Wednesday 18 January 2023

My favourite photo of Delia... Cor! What a gorgeous bit of stuff...

There have been many photos of Delia posted on this blog. But this is my favourite. It erotic with a capital E!


  1. Ah, Gene at his grubby nastiest. This is the kind of stomach-churning sleaziness that earned him such a terrible reputation among female colleagues and the sixth form girls at his last school. He wasn't known in the ladies' and sixth form block toilets as "Gene the Groper", "Wanker Willoughy", "Bobby Bumcrack-finger" and "Vincent the Voyeur" for nothing.

  2. And stand by for more rollicking revelations in the weeks to come. We hear from ex PC Clint Tebbit, Gene's protege, dismissed the force for up-skirting offences and installing video cameras in the ladies toilets at Oxbridge Police Station, and from his twin sister, Sister Clara "Clit" Tebbit, now a Carmelite postulant after the soul-searing events of the Easter Retreat in 2015...all top bantz to be enjoyed in the spirit of rip-roaring good-humoured to and fro...

  3. Detters think about this: in all these past eighteen years have I ever once threatened to publicly identify you? Of course not. Which of us is the more noble person?


    1. Over the past eighteen years who has lied, cheated, betrayed, made baseless allegations of causing suicides and nervous breakdowns, made filthy allegations about my wife, son and extended family? All the while posing as a sincere practising Catholic? To say nothing of your vile nastiness towards homosexuals, or your canting pietism about abortion and euthanasia. As to which of us is nobler, I neither know nor care. But I know that you are a disgusting human being and that I am prepared to stop at nothing to close your filthy, slimy mouth.

    2. Oooh! Matron!

    3. Gene’s well known white flag when faced with evidenced facts about his disgusting behaviour, malicious nastiness and filthy perverted mind. What next, a picture of Charles Hawtrey in a Wolf Cub cap? Are grown men dressed as small boys some sort of predilection of yours, Gene?
