Monday, 30 December 2024

 An Open letter 

to Obergruppenführer Detterling...

Yes, Obergruppenführer Detterling since you support the evil Nazi policy of euthanasia. Despicable.

I am now going to say a name that will have you going weak at the knees: SWASHBUCKLING MULLIGAN.

Swashbuckling Mulligan who wrote that brilliant satire that reduced you to jelly. You'll be hearing from Swashbuckling.



  1. Gene, you are may be pissed or insane.

    Or perhaps you are pissed AND insane.

    You accuse Detterling of supporting Shoah - which had nothing to do with the practice of euthanasia.

    As for "Swashbuckling Mulligan" - yet another of your team of pitifully unconvincing sock puppets - his laboriously written and dirty minded fantasy about Detterling's family had the impact of a wet fart. It reduced him, not to a jelly, but to tears of laughter, followed not long afterwards by tears of compassion for someone plainly in the grip of early onset dementia, almost certainly accelerated by your daily intake of four cans of Carlsberg Special and a litre of Aldi Chianti Taurourina.

    What a sad spectacle you are, Gene.

    1. You ignorant, drunken oaf.

      The Nazi "euthanasia" program targeted, for systematic killing, patients with mental and physical disabilities living in institutional settings in Germany and German-annexed territories. Historians estimate that the program claimed the lives of 250,000 men, women, and children.

      Your claim that Detterling would have supported such an inhuman policy is too daft to laugh at.

      As Detters so rightly says, sooner or later you are going to have to face these facts:

      When the senior management team at your old school get his memorandum on the subject, complete with your verbatim testimony to your sexual touching offences, they will not dare ignore it, particularly as Detterling will make it clear to them that if they do ignore it, then he will refer the matter onward to Ms Catherine Edgington, Head of Safeguarding in the Diocese of Westminster.

      This is in view of the fact that it is almost certain that some of the women you groped will still be teaching, and will probably confirm that they were repeatedly the objects of your grubby attentions.

      No school senior management team in its right senses would ignore such information - not least because it comes with your repeated confessions, one of which makes clear that you knew what you were doing was wrong - vide your tactic of seeking out secluded or secret locations for your grubby sexual assaults.

      You can't worm and weasel your way out of this one, Gene.

      You have, in Samuel Pepys's classic phrase "shit in your hat and then clapped it on your head"...and that shit will, on February 2nd next year, hit the fan and cover you neck deep in a midden you have filled yourself over many years of dealing out shit to other people behind a mask of anonymity.

      I can hardly wait.

      Mr Anonymous of Northwood.

    2. The Nazis practiced euthanasia. Right?
      Detterling supports euthanasia. Right?

      Detterling supports an evil that was a Nazi policy and practice. And don't give me any specious distinction between voluntary and involuntary euthanasia.


  2. "The Nazis practiced euthanasia. Right?"

    Wrong - they did not give a "good death" to anyone.

    The bogus science of eugenics gave them the right, as they thought, to remove from the gene pool anyone not conforming to their norms of physical and mental perfection.

    They did not give these people a "good death" - they gassed them and shot them, in the latter case often after they had made their victims dig their own graves.

    By what diseased computation is that a "good death", you drunken clown?

    "Detterling supports euthanasia. Right?"

    Wrong: Detterling does not support euthanasia.

    Detterling supports the right of individuals to make a decision to end their own lives provided that the decision is entirely their own, would anticipate their inevitable deaths by a defined period - three months, say - and whose case has been assessed by at least two medical practitioners and a judge in chambers.

    "Detterling supports an evil that was a Nazi policy and practice."

    Wrong - the Nazis called their subhuman policy of exterminating those who they saw as imperfect human beings "euthanasia" as their way of covering up systematic mass murder, rather as women and children blown to pieces in Gaza are called "collateral damage", and as Bosnian Muslims were subject to "ethnic cleansing" by Serb paramilitaries in the Bosnian war.

    "And don't give me any specious distinction between voluntary and involuntary euthanasia."

    The distinction between voluntary and involuntary euthanasia is not specious but real and actual; that you call it specious is a measure of either your drunkenness or your derangement or a mixture of both.

    "Voluntary" euthanasia is a comfortable death that takes place by the previously ascertained and rigorously assessed will of the dying person according to his or her prognosis, involving medical and legal processes to safeguard the individual from coercion by [eg] family members anxious to inherit.

    "Involuntary" euthanasia takes no notice of the rights, needs or wishes of the dying person and is this a crime - morally and legally.

    Dear God, pissed out of your head already and it's only a quarter to two.

    As always, when Detterling defeats comprehensively the rags of argument collected by your scattered wits, you resort to nonsensical accusations about his character. The crap you have accused him of above is as true of him as your allegations that he supports paedophiles and paedophilia, that he supports abortion and approves of anal sexual intercourse, whether heterosexual or homosexual. This last is a particularly choice stupidity on your part, given that you once boasted of having had anal sexual intercourse with Detterling's wife!

    Mr Anonymous of Northwood.

    1. But never mind all that, Gene. It is nearly 2025 now, and before the month is out, you will be standing on the edge of a midden full of the shit you have dealt out on this blog to everyone who has disagreed with you in the last fourteen years.

      And, thanks to Detterling's tenacity of purpose and burning hatred for you and everything you stand for, you will be heaved head first into that midden. What a prospect!

      As Detterling so rightly says, sooner or later you are going to have to face these facts:

      When the senior management team at your old school get his memorandum on the subject, complete with your verbatim testimony to your sexual touching offences, they will not dare ignore it, particularly as Detterling will make it clear to them that if they do ignore it, then he will refer the matter onward to Ms Catherine Edgington, Head of Safeguarding in the Diocese of Westminster.

      This is in view of the fact that it is almost certain that some of the women you groped will still be teaching, and will probably confirm that they were repeatedly the objects of your grubby attentions.

      No school senior management team in its right senses would ignore such information - not least because it comes with your repeated confessions, one of which makes clear that you knew what you were doing was wrong - vide your tactic of seeking out secluded or secret locations for your grubby sexual assaults.

      You can't worm and weasel your way out of this one, Gene.

      You have, in Samuel Pepys's classic phrase "shit in your hat and then clapped it on your head"...and that shit will, on February 2nd next year, hit the fan and cover you neck deep in a midden you have filled yourself over many years of dealing out shit to other people behind a mask of anonymity.

      I can hardly wait.

      Mr Anonymous of Northwood.

  3. '"Voluntary" euthanasia is a comfortable death that takes place by the previously ascertained and rigorously assessed will of the dying person according to his or her prognosis, involving medical and legal processes to safeguard the individual from coercion by [eg] family members anxious to inherit.'

    Total and absolute bollocks! Can't you hear yourself? Read about what is happening anywhere in the world where euthanasia has been 'legalised' (sic).

    Well done Gene. You have Detterling and his ilk on the run.

    Sebastian D'Orsai

  4. ' "Voluntary" euthanasia is a comfortable death that takes place by the previously ascertained and rigorously assessed will of the dying person according to his or her prognosis, involving medical and legal processes to safeguard the individual from coercion by [eg] family members anxious to inherit.'

    By all means, Gene, demonstrate the falsity of this definition of voluntary euthanasia - a definition that has nothing whatsoever to do with how laws enabling voluntary euthanasia have worked in practice. But by all means offer us evidence verifying substantial abusive use of euthanasia legislation in the countries which have incorporated it into their legal codes. Viz:

    Canada: Doctors are permitted to prescribe drugs for self-administration and they have been able to administer them since 2021 to those who ask to die and have a grievous and irremediable medical condition. A ban on assisted dying was liberalised after a 2015 supreme court ruling that prohibiting a physician’s assistance in terminating life infringed on the constitutional right to life, liberty and the security of the person who required such help.

    Netherlands: The Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide Act 2001 permits doctors to prescribe drugs for self-administration and to administer where it can be shown that the individual concerned is experiencing unbearable suffering and is making an informed choice to die. The individual involved must be at least 12 years old and parental consent is required for those aged 12-16.

    Switzerland: The Swiss Criminal Code of 1942 permitted adults to assist in another’s suicide as long as the motive for doing so was not “selfish”. Doctors are permitted to prescribe drugs for self-administration and to administer. Organisations providing assisted suicide have been providing services under certain regulations since 1985. Assisted suicide is lawful irrespective of the condition of the person who requests it.

    Germany: Lawmakers are struggling to agree on new legislation after a 2020 federal constitutional court ruling that a ban on assisted suicide violated the rights of citizens to determine the circumstances of their death by restricting their ability to seek assistance from a third party.

    United States of America: Medically assisted dying for adults is legal in 11 of the 50 states. In Washington DC, the Death With Dignity Act 2016 permits doctors to prescribe drugs for self-administration. Legislation was passed this year to allow more types of healthcare providers in the district to sign off on requests for a medically assisted death, and allow the drugs to be mailed to patients instead of collected in person.

    Australia: In Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania, South Australia, Queensland, and New South Wales, doctors are able to prescribe drugs to adults for self-administration and, in cases where an individual is physically unable to self-administer, to administer the drugs. Assisted dying remains illegal in the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). A bill to legalise voluntary assisted dying in the ACT was introduced to the legislative assembly in October.

    Belgium: For the past 20 years under Belgian law, patients have qualified for medically assisted dying if they have an incurable illness and experience constant and intolerable suffering that cannot be alleviated. Unlike in many other countries with liberal legal systems, euthanasia for people who are not terminally ill, such as those with psychiatric disorders or dementia, is also legal. Since 2014 there have been no age restrictions; parental consent is required for under-18s.

    France: This year, President Emmanuel Macron instructed the government to look at whether euthanasia or assisted dying should be permitted in France. The law, in effect since 2016, allows medical personnel to place someone close to death and in intolerable pain under permanent sedation but stops short of authorising them to administer or supply a lethal substance.

    1. As Detterling so rightly says, sooner or later you are going to have to face these facts:

      When the senior management team at your old school get his memorandum on the subject, complete with your verbatim testimony to your sexual touching offences, they will not dare ignore it, particularly as Detterling will make it clear to them that if they do ignore it, then he will refer the matter onward to Ms Catherine Edgington, Head of Safeguarding in the Diocese of Westminster.

      This is in view of the fact that it is almost certain that some of the women you groped will still be teaching, and will probably confirm that they were repeatedly the objects of your grubby attentions.

      No school senior management team in its right senses would ignore such information - not least because it comes with your repeated confessions, one of which makes clear that you knew what you were doing was wrong - vide your tactic of seeking out secluded or secret locations for your grubby sexual assaults.

      You can't worm and weasel your way out of this one, Gene.

      You have, in Samuel Pepys's classic phrase "shit in your hat and then clapped it on your head"...and that shit will, on February 2nd next year, hit the fan and cover you neck deep in a midden you have filled yourself over many years of dealing out shit to other people behind a mask of anonymity.

      I can hardly wait.

      Mr Anonymous of Northwood

  5. PART ONE:

    And so, when confronted with the possible dire consequences of accusing a Reform Jewish Rabbi of being a Nazi supporter - by virtue of his chairing the Dignity in Dying charity, Gene - in keeping with the gutless cowardice of which he is a paradigm. suddenly does a reverse ferret and runs for cover, with the the piss trickling down his legs.

    But never fear, Gene, Detterling has the whole thread safely copied and and ready to forward to Rabbi Romain. As follows:

    "So this pathetic excuse for a man, Detterling, supports abortion, defends the vile sin of sodomy and supports assisted suicide? How does the aging tosser have the gall to call himself a Christian? I demolished Detterling over his nauseating hypocrisy on his gay lobby stance. And how!

    ["I wish to know what you genuinely feel about my engaging in homosexual acts. Now Pops, I must be brutally honest with you. I feel that, despite the pinko/liberal claptrap you come out with on this subject, you would be totally abhorred at the thought of my engaging in what the Church describe as depraved sin."

    Detterling looked aghast. He face turned puce. He tried to rise from the settee. He gave a few stertorous gasps and then fell back on the settee and collapsed dead as a doornail.

    Mind! I don’t mean to say that I know, of my own knowledge, what there is particularly dead about a door-nail. I might have been inclined, myself, to regard a coffin-nail as the deadest piece of ironmongery in the trade. But the wisdom of our ancestors is in the simile; and my unhallowed hands shall not disturb it, or the Country’s done for. You will therefore permit me to repeat, emphatically, that Detterling was as dead as a door-nail."]
    Detterling this knocked you for six and left you a quivering jelly. But just wait and see what my next satire, a satire on you and your ilk supporting the evil of euthanasia, will do!

    Gene has nailed you as a neo Nazi in supporting policies carried out by the Nazis. My satire will build on that and give you the lambasting you deserve.
    Watch this space!
    SWASHBUCKLING MULLIGAN [one of Gene Vincent's sock puppets]


  6. PART TWO:

    Posted by MR ANONYMOUS OF NORTHWOOD, 1 January 2025 at 12:21

    "Do you seriously imagine that this laboured nonsense gives me a moment's unease? Do you seriously imagine that I give a rat's for your piffling opinions about me? Are you seriously so ignorant, bigoted and thick-witted as to imagine that YOUR view on sexuality and its physical expressions, YOUR view on the rights of women to make choices about their own bodies, YOUR view on the right of people to elect for a medically assisted death if that is their true wish is the only one compatible with Christian belief?

    Are you in fact saying that the man who said this

    "But having seen people die in pain from terminal illnesses, often begging doctors or relatives to help them end their life early, I also know that letting go of life can be the right and moral decision. There is no sanctity in suffering, particularly as we die." is a neo-Nazi?

    I will pass on your views to Rabbi Jonathan Romain, the chair of Dignity in Dying, who wrote those words in that capacity. As the son of a holocaust survivor, I am sure that he will be interested in your describing him as a collaborator in Shoah.

    Rabbi Romain defended the right of Jimmy Carr to tell a tasteless joke about Shoah, saying that ”As the son of a Holocaust survivor I thought the joke was tasteless but the right to make it is sacrosanct. I deplore aspects of Jimmy Carr’s humour, but I would be even more upset if he and other comedians had their scripts vetted by a PC committee. Freedom of speech is more important than the privilege not to be upset”.

    That, Gene, is the mark of a man of genuine spirituality - a man worth fifty of a spineless, vicious bastard like you. All the same, I doubt if his tolerance to Mr Carr's unpleasant humour will be extended to your allegation that, in supporting assisted dying, Rabbi Romain is a neo-Nazi and a supporter of Shoah. Let's find out shall we?

    As for this vacuous crap: "Gene has nailed you as a neo Nazi in supporting policies carried out by the Nazis. My satire will build on that and give you the lambasting you deserve." by all means knock yourself by writing yet more embarrassingly moronic nonsense which will have all the impact on me of a wet fart. You stupid, bombastic bastard.

    Reply Posted by GENE VINCENT, 1 January 2025 at 12:34
    Rabbi Jonathan Romain being the son of a holocaust survivor. Does this give him the right to support the evil of euthanasia? Of course not! Gene

    Posted by MR ANONYMOUS OF NORTHWOOD, 1 January 20251 January 2025 at 13:04

    "Rabbi Jonathan Romain being the son of a holocaust survivor. Does this give him the right to support the evil of euthanasia? Of course not!"

    So you will be happy for me to forward the screenshots of this page, including your direct accusation of Rabbi Romain that he is a neo-Nazi and a supporter of the extermination of the Jews in the Final Solution - including his own father?

    Gene, you are insane?"

    Well, Gene, looks as if 2025 is going to be even worse for you than Detterling thought. A libel action brought by Rabbi Romain will be wonderful entertainment for all those who loathe your sententious, pietistic and hypocritical bigotry.

    Mr Anonymous of Northwood.


    And don't waste time taking these comments down, Gene. They are going to appear in every thread you start from now on, until you realise that this time you have really shat all over yourself and need to think carefully about your future conduct of this blog.

    Thank God, O thank God, for copy and paste!!!!

    Mr Anonymous of Northwodd.


    And let us not forget this, either:

    As Detterling so rightly says, sooner or later you are going to have to face these facts:

    When the senior management team at your old school get his memorandum on the subject, complete with your verbatim testimony to your sexual touching offences, they will not dare ignore it, particularly as Detterling will make it clear to them that if they do ignore it, then he will refer the matter onward to Ms Catherine Edgington, Head of Safeguarding in the Diocese of Westminster.

    This is in view of the fact that it is almost certain that some of the women you groped will still be teaching, and will probably confirm that they were repeatedly the objects of your grubby attentions.

    No school senior management team in its right senses would ignore such information - not least because it comes with your repeated confessions, one of which makes clear that you knew what you were doing was wrong - vide your tactic of seeking out secluded or secret locations for your grubby sexual assaults.

    You can't worm and weasel your way out of this one, Gene.

    You have, in Samuel Pepys's classic phrase "shit in your hat and then clapped it on your head"...and that shit will, on February 2nd next year, hit the fan and cover you neck deep in a midden you have filled yourself over many years of dealing out shit to other people behind a mask of anonymity.


    I can hardly wait.

    Mr Anonymous of Northwood
