Monday 11 December 2023


Luke 5:17-26
I order you: get up, and pick up your stretcher and go home

The Paralytic lowered through the Roof,

Engraving by Bernard Picart (1673-1733),

And Gerrit de Broen Jr. (1692-1774),

Issued in Amsterdam circa 1715,

Engraving on paper.


  1. Anonymous11 December 2023 at 03:47

    "Homosexuality is an inborn characteristic and hence God given..."

    Moronic! Detterling I am beginning to think you are actually that obtuse.

    Are the inborn characteristics and propensities of murderers,
    rapists, thieves, etc God-given as well?

    Those of homosexual disposition can choose. They can choose whether to act out their depraved desires or not. Like all who are tainted with Original Sin.

    There is no sin in being homosexual but there is grave sin in acting out the depravity of sodomy and other homosexual acts.

    You will find no theologian of any orthodoxy agreeing with your Pelagian heresy.

    So again why did Saint Paul write that sodomites would never enter the Kingdom of God? Well? Okay: let me give you the answer. Saint Paul wrote this because sodomy is grave sin. Something reiterated by the Universal Catholic Church, The Anglican Communion and any Christian Church of repute -- and of course reiterated by the Jewish and Muslim faiths.


  2. Wow! Game, set and match to Gene.

    Sebastian D'Orsai

    1. Game, set and match?

      Nothing of the sort; Gene has done what he always does when he cannot win an argument with logic. He puts up a new post to push the evidence of this failure down the page, reiterates the final post of his defeat to make it look like the last word, and then pretends to be someone else offering a word of bogus congratulation.

      As we have repeatedly told him, he would better off trying to think of a plausible reason why “Granny Barkes fell in Woolworths” will not be published this Thursday.

      Sebastian D’Orsai
      Mary Winterbourne
      Gary Bandall


    "Are the inborn characteristics and propensities of murderers,
    rapists, thieves, etc God-given as well?"

    Repeating a fatheaded category error does not make it less fatheaded. Rapists, murderers, paedophiles are NOT born as such. Homosexuals are. And characteristics are inborn, while propensities develop for all sorts of reasons, and lead some people to CHOOSE rape, murder and assault children. Classing homosexuals with rapists, murderers and paedophiles is not only a crude insult and a nasty smear, it is also outrageously false logic.

    "Those of homosexual disposition can choose. They can choose whether to act out their depraved desires or not."

    Proceeding from a false premise - that homosexuals have a choice about their sexuality and how to act on it - to another smear. As a heterosexual male - albeit, in your case with some unpleasant, indeed nasty sexual peccadilloes on your record - you can have no idea what homosexual desire feels like, much less write it off as depraved, you impertinent sod.

    Your calling anal sexual intercourse vile and depraved does not define it as such; rather it offers a rather unsettling insight into your own twisted psyche. It is your opinion, no more, no less. As for St Paul, as well as offering us peerless insights into the nature of belief, he also said some profoundly daft things, and this is one of them - even if what you keep quoting is what he actually said, a matter on which there is much respectable theological doubt.

    "Like all who are tainted with Original Sin."

    The doctrine of Original Sin was invented in the 6th Century AD and has no scriptural provenance whatsoever - unless you are a fundamentalist who believes in the Creation and Fall myths and we don’t think even a clown like you is dumb enough to accept those legends.

    "You will find no theologian of any orthodoxy agreeing with your Pelagian heresy."

    So what? Theologians in Germany tied themselves in knots to justify National Socialism, in South Africa to justify apartheid, in Spain to justify General Franco. Theology can offer insight, new ways of thinking about God, new ideas about belief, but none of them is God, nor speaks infallibly on Her behalf. The fact that you agree with them proves nothing but that you prefer other people to do your thinking for you.



    "So again why did Saint Paul write that sodomites would never enter the Kingdom of God? Well? Okay: let me give you the answer. Saint Paul wrote this because sodomy is grave sin. Something reiterated by the Universal Catholic Church, The Anglican Communion and any Christian Church of repute -- and of course reiterated by the Jewish and Muslim faiths."

    That is St Paul's opinion, shared by you, and by substantial numbers of Christians the world over, as well as by other Abrahamic faiths. Numerically what percentage of such theists might agree you can have no idea, but the number of people believing in something is no guide as to whether that belief is correct. Until Alfred Russell Wallace and Charles Darwin came along, a majority of Christians and Jews believed in the Creation myths in Genesis, and other Abrahamic faiths had their own creation myths - and they were all wrong.

    No, Gene, this is not game, set and match nor anything like it. You are not arguing with Detterling - you are simply trying to shout him down and wear out his patience, in the process using a shameless battery of logical fallacies - begging the question, assuming the answer, post hoc propter hoc, false induction, the bandwagon effect, false dichotomy, straw men, even, for Christ's sake, bragging about your status as a sophisticated theologian.

    As we have repeatedly told you, you would better off trying to think of a plausible reason why “Granny Barkes fell in Woolworths - and Marianne pissed her knickers in C & A” will not be published this Thursday. Detterling will never let you hear the last of it - I understand that he has plans to compile all the various drafts and promises to publish over the last three years and send them to the West London Gazette to make a feature story - "The Phantom Novelist of Hillingdon", "The Ghost of Granny Barkes", that kind of a thing. It'll be a hoot!

    Sebastian D’Orsai
    Mary Winterbourne
    Gary Bandall
    Antonia del Auto-Grande
    Ducky Duckworth

  5. NPD(II) - 3

    GVNPD(II)E - 4

  6. "Proceeding from a false premise - that homosexuals have a choice about their sexuality and how to act on it - to another smear."

    How can you be so obtuse Detterling? I did not say that homosexuals have a choice about their sexuality. I said that they have a choice on whether to act out the vile depravity that their sexuality inclines them to.

    My Great Uncle Claude was a good example here. A man of undoubted homosexual inclination but a man who chose, because of his Christian faith, not to act on those inclinations but to live a chaste life.


  7. If you agree that homosexuals have no choice about their sexuality, then it follows that their sexuality must be God-given - where else would it come from? Unless you are going to start raving about homosexuals being possessed by the devil? Given the primitive nature of your ratiocination it wouldn’t surprise us. if the expression of this God given sexuality is consensual and emotionally creative, then it is none of your business or mine. The last thing they need is arrogant bigoted bastards like you poking their noses in. And, should they need to make their peace with God then that is their business as well.

    We note that you can muster no arguments against anything else Detterling said - no change there then.

    Sebastian D’Orsai
    Gary Bandall
    Mary Winterbourne
