Wednesday 28 December 2016

Had this email from Detterling. Can you believe it?

Had this email from Detterling. Can you believe it?


I am absolutely serious. ONE MORE WORD on your blog about any member of my family and the following will happen:

[a] the prepared press release will be sent to Daily Mail, the Daily Telegraph and the Westminster Record and

[b] another press release recounting in full your plagiarism of Clive James, and your subsequent forgery of emails from him - of all of which I have compete records - will also be sent to the same press outlets.

You cannot complain at this.  You have placed all this material in the public domain, stipulating no limitations as to its use, and if all that I do is ensure its wider circulation then you have no-one to thank but yourself, whinge yourself hoarse as you may. 

DO NOT make the mistake of thinking that I am bluffing.  I held back from wrecking your Grand Arse-Kissing Farewell at The Good Yarn out of compassion for your wife and family.

But if you make any kind of reference to any member of my family ever again on your blog I will harden my heart and go for the jugular. 


What sort of man will make threats like this? Despicable. He is once again threatening to report me to the press and cause me much harm. Despicable.

Detterling if you had a sliver of backbone you would fight your own battles. Why don't you take it on the chin like a man and fight your own corner? Just as I do. You won't find me calling on the Daily Mail to help me out. Fight your own battles you yellow-bellied, lily-livered so-and-so.

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