Wednesday 2 February 2022

Dear Obergruppenführer Detterling...

Mr & Mrs Anonymous of Torquay here. We are greatly interested in this online psychotherapists' seminar you mention and would like further and better particulars.

 I am currently working on a paper for the online psychotherapists' seminar I joined during the first lockdown, based on the history of "Granny Barkes Pissed Her Pants in British Home Stores", going back eleven years to its first airing on this deplorable blog, and tracing its development over those eleven years from 212 words of garbage to 470 words of garbage spread out even more thinly.

Torquay in Summer

Obergruppenführer Detterling


  1. So what has happened to Mr Detterling, Mr Vincent? Has he had a fit?

    Tell me dear boy, have you tried applying for the Woke TES forum owned by Miss Strange? If you do manage to get in, I'd advise caution when posting lest you feel the smack of her whip.

  2. "So what has happened to Mr Detterling, Mr Vincent?"

    Ha! Ha! Ha! You might well ask! Did you know that last year he faked his own death on this blog? He posted forged comments in the name of his wife Delia. He was found out. In some quarters he is now known as 'Stonehouse' Detterling.

    All the best,


  3. Gene, your impersonation of Sir Henry is about as convincing as Andrew Neil's hairline. There again, what would you expect? A writer as bad as you can't even write in his own style, let alone anyone else's.

    And there was no question of anyone faking his own death. None of the posts on the subject make this claim, being adroitly crafted so as to deceive the stupid, lazy and inattentive reader [your profile to an iota] into concluding that. And, as with all the other hoaxes I have pulled on you in the last fifteen years, you swallowed that one, because you are gullible, dim-witted and a coward.

    And as for your attenpt to gatecrash the psychotherapists' forum, forget it: it's a private group, limited to counsellors with BACP accreditation, a post graduate counselling or psychotherapy qualification and over 2,000 hours of counselling experience. Given that years of heavy drinking has dulled what wits you once had, you would be completely out of your depth as well as professional disqualified.

    On the other hand, my case study preliminary abstract about you caused great interest, not a little hilarity and considerable disbelief, and may well form part of a symposium to be presented at an online Tavistock seminar sometime next year when I have written it up fully. All our members are now regularly accessing this blog, partly because some of them thought that I made you up, so grotesque is your pathology.

    In the meantime, why not fuck off?

  4. As you are using my blog as source material I consider you have a moral duty to provide me access to this psychotherapists' forum.

  5. You can consider what you like, Gene, although the idea of your lecturing anyone about "moral duty" would be comical were it not so contemptible. You have the morals of a shithouse rat, and your sense of duty comprises simply "Gene Vincent first, last and all the time". In short, moral duty my arse.

    On the other hand you will be pleased to know that three of my colleagues are currently undertaking a complete print out of your blog from day one which, when added to the material I have collected from TES Opinion and this blog before you censored it. This is so that the development of your psychosis can be precisely mapped against your professional decline, the growth of your delusions, the gradual collapse of your social, marital and family life, and the replacement of your lived reality by a series of psychological fugues based on your fantasies of being a professional writer. It is quite possible that this will provide sufficient material for a book based on the displacement of experience enabled by the internet in a series of narcissistic individuals, and in this case you will almost certainly merit a whole chapter to yourself.

    You will of course be credited as "Gene Vincent" - which will of course be the only way you will ever get into print.

    In the meantime, I suggest you follow the suggestion I made in my post made at 1248 on February 3rd - that is, to fuck off.

  6. "As you are using my blog as source material I consider you have a moral duty to provide me access to this psychotherapists' forum."

    You pompous, deluded twat.

  7. Detters I should certainly be entitled to access this forum. However, I know that someone as independent-minded as Gene would be out of place among all those aging Onanist bores. No doubt the forum's participants are an assortment of pseudo intellectual, woke, pinko-liberal has beens.

  8. This post is a valuable piece of evidence as to your inability to construct an argument, instead resorting to the classic tactic of poisoning the well. Fascinating!

  9. Tell you what Detters; I'll make you an offer. If you allow me to join your psychotherapists' forum I will delete on here all posts relating to Myrtle Thornbury. Sounds a pretty good deal methinks.

    The ball is in your court Detters.

  10. Piss off, Gene: who DO you think you to attempt to bargain with me?

    We both know that "Myrtle Thornbury" never existed: you invented her, and the story of her suicide is one of your nastier fantasies. You have been challenged to furnish evidence of that particular lie on at least half a dozen occasions. And you have always declined to do so, for the simple reason that you can't.

    As it is, "Myrtle Thornbury" has caused particular interest in our practioners' forum. A narcissistic personality disorder such as yours, considerably advanced in the process of catalyzing a generalised psychological disintegration, will typically make extravagantly false claims of personal success and triumph in fields in which they possess no ability - in your case, for example, the writing of novels. On the other hand,it is a comparatively rare aberration to invent allegations of criminality in other people, as in the case of "Myrtle Thornbury". Such an allegation, whether or not you could actually substantiate it, is actionable at law. For you to run such a risk, even one you imagine to be attenuated by anonymity [although of course we both know that it isn't, don't we, Robert Willoughby?] points to a further psychosis [perhaps with elements of sociopathy]in which the patient becomes a danger to others as well as himself.

    At any rate, the "Myrtle Thornbury" strand on this blog is one of the more florid aspects of the study we are compiling, and we have already printed out it [I am in charge of authenticating the printouts with screen shots]. This is one reason why your deleting it would be pointless - it's the fact that you invented this spectacularly unpleasant accusation in the first place which interests us. More than that, your attempt to bargain about its removal is all part of the larger picture. The application of clinical analysis to your personality disorder is a potentially lethal threat to the increasingly fragile fantasy that is "Gene Vincent the trail-blazing novelist and celebrated blogger" and you cannot risk its being distmantled partly at the instigation of someone who embodies at least one accomplishment - successful writing and publication - in which you have so spectactularly failed.

    In short, Bobby my boy, no deal and no dice. But do keep it coming, all the same. One of our group is into the field of psycho-lingustics in which the lexis of psychotics aids both diagnosis and treatment - she got interested in you when she read my post sometime last month about how people who use the word "methinks" are invariably wankers. According to her, there are more esoteric reasons for people's using this kind of self-consciously antique language, and she is due to offer a preliminary reading of this at our mid-February meeting.

  11. I think the truth here is that this psychotherapists' forum houses a collection of bottlejobs. The thought of a fearless and independent voice such as Gene's no doubt has them quaking in their boots.

  12. Fearless and independent my arse.

    Pitiful bluster - why are you pissing yourself about it then Gene? [At the same time thanks, it all adds to the picture....]

    Mind you, if I were you, I would be pissing myself. Boy, oh boy, have they got your number!!

  13. God's death. This is most disturbing.

  14. No, Gene. Sir Henry used to say "God's teeth". You are fooling no-one.

    1. No Mr Detterling, you are quite wrong; God's teeth and God's death are both expressions used by me, and I have kept various transcripts from TES Opinion dating back to 2005 to prove it. It has been most handy running a server at my home, that I was able to keep such logs. By all means continue to ignore my talking to you, and in so doing, ignoring the polite questions I have asked you earlier. If it suits you to think that I am the imagination of Mr Vincent, then so be it. Good evening.

    2. Gene, do stop it. You are fooling no-one.

      This is even more embarrassing than Sir Henry's original cringingly awful faux-aristo posts used to be. He tried to pull off the Vivian Stanshall act but lacked any talent for writing and, even worse, the slightest vestige of a sense of humour.

      Add this to your tin-eared and godawful writing and the result is a criminal mess.

  15. I have found your psychotherapists forum.

    I shall find a way to register as a member.

  16. "I have found your psychotherapists forum. I shall find a way to register as a member."

    Yes you have, but no you won't.

    Despite this, our professional charter requires that we shall make sure that the details of the group's diagnosis, prognosis [both in the short and long terms] and options for treatment are made available to you in due course, probably before the end of March 2022. Mr Corish has agreed to act as a "dead-letter-box" for us in the interests of your long term welfare. Even though you are now an embarrassment to the Martyrs [particularly since you admitted to your habitual sexual harassment of young female colleagues during your time in post] he still sees your welfare as part of his duty of care to a damaged ex-colleague, provided that he can stay at arms' length of the true facts.

    Sleep well, Gene.

  17. How goes the logging on to, Gene?

    Oops - I forgot - you have no hope whatsoever of bluffing your way on to a BACP accredited forum. Apart from anything else you wouldn't pass the psychological assessment, given that you are a classical case of narcissistic personality disorder with florid paranoid ideation.

    In addition, methinks that wankers are not encouraged to join either.....

  18. Those qualifications for to practice as a psychotherapist don't look very difficult to obtain. I will get on that forum. Just wait and see.

    Furthermore Detterling please give Tony Corish a break The poor man has enough on his plate at the moment without having to deal with nutcase correspondence.

  19. "Those qualifications for to practice as a psychotherapist don't look very difficult to obtain. I will get on that forum. Just wait and see."

    Gene, do yourself a favour and stop talking piss.

    To qualify for access to that forum it will take you at least two years of assessed and examined study and two further years of practice involving at least 450 hours of counselling subject to at least 25 hours of BACP accredited supervision. All of which has to be validated by course work, a dissertation and casework notes. You have no idea whereof you speak, so shut your vast, drivelling, clacking gob.

    And in point of fact Tony Corish has proved to be a genuine and willing asset in this matter. His response to my approach was prompt, helpful and entirely positive [ring and ask him if you don't believe me].

    He has a lively awareness of how much retrospective damage people like you can do to the cause of Catholic education. Your tenure at the Martyrs is something that the SMT, the governors and the staff who remember you are all very anxious to live down.

    The tide is turning, Bobby, and it will sweep you away to drown fairly soon.
