Friday, 10 January 2025


My satire lambasting Detterling for his hypocrisy in supporting euthanasia will be published on Candlemas Day 2nd February 2025

Swashbuckling Mulligan


  1. And what is that hollow, echoing thud resounding across the foetid swamp of Gene's imagination?

    It is the sound of Gene racking his brains in the doomed attempt to come up with something resembling satire comprising something resembling originality couched in something resembling adequately lucid prose.

    His satire [sic] will have the impact of a wet fart - stinking, hot, and full of shit.

    Mr Anonymous of Northwood.

  2. Nor will Detterling be posting anything further to this blog until all three of the posts below - posted at 1530 GMT on Friday 10th January 2025 - are allowed to remain on Gene's blog.

    Gene, he who bleats about free speech at the drop of a hat, is now removing posts from his blog which demonstrate his hypocrisy and shallowness.

    So be it, but Detterling will not subscribe to the suppression of free speech in any shape or form.

    Mr Anonymous of Northwood.

    1. That's it.

      The three posts have been deleted by Gene.

      Gene does not believe in free speech when such free speech disobliges him.

      Gene has just lost his only readers, Detterling and the undersigned.

      Mr Anonymous of Northwood.

  3. To the above “Mary Winterbourne” one of Gene’s more durable sock-puppets replied:

    ‘ "If Gene is unwell and suffering from stress, then there can be only one reason: panic at the thought that his recent postings on this blog are to be forwarded by Detterling to Fr Nicholas Schofield, Angela Atkins, William Cash, Catherine Edgington, the senior management team at his old school and Rabbi Jonathan Romain, director of the Maidenhead Synagogue and chair of Dignity in Dying."

    You should be ashamed of yourself Detterling. What sort of a man threatens something so evil and so cowardly? ‘

    Which feeble long-hop was duly despatched to the boundary as follows:

    Gene, you published everything on this blog without any restrictions on who should read it.

    So for Detterling to undertake to widen the circulation of this blog is neither evil nor cowardly but, in the end, surely a public spirited attempt to ensure that it reaches readers who would be really interested in it?

    His co-religionists at Our Lady of Lourdes would, surely, welcome insights into the groundswell of feeling on various current issues on the part of their more doctrinaire - and perhaps less reflective - fellow Catholics?

    Any school management team would, surely, welcome a chance to reflect on the progress that has been made in the safeguarding of vulnerable young women in school staffrooms since Gene was an adornment of the teaching profession, as would Ms Edginton at the Diocese of Westminster?

    And, as someone whose considered beliefs about assisted dying are founded in a deeply held religious belief, surely Rabbi Jonathan Romain, chair of Dignity in Dying, would certainly be interested to understand the depth and intensity of Gene's feelings on the matter?

    After all, anyone who labels a Reform Jewish Rabbi a neo-Nazi who believes in the practice of mass murder has feelings so strong as to border on the unhinged? Rabbi Romain needs, does he not, to appreciate what he is taking on as a proponent of the opposite point of view?

    So, in sum, Detterling's offer to extend the readership of Gene's blog beyond the current audience - which is, after all, composed almost entirely of Gene's sock-puppets - is a public spirited attempt further to publicise Gene's views and draw attention to the fervour and almost deranged conviction with which he promulgates them.

    It is, in fact, an act in support of Gene's oft-proclaimed and entirely praiseworthy support of the principle of free speech. Who in their right senses could call the promotion of free speech evil and cowardly?

    Mr Anonymous of Northwood

  4. "That's it.

    The three posts have been deleted by Gene."

    Absolute lies! No posts have been deleted. These lies a sure sign that panic is setting in at the prospect of Swashbuckling's new satire.

    Mary Winterbourne

    1. No Gene: you have deleted three posts - two copied and pasted from Wednesday 8th January and a third detailing your disqualifications for inheriting the kingdom of heaven - as a fornicator, an adulterer, a robber, a thief, a reviler, a drunk, a greedy man and, quite possible, an occasional bugger.

      As for "panic setting in", stop giving yourself airs, you pathetic little twerp. Your satire has all the venom and toxicity of a tale of Noddy in Toyland.

      I repeat, no more posts from Detterling for so long as Gene Vincent is betraying his alleged principle [sic] of free speech [sic] by censoring his blog of its only readable posts.

      Mr Anonymous of Northwood

  5. Detterling the ball is in your court. Withdraw unequivocally before Candlemas Day your vile threats to 'out' me and it may be possible that I can negotiate with Swashbuckling Mulligan that his proposed satire might not be published.


    1. "It is possible that I can negotiate with Swashbuckling Mulligan that his proposed satire might not be published."
      PART ONE:

      You pompous, bogus, deranged featherhead, Gene.

      I fear your "satire" written as Swashbuckling Mulligan as much as I fear cutting my fingernails. It is something I anticipate with glee - glee at the thought of your making a colossal fucking fool of yourself yet again. It will hit me with with all the impact of a melting snowflake.

      That you think that your offer to withhold "Swashbuckling Mulligan's" flabby, vacuous nonsense represents some sort of reprieve suggests, yet again, that you are out of your mind.

      And in any case, I have made no threats of any kind to "out"
      you to anyone, so your threat to publish your "satire" is doubly empty. Should I publish your posts about me to Fr Nicholas, Angela Atkins, Catherine Edginton, the senior management team at your old school and the Catholic Herald you will be identified only as the author of this blog, published by you into the public domain with no conditional limits on its dissemination. Thus, should it reach the individuals and organisations listed above, you have only yourself to thank. If you didn't want people to read the material then you shouldn't have published it. I can't help it if you are a boneheaded braggart, can I?

      And in any case, I published the following binding commitment on Wednesday January 8th last, and it is my last word on the subject.

      "This post is to undertake that, for the time being, Detterling will not forward any material from this blog to anyone, notwithstanding that Gene's behaviour, most recently accusing both Detterling and Rabbi Romain of being Nazis, of supporting Nazi mass murder, and supporting the crime of murder, has been disgraceful even judged by his own appallingly low standards. Two points need to be stressed."

      "The operative phrase in the above undertaking is "for the time being". Should any or all of the disgraceful personal attacks on Detterling be repeated, or new ones mounted, then any - or all - of the material in question may be forwarded to any or all of the recipients listed above."

      "Detterling has decided to extend this conditional mercy - mercy that Gene's behaviour does not begin to deserve - on the grounds - solely and purely - of compassion for "Marianne". It must be bad enough being married to Gene, without having to run the risk of sustaining the disgrace and opprobium that publication of his appalling conduct on this blog would undoubtedly cause. She has done nothing to deserve that, and so she will not have to suffer it."

      "The operative phrase - for the time being - and the operative word - conditional - apply to two simple requirements for the future conduct of this blog:
      [a] no references of any kind - positive, negative or narrative - are to be made on this blog in any way or in any kind to Detterling's wife - "Delia", Detterling's son - "Sebastian" or to any other member of Detterling's immediate or extended family;

      [b] should any poster to this blog offer a contrary opinion to any opinion posted by Gene - either in his own words or in words borrowed or stolen from elsewhere - then Gene should address the opinion with courtesy and evidence refutation, not simply insult the person holding it or make gratuitous personal attacks on people with whom he disagrees but whose views he cannot refute."

      "Both [a] and [b] essentially amount to no more than a simple requirement that Gene behave like a decent, adult human being. It speaks volumes for his recent behaviour that such coercive measures should be necessary to elicit common decency from him."


    2. PART TWO:

      Those are my last words on the subject and they are not negotiable. The choice is yours.

      In the meantime, should you wish, go ahead and publish your fatuous satire, which will be as hard hitting as Winnie the Pooh and as funny as irritable bowel disease and see if I care.

      A word of warning however - should ONE WORD of it breach condition [a] above with regard to my wife, my family [immediate and extended] then I will regard myself as free to publish anything you have written about me and my family on this blog to whomever I choose, including the individuals and organisations listed above.

      In the meantime, I will post no more on this blog until you honour your commitment to free speech and publish my posts in full. You can be a hypocrite all by yourself.


  6. On your own head be it Detterling. Swashbuckling Mulligan's satire will go ahead. And don't pretend that you are not quaking in your boots and quivering like a big jelly at the prospect.


    1. There is no point in engaging with this nonsense. If you seriously imagine that someone who writes as badly as you do, skimming the scum off the top of a foetid imagination, can give me a moment's unease, then you must be even more demented than I thought. Go ahead and write your "satire" and I will look forward to pissing myself laughing at it on February 2nd.

      But not a word about my wife and family or the shit will hit the fan - you have been warned.

      And don't pretend that you aren't shitting yourself with fright at what would happen then.

  7. "Go ahead and write your "satire" and I will look forward to pissing myself laughing at it on February 2nd."

    You won't be laughing I assure you.

    And, yes, Delia, Sebastian, Cuthbert Lucretia and Ffiona will all feature.


    1. You have tried my patience for the last time, and it has run out. My compassion for your poor wife is at an end.

      You have been warned, unambiguously, not to refer in any post - and in any way - to my wife, my son, or any other members of my family, and you have deliberately flouted that entirely reasonable condition.

      You have done so, in my estimation, purely to see if you would get away with it.

      Well, the bad news is that you haven't.

      Accordingly the entire three-part post published originally on the December 8th 2024 thread "Jacob Rees-Mogg tells Nigel Farage that he believes that Detterling's memoirs will be published posthumously" will be prepared for despatch and sent to the following recipients over the period of the next seven days.

      These recipients are:

      [1] Revd Nicholas Schofield and Lay Assistant Angela Atkins of the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes and St Mark, Uxbridge;

      [2] Mesdames McCloskey, Meade, Daly, Healey, Urquhart, Caccaviello and Messrs Magee, Dole, Patel and Rogers at the relevant high school;

      [3] William Cash at the Catholic Herald;

      [4] Catherine Edginton, head of Safeguarding at the Diocese of Westminster.

      No reference of any kind that will offer any clue as to your identity will accompany the material beyond the url address of this blog. What will happen as a result of this action I neither know nor care; indeed I am certain of only one thing.

      This is that I am utterly sick and fed up of being fucked about by a malicious, selfish bastard who cares for nothing and no-one but himself, and who believes that he should be exempt from the rules of common decency that he is only too keen to apply to other people.

      Whatever the outcome of my re-publishing this material may be, you will have deserved it ten times over.

      I genuinely do believe you to be mildly psychotic, Gene - but, crucially, not psychotic enough to be unaccountable for your actions. You have got away, for fourteen years, with a barrage of nasty abuse directed not only at me - which doesn't matter at all - but also at my wife and my beloved son, who matter to more than anything else in the whole world.

      Enough is enough.

      No matter how much longer I may have to live, I intend to waste no more of my precious time - beyond the preparation and despatch of the relevant blog material - on someone whom I despise as much as I despise you. I don't believe in hell, as you know, but if there were such a place then I would wish you to fry in it, balls and all.

      You will not be hearing from me again.

  8. "These recipients are:

    [1] Revd Nicholas Schofield and Lay Assistant Angela Atkins of the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes and St Mark, Uxbridge;

    [2] Mesdames McCloskey, Meade, Daly, Healey, Urquhart, Caccaviello and Messrs Magee, Dole, Patel and Rogers at the relevant high school;

    [3] William Cash at the Catholic Herald;

    [4] Catherine Edginton, head of Safeguarding at the Diocese of Westminster."

    Absolute evil. Cowardly and spineless and utterly malicious.


    1. My apologies for an unaccountable omission from the above circulation list for Gene’s blog material. As follows:

      5) Rabbi Jonathan Romain of the Maidenhead Reform Synagugue and Chair of Dignity in Dying, an interfaith group campaigning for a change in the laws on assisted dying.

      What Rabbi Romain will make of Gene’s repeated assertions that he is a neo-Nazi and a supporter of mass murder is something to anticipate with interest.

      Detterling 13.1.25

    2. Gene never said that he was a neo-Nazi or a supporter of mass murder. Gene said that given his background he should be ashamed of supporting euthanasia.

      Mary Winterbourne
