Wednesday, 1 January 2025


So this pathetic excuse for a man, Detterling, supports abortion, defends the vile sin of sodomy and supports assisted suicide? How does the aging tosser have the gall to call himself a Christian?

I demolished Detterling over his nauseating hypocrisy on his gay lobby stance. And how!

["I wish to know what you genuinely feel about my engaging in homosexual acts. Now Pops, I must be brutally honest with you. I feel that, despite the pinko/liberal claptrap you come out with on this subject, you would be totally abhorred at the thought of my engaging in what the Church describe as depraved sin."

Detterling looked aghast. He face turned puce. He tried to rise from the settee. He gave a few stertorous gasps and then fell back on the settee and collapsed dead as a doornail.

Mind! I don’t mean to say that I know, of my own knowledge, what there is particularly dead about a door-nail. I might have been inclined, myself, to regard a coffin-nail as the deadest piece of ironmongery in the trade. But the wisdom of our ancestors is in the simile; and my unhallowed hands shall not disturb it, or the Country’s done for. You will therefore permit me to repeat, emphatically, that Detterling was as dead as a door-nail."]

Detterling this knocked you for six and left you a quivering jelly. But just wait and see what my next satire, a satire on you and your ilk supporting the evil of euthanasia, will do! 

Gene has nailed you as a neo Nazi in supporting policies carried out by the Nazis. My satire will build on that and give you the lambasting you deserve.

Watch this space!



  1. Do you seriously imagine that this laboured nonsense gives me a moment's unease?

    Do you seriously imagine that I give a rat's for your piffling opinions about me?

    Are you seriously so ignorant, bigoted and thick-witted as to imagine that YOUR view on sexuality and its physical expressions, YOUR view on the rights of women to make choices about their own bodies, YOUR view on the right of people to elect for a medically assisted death if that is their true wish is the only one compatible with Christian belief?

    Are you in fact saying that the man who said this

    "But having seen people die in pain from terminal illnesses, often begging doctors or relatives to help them end their life early, I also know that letting go of life can be the right and moral decision. There is no sanctity in suffering, particularly as we die."

    is a neo-Nazi?

    I will pass on your views to Rabbi Jonathan Romain, the chair of Dignity in Dying. As the son of a holocaust survivor, I am sure that he will be interested in your describing him as a collaborator in Shoah.

    Rabbi Romain defended the right of Jimmy Carr to tell a tasteless joke about Shoah, saying that ”As the son of a Holocaust survivor I thought the joke was tasteless but the right to make it is sacrosanct. I deploree aspects of Jimmy Carr’s humour I would be even more upset if he and other comedians had their scripts vetted by a PC committee. Freedom of speech is more important than the privilege not to be upset”.

    That, Gene, is the mark of a man of genuine spirituality - a man worth fifty of a spineless, vicious bastard like you.

    All the same, I doubt if his tolerance to Mr Carr's unpleasant will be extended to your allegation that, in supporting assisted dying, Rabbi Romain is a neo-Nazi and a supporter of Shoah. Let's find out shall we?

    As for this vacuous crap: "Gene has nailed you as a neo Nazi in supporting policies carried out by the Nazis. My satire will build on that and give you the lambasting you deserve." by all means knock yourself by writing yet more embarrassingly moronic nonsense which will have all the impact on me of a wet fart. You stupid, bombastic bastard.

  2. Rabbi Jonathan Romain being the son of a holocaust survivor. Does this give him the right to support the evil of euthanasia? Of course not!


    1. "Rabbi Jonathan Romain being the son of a holocaust survivor. Does this give him the right to support the evil of euthanasia? Of course not!"

      So you will be happy for me to forward the screenshots of this page, including your direct accusation of Rabbi Romain that he is a neo-Nazi and a supporter of the extermination of the Jews in the Final Solution - including his own father?

      Gene, you are insane.

  3. Did I say that Rabbi Jonathan Romain was a neo-Nazi? I didn't. What I have stated is that he had no right to support the evil policy of euthanasia - a policy that the evil Nazis carried out.


    1. Rabbi Romain has every right to support whatever he choose, just as you have every right to post reams of vacuous and scurrilous bullshit on here.

      I repeat: Gene, you are insane. Or pissed. Or possibly both.

  4. Gene you are a marvel. You have illustrated how ironic it is that Detterling, the epitome of aging woke and pinko/liberalism, should be supporting a Nazi policy and practise.

    Mary Winterbourne

    1. You have done no such thing, Gene. And I ask again - in what deranged corner of your psyche does this transparent sock-puppetry seem likely to convince anyone that you are not alone in your demented psychosis?

  5. Keep it up Gene. You have got the pinko/liberals on the run.

    Sebastian D'Orsai

    1. No you haven’t, Gene. You are alone in your minority of one - the very definition of lunacy. And no amount of imaginary friends kissing your arse will ever shut Detterling up. Your accusations that Detterling - not to mention Rabbi Romain - are supporters of the Nazi programme of mass murder (that the Nazis miscalled euthanasia) have been comprehensively dismantled for the ludicrous piffle that they are.

      Once you resort to incoherent fabulation by the likes of “Swashbuckling Mulligan (for fuck’s sake) and start posting sycophantic messages of support signed by Mary, Sebastian, Gary, Sugarboy and the Torquay contingent, everyone knows that you are defeated but lack the guts to admit it.

      In the meantime is it OK for Detterling to email Rabbi Romain at the Maidenhead Synagogue to ask what he makes of the fact that according to you, he supports Nazi mass murder? A murder his father was lucky to escape It will be instructive to see what he makes of such an appalling - and almost certainly actionable at law - accusation, don’t you think Gene?

      Mr Anonymous of Northwood

  6. "Rabbi Romain has every right to support whatever he choose,"

    Euthanasia is murder. Neither Rabbi Romain nor anyone else has the right to support murder.


  7. Euthanasia, if consented to by the person who wishes to die, is not murder. It is suicide. And suicide is not a crime in law. Nor, by the end of this year, will assisted suicide be a crime either.

    If you think that suicide, or assisting a suicide, are sins, then don't do them; but don't seek to bully other people into your way of thinking. That is the action of a bigot.

    You are entitled to your views and to your ethical [sic] principles [sic] Gene, and you are entitled to live your life by them. You are entitled to talk crap about them at balls-achingly tedious length on a blog that no-body reads - as indeed you do. You are not, emphatically not, entitled impose your ethical [sic] principles [sic] on anyone else, so suck it up, bigot. And you are not, emphatically not, entitled to smear anyone who disagrees with you as a neo-Nazi or a Nazi supporter, or one who supports systematic mass murder.

    Nor should you compound such an appalling smear, and insult by accusing of all people a Reform Jewish Rabbi, in this case Rabbi Jonathan Romain, whose father survived the very Holocaust in which you claim his son retrospectively to be complicit, of supporting the systematic mass murder which they mis-called "euthanasia" in order to cover up their crimes.

    Nor can you wriggle out of this one, Gene. You said this to Detterling:

    "Gene has nailed you as a neo Nazi in supporting policies carried out by the Nazis."

    If you said this of Detterling, then you also said it of Rabbi Romain, and in subsequent posts you have neither withdrawn that outrageous remark nor apologised for it.

    Detterling will send a copy of this whole thread to Rabbi Romain to arrive next Monday. This is because the Chanukah festival only ends tonight, and tomorrow will be occupied with preparing for Shabbay on Saturday.

    Although Rabbi Romain will, unhappily, be used to the kind of pig-ignorant antisemitism underlying your accusation, Detterling feels that the peculiarly vicious cast of mind involved in accusing a Jew of supporting the Holocaust is something that Rabbi Romain deserves to know about. At any rate, even if he doesn't take out an action for libel against you, it will be interesting to read what he has to say about your extraordinary malice and insensitivity.

    Mr Anonymous of Northwood

  8. There you go again Detterling reverting to type. You lose the argument and immediately invoke third parties to fight your battles.
    You are nothing but a total coward. Why don't you stand on your own two feet and fight your battles like a man you lily-livered, yellow-bellied bottlejob.


    1. I am perfectly correct in saying that Rabbi Romain has no right to support murder - euthanasia is murder. And considering his background he should be ashamed of himself.

      You in your malice and cowardice Detterling want me to be punished by third parties for saying something I am perfectly entitled to say.

      Euthanasia is murder - ask anyone representing the greatest Faith on earth, the Catholic Church.


  9. Nay, nay and thrice nay - as usual your arguments are literally fallacious.

    Rabbi Romain only supports murder if euthanasia is defined as murder - which it is only by those who oppose it. He has a perfect right to support euthanasia just as you have a perfect right to oppose it - why do you arrogate to yourself a right you would deny others? Total hypocrisy, especially as Rabbi Romain’s beliefs are firmly founded in his religious faith. Yours are founded in a random selection of dogmas from which you cherry pick your bogus morality - hence your bumptious conviction that you are right and everyone else is wrong.

    And yes, Detterling does want to see how you fare in discussion with a devout Jew and rabbi whom you have called a supporter of the crime of murder, an abettor of German mass murder, a neo-Nazi and a man who by his belief in euthanasia endorses the Holocaust that his father was lucky to survive. Why should you be afraid to as it were look Rabbi Romain in the eye and tell him to his face what you think hi to be? It is, after all, your “right” to insult him as a Nazi, isn’t it?

    And by all means continue to think that the Catholic Church is the only moral authority that on earth if that suits you - it is is right to believe that. Just as it is Detterling’s to think that if isn’t

    Any chance of your coming up with an argument any time soon Gene?

    Mr Anonymous of Northwood.

  10. "whom you have called a supporter of the crime of murder, an abettor of German mass murder, a neo-Nazi and a man who by his belief in euthanasia endorses the Holocaust"



  11. And look: I have no interest in Rabbi Romain. In what he thinks, says, does. He can mount Delia from behind Doggy-style for all I care.


  12. Detters I am not very sober at the moment. Please go easy on me. Things have not been good between myself and Marianne over Christmas. It is all because of my drinking. I know I am at fault.


  13. Boo-bloody-hoo.


    Did the nasty man make you take responsibility for insulting people who disagree with you by calling them neo-Nazis who support mass murder and approve of the Holocaust, not to mention reviving your outstandingly nasty boast about having buggered Detterling’s wife?

    And now you turn on the sentimental tap and expect him to go weak at the knees because you have alienated that wonderful woman and long sufferIng wife Marianne by your drunken boorishness, your pissing money up the wall on fantasy vanity projects like Granny Barkes, your endless bombastic opinionating, your grubby attempts to grope her, your ironclad self conceit and above all your bogus piety.

    You have treated Detterling for years with unrelenting malice and nastiness, including vicious attacks on his beloved wife and son, and you have betrayed his trust and cheated him on every single occasion that he has taken your word as genuine.

    In short you have been, and are, an unscrupulous bastard towards Detterling at every opportunity and now, because you are feeling sorry for yourself, you bleat, whinge and plead for him to treat you with the kind of decency you have never afforded him.

    Fat chance, come off it, pull the other one, it’s got bells on, what sort of a mug do you take Detterling for?

    I shall encourage him to kick you when you are down, to treat you as I have seen you so often treat him and others, with that same tolerance, respect and charity - that is, none whatsoever.

    Revenge is indeed a dish best served cold, with a generous garnish of the same sauce used for the gander.

    I can hardly wait.

    Mr Anonymous of Northwood.

  14. "Go easy on me",

    whines the invertebrate Gene Vincent.

    "My chronic drunkenness, belching, farting, pissing the beds and soiling myself when in drink have for some reason upset my wife. Please be nice to me, I'm having such a hard time..."

    Pass the sick-bag.

    Let's just look at the abuse and insults hurled at Detterling on this page [only] of this pile of illiterate, plagiarised horseshit, shall we?

    The invertebrate Gene, whilst cowering behind a pseudonym, and squealing like a stuck pig at the suggestion that he might have to take responsibility for a word of his unscrupulous nastiness, has called Detterling

    a pathetic excuse for a man
    an aging tosser
    a bogus Christian
    a nauseating hypocrite
    a quivering jelly
    a supporter of evil
    a neo-Nazi
    a total coward
    a lily-livered, yellow-bellied bottle-job
    a malicious coward
    a malicious liar

    none of which descriptions can be justified, as Detterling has, above, demonstrated amply and with impeccable logic.

    And now the invertebrate Gene is whining and bleating for Detterling to "go easy on him" because the luckless Mrs Vincent has finally got sick of being married to a failed author trying to mitigate his failure with a daily litre of Aldi Chianti Taurourina topped up with four cans of Carlsberg Special.

    Fat chance.

    Go for the jugular, Detterling - in a similar position Gene Vincent wouldn't hesitate to kick you when you are down. He's done it often enough already after all.

    I can hardly wait.

    Mr Anonymous of Northwood.
