Wednesday 2 August 2023


Dear Delia,

Delia Detterling

I, and all readers of GENE   ...   a voice in the wilderness, send you our warmest wishes and offers of support through this very difficult period. It must have been sheer hell for you since Detterling brought down on his head opprobrium, odium  and public contempt with his malicious allegations.

Perhaps you and Sebastian could come down to Uxbridge for a break away from it all? We'd love to meet you in Harris & Hoole.

Very best wishes,



  1. Generous as always Gene. A nice gesture offering support to Delia.

    Mr & Mrs Anonymous

  2. Gene we would like to thank you for all the campaigning you do against homosexuality.

    We reiterate St Paul and we say 'No gay sinners will ever enter the Kingdom of heaven'.

    The League of Prayer Against Gay Sin
