Friday 10 November 2023


Myrtle Thornberry R.I.P.  Memorial?

I am thinking of establishing an online memorial to Myrtle Thornberry. Any readers interested in assisting with this project?

Myrtle Thornberry R.I.P.  Victim of The Clique


  1. Dear Gene,

    I found the ongoing story of Myrtle Thornberry both upsetting and far fetched, so I researched the photograph you have used in all your posts about her. I discovered that the photograph above is from a website called Masterfile Stock Photos. I reached it by googling and adding the suffix “stock photography”.

    If on reaching the website you enter the phrase “young female librarian with books” into the search panel on the front page, you will access 108 stock images. Four photographs of "Myrtle Thornberry" appear in the first two rows in the left-hand panel of 108 images. The photograph above is on the extreme left of the second row, and is image number 640 03257884.

    The “Myrtle Thornberry” story therefore appears to be a hoax.

    It is also an open question as to whether in using this image in connection with this story you have transgressed Masterfile Stock Photos terms and conditions – see paragraph 9.7 from these below.

    "9.7. (All) Context of use.

    9.7.1. You are responsible for all text used and claims made in connection with your use of any Image.

    9.7.2. No defamatory use. You will not use or permit the use of any Image in a defamatory, libellous, pornographic or unlawful context or contrary to ethical business practices;

    9.7.3. Sensitive issues. If any Image depicting a person is to be used in a sensitive context (including, without limitation, context relating to sexual conduct, criminal activity, substance abuse, mental condition, religious, political or racial bias), then the existence of a model release may not be sufficient to protect you from action by the person depicted in the Image (the “Model”)."

    It will be interesting to see what they have to say about your use of their image in association with an allegation of suicide caused by online persecution which appears to have no basis in fact, Gene.

    I am also surprised at your invention of this very unpleasant lie – it makes me wonder how seriously I can take anything else you write on this blog - the story of "Annie Baker", for instance.

    Yours etc

    Gary Bandall

  2. I hear what you say Gary. It seems there must be a mistaken attribution or simply an uncanny coincidental resemblance. In any case no regulations were broken.

    Are you interested in joining some of us in establishing an online memorial to Myrtle?

    Best wishes,


    1. “Mistaken attribution”? “Uncanny resemblance?” - nonsense.

      There can be no doubt that the photograph you say is of Myrtle Thornberry has been downloaded from www.master, and is of a photographic model posing as a librarian. “Myrtle Thornberry” is obviously the identical photograph.

      From this I conclude that the Myrtle Thornberry is a complete invention, and a very unpleasant one at that.

      And the second half of your reply makes no sense: if as you say this photograph was not downloaded from, why did you need to make the point that none of its terms and conditions had been violated? If what you say is true, then they would be a complete irrelevance.

      What a disappointment you have turned out to be, Gene.

  3. " makes me wonder how seriously I can take anything else you write on this blog - the story of "Annie Baker", for instance."

    Come of it Detterling. All of us former TESSERS know of the suffering inflicted by The Clique that Annie Baker endured. Sometimes I wonder how those who carried out such torture can sleep at night.

    You Detterling were the most responsible - but that Glasgow bitch has also a lot to answer for.

    Mary Winterbourne

    1. I refer you to my reply above to Gene, Ms Winterbourne.

      It is blatantly obvious that Gene has invented a libellous accusation about someone who for some reason he dislikes. It is equally obvious that he has tried to lend credence to his lie by downloading a photograph from and passing it off as Mrs Thornberry.

      It is a great disappointment to me, as I thought that in Gene I had found a kindred spirit with whom I could make common cause. As it is. It seems as if he is typical of the worst kind of blogger - a man with nothing to say and no idea of how to say it, and hence someone who will say anything, no matter how scurrilous, in order to be noticed. Still, I don’t suppose I am the first or the last person that he has let down.

      Yours etc

      Gary Bandall
