Monday 24 April 2023


HAROLD PINTER   ...   a statement from Gene

I would like it to be known forthwith that, contrary to anything I might have said in the past, I have nothing but disdain for the writings of Harold Pinter.

Back in the Seventies Harold Pinter was lionized by the literati at Oxford University. I guess I felt peer pressure to claim I admired his work.

I now say his work is absolute and total bollocks - all of it. 

Back in 1978 the great Bernard Levin described his play Betrayal as 'unendurable'. I say Hear! Hear! And this applies to all his plays.



Bernard Levin’s review of the 1977 revival of The Caretaker

The truth remains that Mr Pinter has nothing whatever to say, and that a drum makes a noise when you hit it because it is empty … [From The Caretaker] nothing emerges. There is no sense of a view, however oblique, of these characters, no disclosure of a general truth based on particular conclusions, no comment, wise or otherwise, on anything. We come out exactly the same people as we were when we entered; we have been entertained, we have admired the author’s ability, we have not been bored. But we have advanced our understanding and our humanity not a whit, and every experience we have had has been of an entirely superficial nature. 

‘The Hollow Art of Harold Pinter’, The Sunday Times, 30 October 1977


  1. You arrogant little ponce.

    Who DO you think you are?

    Who DO you think cares for your pissy little opinions, Gene? an illterate, unpublished nobody?

    When is "Granny Barkes Fell in Woolworths" coming out?

  2. And once again Gene is obliiged to flesh out his pissy little opinions with the borrowed prosody of better men...

    Just WHEN is "Granny Barkes Fell in Woolworths" being published, Gene? At what point does "shortly after Easter" turn into "when hell freezes over"?
