Thursday 5 August 2021

Much-sought TES Opinion Forum post found in archives...

There has been controversy over this post as some contended it didn't exist. But, praise the Lord, it has been found and here it is:


Dear Tessers,

I write with great sadness. My beloved wife Myrtle - who posted on this forum under the username of Myrtle_by_the_Sea - has passed away. She took her own life after months of bullying and harassment by The Clique.

Myrtle, a gentle soul, was a committed Music teacher, the music HOD in her school. 

I blame for her death Obergruppenführer Detterling and his lieutenants, Unterführerin Serendipity, an appalling bitch from Glasgow, and Sonderkommando Bigkid, a pathetic Mummy's Boy from Tower Hamlets.

The Clique is thoroughly evil.

Yours sincerely,

Clive Thornberry

West Sussex

I knew that it would come to light one day.



  1. It is very foolish indeed of you to have posted this, Gene. It is wrong on so many levels: the diseased imagining of a diseased mind, am index of your outstanding nastiness.
    Joking about suicide when you know that I lost a nephew to suicide is simple viciousness on your part.
    You will regret having posted this appalling piece of sewage, and how. The gloves are off, Gene, and I intend to hurt you as much as I can to punish you for this disgraceful filth.

    You won't be hearing from me, but that list of recipients I posted the other week could well be n touch soon, havng been apprised of your vileness.

  2. Do I hear a guilty conscience speaking Obergruppenführer Detterling?
    Methinks I do.


  3. No guilty conscience, because no guilt, because this post, like the original allegation, is a scurrilous lie. Your attempts at fiction are ludicrously bad, so it is no surprise that your attempt at faking a post from a wudower bereaved by his wife's suicide is so preposterously silly. Pull the other one, Gene, it's got bells on.
