Friday 2 July 2021


 And on the subject of plagiarism Delia...

And on the subject of plagiarism Delia, no doubt you don't know this, but your late husband was involved in a serious plagiarism scandal about twelve years ago. Yes, on the Opinion Forum of the Times Educational Supplement website Detters was accused of purloining a tranche of the writings of Richard Dawkins and trying to pass this off as his own work. It caused a lot of consternation amongst Tessers.

Many, many were so disappointed with him.

So Delia - people, glasshouses, stones.

Richard Dawkins

Kind regards,


1 comment:

  1. "Yes, on the Opinion Forum of the Times Educational Supplement website Detters was accused of purloining a tranche of the writings of Richard Dawkins and trying to pass this off as his own work".

    This is a lie, and you know it, Kennedy.

    After your snide taunting of myself and my son in the last difficult months, Kennedy, you were best not to annoy me any further by telling scurrilous lies about my husband.

    But at least in posting this you have admitted your own plagiarism. How dim are you?
