Monday 7 February 2022


Hi Gene, Dickie here...

The Psalmist writes:

The fool says in his heart
There is no God

Yes Gene, that fool was me until your intervention. I think that the way you put everything so succinctly by asking ' Does an evil monster such as Stalin who does nothing but evil and a saintly lady who does nothing but good, Saint Mother Teresa, go to the same fate after death?' Of course not. There must be heaven and hell and a God.

I note that your friend, that aging curmudgeon Detterling, states there in no heaven nor hell. How can he call himself a Christian? I thought he was a paid-up member of the C of  E. Oops! Sorry I forgot. The C of E does not believe in anything. I should know. I was a boarder at a C of  E Public School.

Gene we must meet up one day in Oxford to discuss the theological implications of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

Best wishes,



  1. Christ, Gene, you are either insane or in the process of going insane.

    What is going on in your head that you write this kind of demented nonsense, read it through, think "Yes, that is what I want to say" and post it?

    Don't you see utterly deranged it is?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good morning Mr Detterling.

    I wouldn't worry overly about Mr Vincent being insane. Given your belief that I am he, you might consider that the derangement exists elsewhere. Nevertheless, I must commend you, for having taken a look back to 2015, at the time Mr Grunwald was being hounded off the forum by a lady poster (who had contacted the police regarding hate-crime), it was you who chimed in with support. For all your shortcomings, you are, at heart, a very decent man.


    Member since 5-9-2013
    I had considered leaving this forum because it has become a dialogue of the deaf - but then a poster made the chillingly absurd threat to report certain posters to the police. This is simply bullying, and I detest all forms of bullying including that to which the unfortunate poster was herself subject.

    That is very well said, Grunwald.

  4. Yes that lady's user name was Grumpydogwoman on the TES. She reported myself, Grunwald and another poster to the police as she was losing an argument. She got nowhere but should have been charged with wasting police time.

    1. Indeed Mr Vincent, it was. She passed away only recently I'm afraid to report to you. I have not heard from Mr Grunwald since 2016. He last sent me a private message that year to inform me that he was going to better spend his time tidying out his garage , and I believe that he has stuck to his word.

      Most recently I have been in discussion with Mr Floriangassman on the temporary forum (not Miss Stange's site for Wokists) that had been set un by Miss Nelly(Fuf). That was around July last year, midway through, when it was unfortunately closed down. My guess is that it was reported by a Wokist who took offence to the likes of us having a free space to converse. Since then, I have not heard from anyone apart from yourself and Mr Detterling. Mr Lanokia (banned from the Strange forum) is active on Twitter - a place I dislike. It is most queer to find all avenues of discussion closed, and I suppose I ought to take Mr Grunwald's advice...

    2. These events were indeed the strong evidence of the clique in action at the time, largely female members of the forum (from Scotland oddly enough), though not exclusively. Male members include: Mr Burndenpark, Mr Scintillant and Mr (Mangle)Worzel, among others: typical left-wing bigots, the sort that appear to have infiltrated the public services throughout our once fine country. More on this later Mr.Vincent.

  5. Further evidence of your insanity, Gene, inventing this ridiculous dialogue between yourself and Sir Henry. I do however remember your unforgiveably vile personal attacks on Grumpydogwoman. It was that nauseating mixture of purulent nastiness and abject cowardice [you would never have dared to attack her so nastily except whilst cowering behind a pseudonym. You were a vicious and cowardly little sod then although looking back the first signs of your current insanity were only too visible then.

    1. I wonder, Mr Detterling, what it might take you to be convinced that Mr Vincent is not impersonating me. Perhaps you'd like me to find and post here the communication sent to me by TES on the occasion that you inadvertently posted my actual name on TES, having somehow copied part of an email sent to you by TES which included my own email to them. Shall I? Do I need to do this in order that we can continue to communicate like adults?

  6. Do whatever you like, whoever you are.

    Although if you were actually Mr [let us say] Adelaide Maidenhair, I could quite see why you would resent being taken for a thoroughly nasty piece of work like Gene. On the other hand, Sir Henry's behaviour towards the [entirely mythical] clique on TES was often disgracefully unpleasant, and I remember several occasions when he and Gene ganged up on people, lied about them, bullied them and hounded them at every turn, with the explicit intention of silencing them, an early example of the cancel culture about which Gene now whinges.

    Which was a pity, as despite the cringingly awful "Sir Henry" parody, an inept imitation which set the teeth on edge, I always thought that somewhere inside Sir Henry there lurked some genuine erudition and depth, far more worthwhile than Gene's tinny vacuity and shallow nastiness. Why anyone decent would wish to associate with a man who claims to have buggered another man's wife, who boasts in the pub that his friends have congratulated him on "having shagged her", claims to have fathered his son, and who forges emails from a dying author in order to nourish his own grubby ego is beyond me, not least because when challenged he tries to pass it off as "rollicking banter in a spirit of good-humoured to and fro".

    As for "communicating like adults" I am not sure if I would have anything to say to Sir Henry; but, if I did, I wouldnt't say it on Gene's terrible, plagiarised blog. Did I feel that I had anything to say then I would send it directly to the blog address in the Sir Henry link above.

    But if I were Sir Henry I wouldn't hold my breath.

    1. "But if I were Sir Henry..."

      A grotesque proposition!

  7. "On the other hand, Sir Henry's behaviour towards the [entirely mythical] clique on TES was often disgracefully unpleasant, and I remember several occasions when he and Gene ganged up on people, lied about them, bullied them and hounded them at every turn, with the explicit intention of silencing them, an early example of the cancel culture about which Gene now whinges."

    I've got two words to say in riposte:



  8. And I will ask you once again for the date, time and place of Ms Thornbury's inquest - in the case of a suicide there would have to have been one.

    Which request you will once again ignore, because she is one of your more diseased imventions.

    Go on Gene - date, time and place, and I guarantee that I will publish all my findings on this, your blog.

    Someone the other day compared Boris Johnson to piece of shit that couldn't be flushed down the toilet.

    He is one, and you are another.

    Go on then, Gene, date, time and place.

    1. Much-sought TES Opinion Forum post found in archives...

      There has been controversy over this post as some contended it didn't exist. But, praise the Lord, it has been found and here it is:


      Dear Tessers,

      I write with great sadness. My beloved wife Myrtle - who posted on this forum under the username of Myrtle_by_the_Sea - has passed away. She took her own life after months of bullying and harassment by The Clique.

      Myrtle, a gentle soul, was a committed Music teacher, the music HOD in her school.

      I blame for her death Obergruppenführer Detterling and his lieutenants, Unterführerin Serendipity, an appalling bitch from Glasgow, and Sonderkommando Bigkid, a pathetic Mummy's Boy from Tower Hamlets.

      The Clique is thoroughly evil.

      Yours sincerely,

      Clive Thornberry

      West Sussex

      I knew that it would come to light one day.


    2. No Gene, this won't wash.

      I will ask you once again for the date, time and place of Ms Thornberry's inquest - in the case of a suicide there would have to have been one.

      This is the seventh iteration of a nasty, vicious lie by a nasty vicious man: and a man furthermore who is about to rue the day he first published this filthy libel.

      This is because you done something VERY STUPID - you have angered my wife, who came in to my study a moment ago and has read this entire thread.

      She is LIVID, and determined to nail you to the wall.

      I am signing off now so that she and I can research the cheapest way of ascertaining all the personal details we need to know in so that we can take out a Norwich Pharmacal Order against Google Blogspot to obtain full personal information about you which will serve to confirm the information I already have about you.

      Once this happens, and we have full disclsoure of all your personal details from Google, we will take out a legal procedure against you for online libel and defamation of character.

      Whether or not this succeeds is less important than the fact that such proceedings will ensure that your name will be published in the press both locally and nationally.

      You will not hear from us again until the legal proceedings begin, as any further communication from us could prejudice those proceedings.

    3. "so that we can take out a Norwich Pharmacal Order..."

      Ha! Ha! Ha! It's the way you tell 'em Detters.

    4. It certainly is. Mr. "Contact details now" Leigious Detterling.

      In the absence of TESopinion, he keeps giving.

    5. Litigious somehow became mangled, but sounds better above, regardless.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I am reminded of the Mr Steadman moment. Another great poster who had the clique in a fit of pique.

  11. Still going strong. Like Mr Grunwald, bullied off TES by the usual left wing halfwits, but all the stronger for it.

  12. The very great we knew him in 2005.

    1. And as we knew him in 2013, when he was banned from teaching for inappropriate sexual conduct with a female pupil.

      What interesting company you keep, Sir Henry/Gene - and how interesting too that you should so greatly esteem a sex offender.

      Still, it wouldn't do if we were all alike, would it?

      See Teacher misconduct panel outcome: Mr Robert Frederick ... › government › publications › teac...
      25 Sept 2013 — Teacher misconduct panel outcome: Mr Robert Frederick Steadman. Outcome of a September 2013 hearing. Panel decision and reasons on behalf of ...

  13. Yes, a lot of hearsay in that; a female student with a troubled mother relationship texting him fir help. He was careless, admittedly, but hardly the sordid abuse you would hope it to be.

    If its sex offenders you're after, try the Labour Party of the 70s and 80s...the sort of company you seem keen on my dear.

  14. Ah, Sir Henry, so it IS you.

    This weaselly reply carries the unmistakeably stomach-churning and foetid reek of a standard Rawlinson retort - poisoning the well [my opinion of Mr Steadman has not changed - this incident was simply an aspect of his pathological egotism], followed by the flimsiest of "whataboutery" and clinched by a nasty personal insult, the whole marinading in a stew of hypocrisy and half-truth.

    Someone open a window for Christ's sake.

  15. Ah, finally he concedes defeat. Better you keep that window closed Mr Detterling, and suffocate on your pitiable hypocrisy.

    Good afternoon.
