Monday 13 November 2023


So something good can come out of Geordie land!!!

Kudos to Pupils at St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Cullercoats

The Universe Catholic Weekly | Friday, 10th November 2023 


Pupils at St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Cullercoats, took part in a charitable venture during its harvest festival to support The Bay Foodbank, collecting a wide range of donated items to help families in the community. 

The event was spearheaded by St Mary’s Mini Vinnies – a group of children in Year 6 who promote charitable causes as ambassadors for their school, a member of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust. “At St Mary’s we take part in many activities which allow us to put our faith into action,” said deputy headteacher Joanne MacDonald, who was involved in the project with teaching assistant Grainne O’Brien. “One of our annual events is our Harvest Festival. 

The Mini Vinnies led a short assembly to tell the school about the project, and made posters to encourage all families to take part. Mrs MacDonald added that staff support the activity “because it is such a vital part of our role as a Christian community.” “While this is a Mini VInnies project which they organise, this can only be successful if the whole school takes part and supports it,” she said. “Children from Nursery to Year 6 were invited to bring in tins, packets, sweets and chocolate for the foodbank. “Mrs O’Brien and I supported the children by promoting and publicising the event and basically keeping them on track, but the Mini Vinnies sorted the donations and helped pack them for the foodbank.” 

It is not the first time the school has supported the charity, which is based in North Shields and has provided over 45,000 emergency food parcels to more than 10,500 registered clients across North Tyneside and parts of Northumberland since launching in 2012. “We have been supporting the foodbank for several years now, as Mini Vinnies step up to help Bay Foodbank it is local to us and serves our community,” Mrs MacDonald said. “We also make donations of toiletries, sanitary products and household items in December as part of our Advent Angel project. 

“The children were amazed by how much food was in the hall and how it would be used to help people who really needed it. “The Mini Vinnies then helped our caretaker load his car with the donations, and he kindly dropped these off on our behalf."


  1. Dear Gene,

    I am very disappointed indeed not to have had anything resembling an adequate reply to the posts I reproduce below.

    ONE: “I found the ongoing story of Myrtle Thornberry both upsetting and far-fetched, so I researched the photograph you have used in all your posts about her. I discovered that the photograph above is from a website called Masterfile Stock Photos. I reached it by googling and adding the suffix “stock photography”. If on reaching the website you enter the phrase “young female librarian with books” into the search panel on the front page, you will access 108 stock images. Four photographs of "Myrtle Thornberry" appear in the first two rows in the left-hand panel of 108 images. The photograph above is on the extreme left of the second row, and is image number 640 03257884.

    The “Myrtle Thornberry” story therefore appears to be a hoax.

    It is also an open question as to whether in using this image in connection with this story you have transgressed Masterfile Stock Photos terms and conditions – see paragraph 9.7 from these below.
    ‘9.7. (All) Context of use.
    9.7.1. You are responsible for all text used and claims made in connection with your use of any Image.
    9.7.2. No defamatory use. You will not use or permit the use of any Image in a defamatory, libellous, pornographic or unlawful context or contrary to ethical business practices;
    9.7.3. Sensitive issues. If any Image depicting a person is to be used in a sensitive context (including, without limitation, context relating to sexual conduct, criminal activity, substance abuse, mental condition, religious, political or racial bias), then the existence of a model release may not be sufficient to protect you from action by the person depicted in the Image (the “Model”).’

    It will be interesting to see what they have to say about your use of their image in association with an allegation of suicide caused by online persecution which appears to have no basis in fact, Gene.

    I am also surprised at your invention of this very unpleasant lie – it makes me wonder how seriously I can take anything else you write on this blog - the story of "Annie Baker", for instance.”

    TWO: “There can be no doubt that the photograph you say is of Myrtle Thornberry has been downloaded from www.master, and is of a photographic model posing as a librarian. “Myrtle Thornberry” is obviously the identical photograph. From this, I conclude that the Myrtle Thornberry suicide story is a complete invention, and a very unpleasant one at that.

    And the second half of your reply makes no sense: if as you say this photograph was not downloaded from, why did you need to make the point that none of its terms and conditions had been violated? If what you say is true, then they would be a complete irrelevance.

    What a disappointment you have turned out to be, Gene.”

    THREE: “It is blatantly obvious that Gene has invented a libellous accusation about someone who for some reason he dislikes. It is equally obvious that he has tried to lend credence to his lie by downloading a photograph from https: and passing it off as Mrs Thornberry.

    It is a great disappointment to me, as I thought that, in Gene, I had found a kindred spirit with whom I could make common cause. As it is. It seems as if he is typical of the worst kind of blogger - a man with nothing to say and no idea of how to say it, and hence someone who will say anything, no matter how scurrilous, in order to be noticed. Still, I don’t suppose I am the first or the last person that he has let down.”

  2. Detterling you have been given your answers. Nothing you have presented lessens in any way the evil behaviour of the nefarious Clique. I shall be revisiting the Clique's foul deeds soon on this website.

    In the meantime, in this the remembrance season, let us remember, and let us pray for those victims who paid the ultimate price.

    At the going down of the sun and in the morning we shall remember them.


    1. "In the meantime, in this the remembrance season, let us remember, and let us pray for those victims who paid the ultimate price. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we shall remember them."

      Mr Vincent, much as I deprecate the simpering sandal-wearing nancy-boy Clique Leader Mr Detterling, your recourse to the ineffable poeticisms of Mr Laurence Binyon to compare the victims of The Clique to the immortal dead, the many, the unreturning, turns even my pickled entrails to nausea.

      Ms Thornberry took the cowards' way out with self-slaughter, and Ms Baker asked for most of what she got. In neither case did either resemble The Glorious Dead of two wars. In those wars, the effete Mr Detterling would have spent his days making mock of the uniforms that prolonged his miserable existence while he cowered in his luxurious conchie's prison cell. The worst thing that could happen to him was yet another piano recital by his coeval bum-boy, the dreadful Michael Tippett or, worse, a recital by Benjie and Petie, by Royal Appointment Nancy Boys to Louis Mountbatten.

      Fie, Mr Vincent, on you for your lack of a sense of proportion.

      Sir Henry at Rawlinson End.

  3. Dear Gene,

    In which case please explain why the photograph of the mythical "Myrtle Thornberry" , the music teacher for whose suicide you have claimed many times this Detterling character was responsible, is in fact a photographic model posing as a librarian, downloaded from

    It is blatantly obvious that the whole "Myrtle Thornberry" story is a scurrilous libel, and publishing it a shamefully spiteful action on your part - not least because you have been challenged many times by Detterling to provide evidence of its truth - newspaper reports, inquest records and details of times and dates - and have always been completely unable to do so.

    Any capable of telling such an appalling lie - and maintaining its truth in the face of its reputation - cannot, obviously be trusted to tell the truth about anything else. Which makes the whole "TES Clique" story complete and utter nonsense.

    As I said in my first posting on the matter, what a disappointment you have turned out to be, Gene. I will not visit this blog again, as it is completely bogus.

    And one final point - I can quite see why you need to post to the effect that I am in fact Detterling - only by doing so can you avoid coming clean about the various aliases under which you pose as correspondents to your blog. The one thing you appear to be unable to put up with is being ignored, which must be a problem for a man whose entire life consists of adopting a series of completely fictitious personae such as those listed in your "mission statement" - "Educator, Novelist, Humanitarian and Humorist" my foot.

    Gary Bandall.

  4. In the meantime, in this the remembrance season, let us remember, and let us pray for those victims who paid the ultimate price.

    At the going down of the sun and in the morning we shall remember them.


  5. And Detterling those children featured above are to be congratulated on their support for the foodbank. The Bay Food bank is a stone's throw from Tyneside. Yet I bet you have never got off your fat ass to help. Indeed, I imagine you have never even heard of The Bay Foodbank.


    1. Well, Gene, Mr Bandall certainly has had his rose-tinted spectacles well and truly trodden underfoot, hasn't he?

      Has he got your number? or has he got your number? I've been off the grid for two weeks in Donegal, so it has been a great pleasure to come home to Mr Bandall's forensic demolition of your vile accusations about the mythical Myrtle. I never once thought of tracing her purported photograph to its source, so I am very grateful for his technical know-how and detailed refutation of your feeble defence - vacuous waffle about "misattribution" and "uncanny resemblances" - classic Gene Vincent - bullshit at once unconvincing and inept.

      It's really good to have your scurrilous nastiness so thoroughly blown out of the water - and of course the demolition of the Myrtle myth also casts serious doubt on the Annie Baker nonsense, particularly as the only back-ups you have for that fable are the assertions of "Sir Henry" - like you, a notorious liar and incorrigible drunkard.

      On the other hand it was pleasant to read about St Mary's Cullercoats - a school whose former headteacher I knew very well - and their support for the Bay Food Bank. I do a monthly run round the local Anglican Deanery group to collect donations from the five churches involved and deliver them to the Bay Food Bank HQ on the Meadowell. The staff there are lovely people, practical Christians in deed rather than word. And of course at home we do a Reverse Advent Calendar every December whereby all three of us buy a tin, a jar, a bottle, packet or box for every day of Advent out of our own money and deliver it to the bank on Christmas Eve along with a bottle for the staff.

      Still, Gene, you do your bit: it's not everyone who would take the trouble to copy and paste an article from The Universe Catholic Weekly about a foodbank three hundred miles away and publish it on a blog that nobody reads solely in order to insult someone who has, over eighteen years, consistently shown up your lies, hypocrisy and nastiness.

      Such selfless actions as yours are a vital contribution to a charity that should, in a country as rich as ours, be completely un-necessary.

      Anyway, enough of this. I won't be posting again, but I couldn't resist today in the light of Mr Bandall's sterling work.

      And only eighteen days to go before another humiliation. I wonder what Mr Bandall will make of that.

    2. It seems to me Detterling that in your sojourn in Ireland you kissed the Blarney Stone. Only someone possessed of blarney could write such bollocks as this.


    3. When you have no reply, resort to abuse - Gene 101.

      On the other hand, if anyone knows about writing bollocks, it's you. You wrote the textbook.

      Oops! sorry, I forgot.

      You pretended that you had written the textbook and then kept having to make increasingly feeble excuses as to why its publication was infinitely delayed...

  6. And furthermore Detterling let's remind ourselves of what Sir Henry really wrote about Annie Baker:

    "Sir Henry10 February 2022 at 07:45
    I certainly recall the dreadful manner in which the TES clique mercilessly hounded dear Miss Baker off the forum. Quite obscene!"

