Friday 8 December 2023


Nun's Stern Warning To Christians Who Support LGBTQ - YouTube


  1. NPD(II) - 7




    [a] Withdrawal of the book because of copyright issues pertaining to the non-existent illustrations by the equally non-existent illustrator Johnny Bluenote;

    [b] Cancellation of the book by production workers at the publishing company on the grounds that they resent their wages being frozen in order to pay an advance to an author who couldn't write "fuck" on a lavatory wall;

    [c] The refusal of print media to accept advertising matter for Granny Barkes fell in Woolworths on the grounds that even judged as shit it is shit, and, after all, there have to be limits to commercial greed, and Gene's psychotic belief that he can write should not be nourished;

    [d] The world is not yet ready for the searing honesty of authors like Gene Vincent who make no bones about the fact that despite not being able to write, they have a right to be published, paid and read;

    [e] Resentment in the literary world that a pretentious, talentless prick who has been a "professional full time writer for seven years" has produced not a single publishable word, whilst professing contempt for journeymen who actually write books, get them published and make money out of them.

    [f] a principled decision by Gutless Vermin that, as "Granny Barkes fell in Woolworths" is such a dazzling masterpiece, it will not be published, because it will so outshine rival writers as to rob them of their livelihood; Gutless Vermin is a genius, but not so selfish as to wish to extinguish lesser talents by his brilliance;

    [g] Gutless Vermin can't write, and the proof of this is that Granny Barkes fell in Woolworths is still, twelve years after it was begun, only 3,200 words long; more than that, no publisher in his right senses would spend money on printing it;

    [h] Gene had paid a vanity publisher to have it published, nut his credit card has been declined;

    [i] Gene has paid to have it published on Amazon, but his credit card has been declined;

    (j) On publication eve, Gene stages another of his “going missing” stunts, whereby he pretends to have disappeared to who knows where suffering from nervous exhaustion. In fact he is holed up in his study with a wine box of cheap Chianti and a rather sticky bundle of jazz mags.

    (k) On December 13th, Gene becomes a voluntary patient sine die at the Uxbridge and Hillingdon Retreat for Bewildered and Delusional Piss-Artists.

    [l] Gene will claim to have been visited in a dream by the shade of the late Stephen James Joyce, the grandson of the author and fanatically litigious guardian of his estate. In the dream, Stephen Joyce pointed out that "Granny Barkes fell in Woolworths - and Marianne pissed her knickers in C & A" was plagiarised word for word from a late draft of Finnegans Wake, so if Gene were to publish it, Joyce and Finnegans Wake scholars - who between them have now published well over 7,000 papers on the novel - would seek him, expose him publicly and ensure that his name, currently unknown in literary circles, would soon stink them out with a stench perceptible from space.

    With which of these twelve excuses will Gene try to fob us off for the seventh time in two years?

    Place your bets by midday on December 13th.
    First prize: Dinner with Gene Vincent
    Second prize: Dinner, bed and breakfast with Gene Vincent
    Third prize: Dinner, bed and breakfast and a day out in Uxbridge, including
    Kaffee Klatsch at Harris and Hoole
    A glass of house white with the Friday Night Club at The Good Yarn

    Adjudicators: the undersigned

    Mary Winterbourne
    Gary Bandall
    Sebastian D’Orsai
    Antonio del Auto-Grande
    Quacky Quackworth
    Ducky Duckworth
    Jobby Jobsworth

  2. Taking the advice of a nun - committed to abstain from any kind of sexual relationship - on matters of sexuality is about as sensible as asking Gene Vincent's advice on how to write.

    Gary Bandall

  3. Saint Paul: 'No sodomites shall ever enter the Kingdom of God'.

    1. St Paul: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."

    2. Such a pity then that sodomites are excluded.

    3. St Paul: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: FOR YE ARE ALL ONE IN CHRIST JESUS".

    4. St Paul: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: FOR YE ARE ALL ONE IN CHRIST JESUS."

      No exclusion clause for homosexuals, active or not.

    5. So all will enter the Kingdom of God regardless of how they behave? Murderers, adulterers, swindlers, thieves, rapists, sodomites? So why did Jesus come to redeem us?

      Even the most dimwitted would not propose that we are saved regardless of our behaviour.

      No way. Saint Paul is clear and unequivocal.
      No sodomites shall ever enter the Kingdom of God.

      This is what the Gay Lobby can never overcome no matter how they try. Good old Saint Paul!



      No sodomites shall ever enter the Kingdom of God. Got that?

    6. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free; there is neither male nor free: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

  4. "No exclusion clause for homosexuals, active or not."

    So ergo no exclusion clause for murderers, rapists, paedopliles active or not?

    1. Poncing up a nonsensical comparison with latin does not make it less nonsensical. Paedophiles, murderers and rapists CHOOSE to behave as they do. Homosexuality is not a choice any more than is left-handedness or Daltonism. And defining the morality of a relationship by its physical expression is the kind of primitive reductionism that once saw left handed people accused of being league with the devil. Farcically stupid nonsense.

      You’d be better off trying to come up with a convincing reason why “Granny Barkes fell in Woolworths - and Marianne pissed her knickers in C & A” won’t be published next Thursday.

      Gary Bandall
      Sebastian D’Orsai
      Mary Winterbourne (the real one)

  5. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither bond nor free, neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

    Simple-minded what-aboutery cannot negate the glorious truth that redemption is available to everyone.

    1. Yes of course, redemption is available to all - but not all will take it up. Unrepentant murderers, rapists, thieves, paedophiles, sodomites choose not to be redeemed.

      Please don't come up with that Pelagian error yet again. All are tainted with Original Sin. Unrepentant murderers, rapists, thieves, paedophiles, sodomites choose not to be redeemed from Original Sin..

  6. NPD(II) - 5


  7. Original Sin is a theological fiction created half a millennium after the Gospel of Christ.

    And you ignore the ungainsayable fact that homosexuality is not a choice but an inborn characteristic and hence must be God-given.

    Stop embarrassing yourself Gene.

    Gary Bandall
    Mary Winterbourne
    Sebastian D’Orsai

  8. "And you ignore the ungainsayable fact that homosexuality is not a choice but an inborn characteristic and hence must be God-given."

    This is textbook Pelagian error. The desire for the depraved act of sodomy is most certainly not God-given. It is the result of The Fall, Original Sin and the promptings of Satan the Father Of Lies.

    Your knowledge of Theology is non-existent. Please take at least an entry-level course in Theology before you attempt to go head to head with someone as sophisticated in Theology as Gene.

  9. Gene, PLEASE stop embarrassing yourself.

    There is no such thing as "textbook Pelagian error", unless you believe in the non-scriptural doctrine of original sin, a notion cooked up five hundred years after gospels revealed to us their truth.

    Accusing us of "textbook Pelagian error" is simply a way of saying that you disagree with us but can find no logical arguments to demonstrate why we are wrong. Sticking a nonsensical label on your disagreement - "Pelagian heresy", for fuck's sake - simply demonstrates the poverty of your argument.

    And if you are so "sophisticated in theology", show us how, in this text,

    “There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither bond nor free, neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

    St Paul somehow manages to exempt homosexuals from the love and mercy of God. You can't, because he doesn't.

    Homosexuality is not a choice any more than is left-handedness or Daltonism. And defining the morality of a relationship by its physical expression is the kind of primitive reductionism that once saw left handed people accused of being league with the devil. Farcically stupid nonsense.

    You’d be better off trying to come up with a convincing reason why “Granny Barkes fell in Woolworths - and Marianne pissed her knickers in C & A” won’t be published next Thursday.

    Gary Bandall
    Sebastian D’Orsai
    Mary Winterbourne (the real one)

  10. NPD(II) - 4


  11. Sometimes I wonder what readers on here think of you Detterling. Here is a man who claims that desire for the vile and depraved act of sodomy is God-given!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No reader will support such an evil and outrageous claim. All will shake their heads and say: "Poor man. Mental illness. There but for the grace of God go I."

    1. "Sometimes I wonder what readers on here think of you Detterling. Here is a man who claims that desire for the vile and depraved act of sodomy is God-given!!!!!!!!!!!! No reader will support such an evil and outrageous claim. All will shake their heads and say: "Poor man. Mental illness. There but for the grace of God go I."

      For which read:

      "I am completely unable to refute Detterling's argument, so I must needs resort to patronising insult, and as an expert on the vile and depraved, resort to my obsession with anal intercourse. After all, I once write a vile and depraved account of sodomising Detterling's wife, so I know whereof I speak...."

      Just as well the undersigned are five of the total of six readers of this pile of ordure.

      Sebastian D'Orsai
      Gary Bandall
      Mary Winterbourne
      Antonio del Auto-Grande
      Ducky Duckworth


    2. And if you are so "sophisticated in theology", show us how, in this text,

      “There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither bond nor free, neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

      St Paul somehow manages to exempt homosexuals from the love and mercy of God. You can't, because he doesn't.

      And, if they are not exempted from the love and mercy of God, it follows that God's acceptance of them is unconditional, not least of the manner in which they express their sexuality.

      After all, God still accepts you - a Peeping Tom, a serial groper and molester of young woman, a Catholic who has, by virtue of having been divorced, been in an adulterous relationship for forty years, the while fathering three bastards and who has, by ignoring his church's teachings on contraception, spent those forty years in mortal sin, a writer of depraved and malicious pornography designed to cause pain to others, a plagiarist, fraud and serial liar - in sum, an unappetising, squirming bundle of grubby appetites, all of them of outstanding unpleasantness.

      And, although you are less keen on Jesus Christ than on St Paul, let us hear your defence of your behaviour in the light of this text from Matthew 5:28:

      "whoever looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

      So, Gene, you have in the estimation of our Lord sodomised my wife. Too bad about your ticket to the kingdom of heaven, wouldn't you say?

      Sebastian D'Orsai
      Gary Bandall
      Mary Winterbourne
      Antonio del Auto-Grande
      Ducky Duckworth

      Sebastian D'Orsai
      Gary Bandall
      Mary Winterbourne
      Antonio del Auto-Grande
      Ducky Duckworth

  12. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither bond nor free, neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

    Why do you keep repeating this. No one is disputing it.

    1. Because you are failing to demonstrate, using your sophisticated theological intelligence, how this statement excludes homosexuals from the redemptive mercy of God.

      You are failing to demonstrate this because you can't, and cannot bring yourself to admit that you are wrong in your assertion that homosexuals are excluded from the kingdom of heaven.

      YOU are disputing it, Gene, but cannot disprove it, because you are wrong. And you are too paltry a human being to admit it.

      Sebastian D'Orsai
      Gary Bandall
      Mary Winterbourne
      Antonio del Auto-Grande
      Ducky Duckworth

    2. " this statement excludes homosexuals from the redemptive mercy of God."

      I do not believe you are as obtuse as this Detterling. YOU HERE ARE IN A FORM OF DENIAL.

      No one has said that homosexuals are excluded from the redemptive mercy of God.

      What I have said all along is that unrepentant sinners exclude themselves from the Kingdom of God.

      Will unrepentant murderers, thieves, paedophiles, rapists or sodomites be admitted to the Kingdom of God? No way Jose.

      Did Jesus ever condone a sinful life for anyone? Au contraire he strongly urged sinners he encountered to leave their sinful ways.

      Once again why do you think Saint Paul wrote: "No sodomites shall ever enter the Kingdom of God". And no bluff and bluster in your answer please.


    3. Gene, you are demented.

      Murderers, thieves, rapists and paedophiles CHOOSE to behave the way they do.

      Homosexuality is an inborn characteristic and hence God given, from which follows that the physical expression of this sexuality - provided that it is consensual - must be acceptable to God, regardless of what you, I or St Paul may think. Repeating the same fatheaded category error over and over proves only that you cannot make a case for your point of view.

      Gary Bandall
      Sebastian D’Orsai
      Mary Winterbourne.

  13. NPD(II) - 3



  14. "Homosexuality is an inborn characteristic and hence God given..."

    Moronic! Detterling I am beginning to think you are actually that obtuse.

    Are the inborn characteristics and propensities of murderers,
    rapists, thieves, etc God-given as well?

    Those of homosexual disposition can choose. They can choose whether to act out their depraved desires or not. Like all who are tainted with Original Sin.

    There is no sin in being homosexual but there is grave sin in acting out the depravity of sodomy and other homosexual acts.

    You will find no theologian of any orthodoxy agreeing with your Pelagian heresy.

    So again why did Saint Paul write that sodomites would never enter the Kingdom of God? Well? Okay: let me give you the answer. Saint Paul wrote this because sodomy is grave sin. Something reiterated by the Universal Catholic Church, The Anglican Communion and any Christian Church of repute -- and of course reiterated by the Jewish and Muslim faiths.


  15. (1) Repeating a fatheaded category error does not make it less fatheaded. Rapists, murderers, paedophiles are not born as such. Homosexuals are.

    (2) Your calling anal sexual intercourse vile and depraved does not define it as such; rather it offers a rather unsettling insight into your own twisted psyche. It is your opinion, no more, no less. As for St Paul, as well as offering us peerless insights into the nature of belief, he also said some profoundly daft things, and this is one of them.

    (3) Labelling something a heresy is meaningless anyway, and in this especially meaningless, given that the doctrine of Original Sin is a C6 invention and has no scriptural provenance whatsoever - unless you are a fundamentalist who believes in the Creation and Fall myths and I don’t think even you are dumb enough to accept those.

    Mary Winterbourne
    Gary Bandall
    Sebastian D’Orsai
