Tuesday 25 May 2021


An account of Detterling's last days. His final words if this is possible. Any mention that he may have made of me in those last days. Details of his final day.

Also I would be very grateful if you could send me a PDF file of the liturgy of his funeral service. I know this might be difficult as it would be breaching the anonymity he enjoyed in his correspondence with me. However, you could redact any names or place names.

I would also be very grateful if you would let me know if his gay nephew attended the funeral.

Now Delia I hesitate to bring this up but you were very amiss to allow Sebastian to read that X rated banter and badinage between myself and Detters. What were you thinking of? To be frank Delia, you ought to be reported to social services for this lapse in parental care.

Best wishes,


1 comment:


    Mr Kennedy:

    Under advisement I will answer nothing in your posting above.

    You have nothing to with me or my family, and I will share no private family matters with you. Your questions about Detterling are inappopriate, intrusive and insensitive, and the personal details you request are none of your business. I don't know which is worse: your impertinence in asking, or your self-regard in feeling entitled to answers. Either way I have nothing more to say to you.

    Your remarks about my son and me are rude and ignorant.

    I will not open any kind of correspondence with you that will enable you to pester me by email; Detterling warned me that you would do this, which is why the Gmail account was closed on his instructions.

    I will ignore any further communications from you addressed to me on this blog.

    "Delia Detterling".
