Sunday 22 August 2021



- via falsified posts from his wife Delia

  1. Dear Mr Kennedy:

    In the process of closing down my husband's laptop computer I found this unsent letter from him. Noting your name I found your blog.

    What is your explanation for this outrageous, not to say obscene nonsense? Life is hard enough at the moment without having to cope with filth of this sort. I have passed this document, and several others i have found, to my solicitor to see if it is possible to take some sort of legal action against you.

    Yours etc, "Delia Detterling".

    My husband's letter is below. It is not dated, but it was probably written at some point during the summer of 2020.

    Dear “Marianne”:

    I felt that I should bring to your attention this deranged email I received this morning from your husband Robert Kennedy. It purports to analyse my attitude to homosexuality and the practice of sodomy and also to offer an insight into my relationship with my nephew.

    Factually, everything that your husband says about my nephew and me is complete and utter nonsense, and his supposed insights into my psychology are as wrong as they are impertinent. I have no problems whatsoever with accepting homosexuality and homosexuals as a fact of life, and whilst I may find sodomy distasteful purely on hygienic grounds, I regard what happens in private between consenting adults as no-one’s business but theirs.

    The reference to my wife and sodomy, is explained as follows: Some years ago, on his blog, your husband published the diseased fantasy below about my wife [whom he calls Delia]. The reference to “Fellini” references the film “8½” which refers to the fact that your husband claims that his penis is eight and a half inches long. This post was published on Gene’s Musings on Monday, June 12rh, 2017.

    “Detters I had a very powerful dream about Delia the other night. It was so erotic. A bit fuzzy about how things began in the dream but I remember it clearly from the point where I had just given her a good spanking. Nothing hurtful ... just a firm spanking. Afterwards Delia lay on her back saying,
    "That was wonderful Gene ... but now I really need Le Coq Sportif. I need Fellini in action."

    "Okay Delia, get on your hands and knees," I commanded.

    She did so and I mounted her from the rear Doggy style. As we know the Doggy position is Delia's favourite. Oops! Sorry, I forgot. You wouldn't know that Detters would you as you don't 'service' Delia.

    Tee! Hee! Hee! Hee! Chortle! Chortle!


  2. Dear Robert Part II:

    The fact that Robert added the Tee! Hee! Hee! Hee! Chortle! Chortle! sign-off at the end points unmistakeably to a psychosis. Someone who could concoct this kind of nasty fantasy having sex with another man’s wife, publish it purely with the intention of hurting that man’s feelings and think that the whole thing is funny is someone in need of professional help.

    And when to that appalling piece of nastiness he adds the demented piffle I reproduce below, then I don’t feel that I can justify my continuing to stand aside and watch this man’s descent into madness any longer. I have known for years that Robert suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder – his fantasies about having published novels, his literary pretensions, his claims to friendship and correspondence with Clive James, Christopher Ricks and Libby Purves are all clues to this. But since he retired and is no longer surrounded by eager young faces going “yes, sir,”, “no, sir”, “three bags full, sir”, these fantasies are harder to sustain, which is why, I suspect, he is now drinking so heavily. It was the drink which led to the outburst of psychotic range that led to his banning from The Good Yarn after assaulting a customer, after all.

    You should read what is reproduced below: I have added nothing and changed nothing, and it was sent from your husband’s Google mail address on Tuesday July 16th at 10.51 pm. The address is and the email is authenticated by the screen shot on a separate sheet of paper. Having read it, I feel sure that you will agree with me that it is the product, like the quotation from your husband’s erstwhile blog about my wife, of a personality in the process of disintegration which is in need of professional help, and soon.

    It is customary, when offering home truths of this kind, to do so “more in sorrow than in anger”, but were I to pretend to do this, then I would be lying. As a person acquainted with mental illness I am sympathetic in principle to anyone who suffers from it; but in Robert’s case my sympathy is tempered by fifteen years of his relentless nastiness towards my family and me; sneering, scoffing, taunting, lies, dirty-mindedness and malice. In recent months I have hit back ruthlessly, with the result that his terrible blog has been withdrawn from the internet, and so he has started pestering me with almost daily emails such as the diseased rubbish below. Your husband may have admirable qualities, but one thing is certain – he is a bully; and like all bullies, he can hand it out but he cannot take it. Hence this pestering, which had better cease forthwith.

    Yours sincerely,

    “James Woodforde”

  3. Dear Robert Part III:

    “Detters what I am about to write is well-intentioned and based on a sound psychological analysis of evidence I have elicited from issues and themes you constantly reiterate.

    I figure you have a big problem with homosexuality and a disturbing obsession with the subject of sodomy. You give out such mixed messages on the subject: one the one hand condoning this vile sin, and on the other hand using alleged practice of sodomy in attempts to destroy a person's reputation. And you publish false allegations that your very own wife has engaged in this unnatural and imoral activity! To the outsider this can be so confusing - but not to me. I know you Detters. And I know that at the basis of this troubled psychology is your relationship with your gay nephew.

    Now Detters I just know that the very notion of sodomy and your gay nephew brings forth in your soul a reaction of abhorence and guilt. "Abhorence, yes, but why guilt?" I hear you ask. Well, let's go back to your postings on the TES Opinion Forum from about fourteen years ago. You posted that your gay nephew as a teenager approached you troubled as to his sexual orientation. You counselled him and no doubt in a laudable and competent way. You have experience as a counsellor after all. But something was left out. Your advice did not contain any spiritual/moral dimension. You know that you should have provided the young man with some catechesis and included in your advice the unequivocal doctrine of the Anglican Communion that 'homosexual acts are incompatible with the Scriptures'. You just know you should have done that and you constantly reproach yourself that you were so remiss. And of course, as many do in similar situations, you try various mechanisms to lay the guilt elsewhere.

    But all is not lost. How about a reconciliation with your gay nephew and a review of the morality of engaging in homosexual acts? The Catechism of the Catholic Curch might be very helpful here:
    2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.
    2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.
    2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
    In addition I have composed a short prayer that might be of help:
    Are there gays among you? Let them send for the priests of the Church and let the priests pray over them. Prayer of faith will save the gay persons. If they have commited any gay sins their sins will be forgiven them.
    Glad to be of help Detters.

    I will be very interested to see how your respond on your blog to this message.


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