, I think I cut an impressive figure as I walk through Uxbridge wearing my fawn duffel coat - exactly like that one worn by Trevor Howard in 'The Third Man'.

Image result for trevor howard duffle coat
Trevor Howard in 'The Third Man'

1 comment:

  1. Oh,you silly sod, Robert Willoughy *******.

    You have brought your blog back.

    You shouldn't have done that.

    End of the road, Robert.

    You fit at least one definition of insanity, which is to repeat the same behaviour and expect different results.

    The Catholic Herald material will be in the post tomorrow.
