Friday 15 December 2023

 The Church of England...   A statement by Gene Vincent

The Church of England is to organise standalone church services for same-sex couples on a trial basis. The Archbishop of Canterbury significantly will not take part in such services. 

At the recent synod the Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, and the Bishop of Winchester, Philip Mounstephen, who have been co-chairing something called the Living in Love and Faith steering group, said: “During more than nine hours of debate we have heard very clearly what has been said, with passion and deep conviction, from  a whole range of different perspectives. 

“The truth is – and as we have seen again today – that the Church of England is not of one mind on questions of sexuality and marriage. 

“Synod has agreed – narrowly – that standalone church services for same-sex couples should be authorised under Canon law on a trial basis.

The C of E has significantly not withdrawn its teaching that homosexual acts are not compatible with the scriptures.

Many of the C of E faithful must be pinching themselves to make sure they are not just dreaming this. Prayer services and blessing for those committing the depraved sin of sodomy!

But we should not be shocked. Not so long ago I predicted that same-sex marriages (sic)  would take place in C of E churches.

This is the undoubted end for the C of E - virtually all other Anglican Churches will never accept this. The majority in the C of E will never accept this.

Justin Welby, who is refusing to officiate at these ceremonies, has been manhandled and arm-twisted down this route by an aggressive sodomite brigade.

The Catholic Church beckons for many in the C of E methinks.



  1. “The Church of England - a statement by Gene Vincent”.

    You pompous, deluded, self important sod. Who CARES what a bombastic little turd like you thinks?

    I shall address this rest of this pile of ahite tomorrow.

    Kiss! Kiss!

    Julian “Judy” Garland.

  2. Well done Gene. This will make uncomfortable reading at Lambeth Palace - but it has to be said.

    Mary Winterbourne

    1. What utter balls, Gene: no-one at Lambeth Palace will ever read this - you will take good care that no-one does, in case you get some kind of feedback. And if they did, who would take the slightest notice of a posturing and bigoted little ponce like you?

      Kiss! kiss!

      Julian "Judy" Garland.

  3. What is interesting is that 'Synod has agreed – narrowly'. This is where you get a preponderance of Arsenokoitai yet the vote in favour scraped through narrowly.

    Eddy Bradawl

    1. What utter balls, Gene.

      The vote in the Synod for the stand-alone services referred to your piffling little snipe above was 227 votes to 203 - a majority of 53% pro against 47% con - more than the margin by which the UK left the EU, incidentally.

      What is more interesting is the breakdown among the House of Bishops, the House of Clergy and the Laity.
      The Bishops voted 23-10 in favour [70% pro, 30% con], the Clergy 100 - 93 [51% - 49%], and the Laity 104 - 100 [51% - 49%]

      Your suggestion that the vote represents some kind of preponderance of homosexuals in the three houses of the synod is beyond ridiculous. It is estimated that there are ten homosexual bishops in the British C of E out of a total of 48 - in no way a preponderance. Similarly, it is estimated that about 10% of Anglican clergy are homosexual, although such journalists as the dreadful Allison Pearson claim that 40% of them are, which is ridiculous. As for the laity, there is no reason to suppose that the percentage of homosexuals is any greater than it is in the population at large. This, according to the 2020 Census, is about 4%.

      The notion that the Church of England comprises a "preponderance" of homosexuals is clearly nonsense.

      Another load of tendentious crap from the Gary Bushell of theology.

      Kiss! kiss!

      Julian "Judy" Garland

  4. "The Archbishop of Canterbury significantly will not take part in such services."

    He will not do so for the same reason that he abstained from the vote in the Synod on the matter: ""I abstained because my pastoral responsibility extends to everyone in the Church of England and global Anglican Communion." In other words, he has done this in an attempt to assure those who oppose this step that their concerns will be heeded should they wish to approach him on the matter. The insinuation that he is secretly against the blessing of same sex marriages and has had his arm twisted to support them is as wrong as it is scurrilous as it is preposterous.

    "The C of E has significantly not withdrawn its teaching that homosexual acts are not compatible with the scriptures."

    This is because it has never taught this as doctrine. This stricture formed part of a motion passed at the 1998 Lambeth Conference. The resolutions of Lambeth Conference do not form policy or influence doctrine, and their effect and standing may perhaps be reflected in a grotesque incident at that same 1998 meeting.

    Bishop Emmanuel Chukwuma of Enugu, Nigeria, attempted to exorcise the "homosexual demons" from Richard Kirker, a British priest and the general secretary of the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, who was passing out leaflets. Chukwuma told Kirker that he was "killing the church"; Kirker's civil response to the attempted exorcism was "May God bless you, sir, and deliver you from your prejudice against homosexuality."

    It is interesting that several of Gene Vincent's more overheated opinions on sexuality closely resemble the good Bishop's phobic superstitions.

    "Prayer services and blessing for those committing the depraved sin of sodomy!"

    Here's an idea, Gene. Why not get off your lazy fat arse tomorrow and go to the church of St John the Baptist in Felixstowe and actually put your money where your vast, slack, drivelling mouth is? You could heckle and disrupt the prayers of blessing for the Revd Catherine Bond and Revd Jane Pearse which will form part of tomorrow's Parish Communion.

    And while you were there you could as these two good ladies how they go about committing the act of sodomy - with any luck one of them will kick you in the balls for your dirty-minded insolence.

    "But we should not be shocked. Not so long ago I predicted that same-sex marriages (sic) would take place in C of E churches."

    Gene here postures as if he had stood alone and made this prediction, vainglorious gobshite that he is. What a fantastically ridiculous spectacle he makes of himself.

    "This is the undoubted end for the C of E - virtually all other Anglican Churches will never accept this. The majority in the C of E will never accept this."

    Bollocks: the British C of E already has accepted it, as has the Episcopal church in the USA, along with a large number of other protestant churches.

    "Justin Welby, who is refusing to officiate at these ceremonies, has been manhandled and arm-twisted down this route by an aggressive sodomite brigade."

    He has abstained from officiating for the reason at the head of this post. And I should like to see evidence - as opposed to your nasty, overwrought sneering - that he has been "manhandled and arm-twisted down this route by an aggressive sodomite brigade."

    Of all the reasons why I, a non-violent man, would dearly love to give you a good kicking, it is this kind of thing than makes me want to do it: you cannot imagine that anyone who - for their own good reasons - disagrees with you doing so in good faith. Having no principles yourself - rather, an unlovely bundle of unwholesome prejudices - you cannot imagine anyone else having principles or acting on them.

    "The Catholic Church beckons for many in the C of E methinks."

    Dream on, Gene. There must be something fundamentally unsound about an organisation that commands the allegiance of a sod like you.

    Kiss! kiss!

    Julian "Judy" Garland

    1. “There must be something fundamentally unsound about an organisation that commands the allegiance of a sod like you.”

      Bull’s eye! You couldn’t hit off both the nastiness of Gene “Gutless Vincent” Vincent and the purulent sewer of pederasty into which so much of the Catholic Church now festers in fewer words,

      Very well said, Judy - kiss! kiss!

      Eric P Hebe, former altar- and choir-boy, the Church of Our Ladyboy-in-the-Midden, Pudendum in the Wold, Sphinctershire.

      PS I suppose it’s too much to hope that Gene will eventually come out of the closet ?

      Oops! Sorry, I forgot: he won’t come out, will he? any more than “Granny Barkes fell in Woolworths” will come out Monday December 18th 2003/2023?


  5. PS Really looking forward to Monday, and putting the boot in hard and often over the continued non-appearance of "Granny Barkes fell in Woolworths". What will it be this time? a fire at the publisher's? the delivery van hijacked by a posse of homosexuals and driven into the Grand Union Canal in reprisal for the shite you publish on this blog?

    Or will you abandon the habit of a lifetime and tell the truth? - that there never was and never will be a novel by you called anything, because you couldn't, even with someone to steady your hand, write "fuck" on a lavatory wall?

    Kiss! kiss!

    Julian "Judy" Garland

  6. "The Archbishop of Canterbury significantly will not take part in such services."

    He will not do so for the reason that he, like most everyone, is totally appalled by the depraved sin of sodomy. Also, of course he does not wish anyone saying: "The Archbishop of Canterbury supports buggery."

    Sebastian D'Orsai

  7. And precisely how do you come by this insight, Gene?

    You haven’t, of course. You are doing as you always do when completely out-argued and out- classes. You simply make up any old crap.

    You ignorant bastard.

    Kiss! Kiss!

    Julian “Judy” Garland

  8. Detterling some time back I deplored that you were such a lick-spittle to Welby, Cottrell et al You denied it. Now we have the absolute proof that you are.

    Mary Winterbourne

  9. If Justin Welby had any backbone he would say to the C of E Arsenkoitai 'F**k the lot of you', resign and join the Catholic Church.

    Ducky Duckworth

  10. Gene, you really need to stop making up these preposterous lies. Stephen Cottrell wrecked the diocese of Guildford, claiming to be unable to afford a dozen priests whilst appointing a lay Diocesan Director at £80k a year and then, when offered York, was glad to scuttle away from the mess he had made. And Welby is in many ways a clown, wasting time and money on pointless projects like removing memorial plaques of people with connections to the slave trade and similar gesture politics. But the fact that these two men have done and said foolish things does not mean that I am prepared to have them maliciously traduced by an arsehole like you. On this issue they are doing the right things.

    Is this the best rebuttal you can come up with? Oops! Sorry, yes of course it is. Pathetic.

    Kiss! kiss!

    Julian “Judy” Garland

  11. Why do you bother, Gene, uttering such moronically, titanically STUPID crap?

    Ooops!! sorry, I forgot: you are are completely unable to muster a coherent argument.

    Kiss! kiss!

    Julian "Judy" Garland.
