Friday 27 January 2023

An open letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury...

Dear Justin,

I write to you about a matter of the utmost seriousness and urgency.

I know from what you have said on the matter that you are opposed to gay marriages taking place in Church of England churches. Nevertheless you will undoubtedly find yourself outnumbered by bishops who would welcome this abomination. The acceptance of homosexual practices is one of the most reprehensible aspects of modern society.

I'm not sure if you are familiar with this blog Justin, but I have been a longtime campaigner against the legalisation of gay marriage in this country. My campaign war cry has been,

Gay Marriage 

It shall never be

Not in Merrie England

Land of the free

Homosexual practices are sinful - remember what the saintly Pope Benedict XVI said: 'Homosexual acts are disordered and always intrinsically morally evil.'

Saint Catherine of Sienna

Let's have a look at what Saint Catherine of Sienna reported from the words of The Lord himself:

 St. Catherine of Siena on homosexuality

St. Catherine relays words of Our Lord, about the vice against nature, which contaminated part of the clergy in her time. Referring to sacred ministers, He said: "They not only fail from resisting this frailty [of fallen human nature]…but do even worse as they commit the cursed sin against nature. Like the blind and stupid having dimmed the light of the understanding, they do not recognize the disease and misery in which they find themselves. For this not only causes Me nausea, but displeases even the demons themselves, whom these miserable creatures have chosen as their lords. For Me, this sin against nature is so abominable that , for it alone, five cities were submersed, by virtue of the judgment of My Divine Justice, which could no longer bear them…It is disagreeable to the demon, not because evil displeases them and they find pleasure in good, but because their nature is angelic and thus is repulsed upon seeing such an enormous sin being committed. It is true that it is the demons who hits the sinner with the poisoned arrow of lust, but when a man carries out such a sinful act, the demons leave."

Very strong words indeed. Even the demons are so nauseated that they depart when homosexual acts take place.

And of course it is not only the Anglican Church who are falling hook, line and sinker for the agenda promoted by the Gay Lobby. Consider this recent pronouncement from a Catholic cardinal, Cardinal McElroy, in the USA:

It is a demonic mystery of the human soul why so many men and women have a profound and visceral animus toward members of the L.G.B.T. communities. The church’s primary witness in the face of this bigotry must be one of embrace rather than distance or condemnation. The distinction between orientation and activity cannot be the principal focus for such a pastoral embrace because it inevitably suggests dividing the L.G.B.T. community into those who refrain from sexual activity and those who do not. Rather, the dignity of every person as a child of God struggling in this world, and the loving outreach of God, must be the heart, soul, face and substance of the church’s stance and pastoral action.

The self-basting pietism of McElroy and his ilk makes me sick.


  1. You are sending this to the wrong person, Gene, so I have taken the liberty of copying it and sending to the correct reciplent, Justin Welby's Correspondence Secretary, a lovely kady called Mary Smalley, witth whom I correspond regularly. In order that she can realise just what a noble Christian gentleman you are, I will also include in my letter some other extracts from your blog - your confessions to being a peeping tom, of feeling up your young female colleagues at Douay Martyrs and the obscene photographs purporting to be of my wife. As well as that I thought she would be interested in your various open letters to Richard Dawkins and the replies you forged to nourish your deluisions of adequacy.

    Generally, it takes about three weeks to get a reply from Mary, but I have sent all this material to her personal email address which she was good enough to share with me, so I dare say you will be hearing from her soon,,

  2. Before I forget - I all also send your epic account of your buggering my wife. I hope this won't undernine your over-wrought phobias about sodomy, in which, as I will point out to Mary, you have always taken a far from healthy interest....

  3. Well, this is most helpful of you Detters. Don't forget to add to this correspondence you are sending to Mary that photo of Delia's anus that you sent me.

  4. Ah yes, Gene, the "searingly honest" advocate of free speech who nonetheless removes posts from his blog when they show up him up. Blustering and lying as usual: "that photo of Delia's anus that you sent me" is a lie: I got that picture from a medical textbook: your accusing me of doing that shows what a dirty mind you have, as if a husband would subject his wife to a humiliation like that. Or perhaps you would, who knows?

    At any rate, do not dare to cross swords with me on the topic of Delia any more - if you do I shall shop you without warning - something I am now able to do, thanks to a bribe-able employee at the Royal hotel who let me have access to the register for as long as it took.

    You are now on very thin ice over very deep water, Gene, and your filthy accusation about Delia has got me angry enough to park my scruples and shop you hard. Three telephone calls would be enough; think on.

  5. "as if a husband would subject his wife to a humiliation like that."

    I guess some would. The same sort who would blackmail his friend into taking down his blog.

    "thanks to a bribe-able employee at the Royal hotel who let me have access to the register for as long as it took."

    No worries for me there. If you recall we met up for that Whitsun break at Whitley Bay as the choice venue of two of Marianne's old university friends. Most likely the rooms were booked in the name of one of those friends.

  6. Gene, for your own good and to save Marianne and your family pain and humilation, do as you are told. When I have taken time and trouble to make it quite clear how painful I find your nasty attacks on the two people in the whole world who mean the most to me, this kind of flippant, needling response shows you up for the long streak of human excrement you actually are. Do it again AT YOUR PERIL.

  7. Detterling if you think that I am going to allow a Tyneside bottlejob take away my freedom of speech you'd better think again.

    I, and only I, will decide what is published on this blog.


  8. Let me backtrack on that last comment. I sound uncharacteristically harsh. I shall think about were we stand and get back to you Detters.

    Wishing you, Delia, Sebastian and your gay nephew all the best.


    1. As I foretold, the usual pitifully wet bleating about your “freedom of speech”.

      The fact is that you have abused your freedom of speech for sixteen years to tell lies, invent filthy stories about my wife and family, and level scurrilous and wholly untrue allegations that I have caused people to kill themselves. And you have done all of it while hiding behind an alias, like the snivelling coward that you are. That is NOT exercising your “freedom of speech” - it is nasty, remorseless, spineless bullying carried out relentlessly against victims you think cannot hit back

      Well it stops. Now. One more word about my family or my self and you will be exposed and denounced.

      Bluster and piffle as you like, but I am not listening any more.

      Goodbye and good riddance. What happens next is up to you, and you can’t claim that you have not been warned. If you choose to ignore this warning, then you will effectively have volunteered for what will happen to you next.

      That’s it. No more to say.

  9. Look Detters, I have been thinking a lot about all this overnight. I propose a way that can see us out of this impasse.

    How about you unblock me from your email address and if I have a post that mentions you, Delia, Sebastian or your gay nephew, I send to you that post for scrutiny before publishing? I will certainly listen to any concerns you may have. Well? I can't be fairer that that.


  10. The fact is that you have abused your freedom of speech for sixteen years to tell lies, invent filthy stories about my wife and family, and level scurrilous and wholly untrue allegations that I have caused people to kill themselves. And you have done all of it while hiding behind an alias, like the snivelling coward that you are. That is NOT exercising your “freedom of speech” - it is nasty, remorseless, spineless bullying carried out relentlessly against victims you think cannot hit back

    Well it stops. Now. One more word about my family or my self and you will be exposed and denounced.

    Bluster and piffle as you like, but I am not listening any more.

    Goodbye and good riddance. What happens next is up to you, and you can’t claim that you have not been warned. If you choose to ignore this warning, then you will effectively have volunteered for what will happen to you next.

    That’s it. No more to say.

  11. "The fact is that you have abused your freedom of speech for sixteen years"

    It's eighteen actually.

  12. You never disappoint - time and again you walk into the simplest of traps.

    I now have a screen shot of your admission that you have used this blog to abuse your freedom of speech. That will make a good headline to your humiliation.

    Thick as well as nasry, as I have always said.

    Now you can piss off.

  13. "I now have a screen shot of your admission that you have used this blog to abuse your freedom of speech."

    Not so. I know a little more about Law than you do and you would have a hard time trying to prove legally that as an admission of anything other than the length of time our correspondence has lasted.

  14. No-one is talking about proving anything in a court of law, you stupid twat. The point remains that I said

    "The fact is that you have abused your freedom of speech for sixteen years to tell lies, invent filthy stories about your wife and family, and level scurrilous and wholly untrue allegations that you have caused people to kill themselves...."

    and you replied [in effect]:

    "The fact is that I have abused my freedom of speech for EIGHTEEN years" to tell lies, invent filthy stories about wife and family, and level scurrilous and wholly untrue allegations that you have caused people to kill themselves...."

    And I have a screenshot of that admission.

    Not enough for a court of law, but enough to bring a parish priest, a retired headteacher and your wite down to earth with a crash.

    Now piss off, behave yourself as I have outlined above, and all will be well. And you can also get on with pushing this latest humiliation down the page by publishing more bogus stories about your equally bogus "searing honesty". Dear God, how pathetic are you?

  15. No-one is talking about proving anything in a court of law, you stupid twat. The point remains that I said

    "The fact is that you have abused your freedom of speech for sixteen years to tell lies, invent filthy stories about my wife and family, and level scurrilous and wholly untrue allegations that I have caused people to kill themselves...."

    and you replied [in effect]:

    "The fact is that I have abused my freedom of speech for EIGHTEEN years" to tell lies, invent filthy stories about your wife and family, and level scurrilous and wholly untrue allegations that you have caused people to kill themselves...."

    And I have a screenshot of that admission.

    Not enough for a court of law, but enough to bring a parish priest, a retired headteacher and your wite down to earth with a crash.

    Now piss off, behave yourself as I have outlined above, and all will be well. And you can also get on with pushing this latest humiliation down the page by publishing more bogus stories about your equally bogus "searing honesty". Dear God, how pathetic are you?

  16. Nothing bogus about the confessions I have made or the searing honesty they display.

    If only you could show such honesty.

  17. I am being honest - I could have dropped in it without any warning at any time in the last five years. Instead, I have given you due warning and the opportunity to mend your ways and actually behave with ordinary, everyday decency like the Christian you pretend to be, instead like the despicable hypocrite you are. And we both know that you are going to toe the line in the end [whatever convoluted nonsense you come up with to justify your caving in and make it look as if you were doing me a favour rather than other way round]/

    I know this because you are a bombastic bully and, like all bombastic bullies, you are a snivelling coward.

    Oddly enough, although the first example of your "searing honesty" is quite obviously nonsense, I can well believe the Peeping Tom tale. It's the kind of grubby, sleazy behaviour which is still one of your most salient qualities, and one which makes you such a disgusting and sordid little man.

