Wednesday 16 January 2019

Yes, I will be closing my blog TEMPORARILY on Friday evening...

Yes, I will be closing my blog TEMPORARILY on Friday evening. This is while I seek advice - possibly legal advice - about where I stand. 

You have now sunk to disgusting depths Detterling. Not only employing a private investigator to obtain information about me, but now going as far with this information as to obtain my address and telephone number. Despicable!

"- which, given that my son is being nurtured in that faith - is something I regard as my duty." 

What sickening hypocrisy! This from a man who has publicly condoned sodomy.


1 comment:

  1. "This is while I seek advice - possibly legal advice - about where I stand."

    Where you stand is up to your neck in the midden you have created for yourself, Robert. I have done nothing illegal: using information you placed - of your own free will - into the public domain, and collating this with research on public-subscription websites, I have run you to earth, as I always promised I would. You have had plenty of warnings and have chosen to ignore them all - that was your choice and is now your downfall.

    "Not only employing a private investigator to obtain information about me" -

    No, Gene, I did not - do you seriously imagine that I would waste my hard-earned money on you? I didn't need to - your own boastfulness and indiscretion, some information privately volunteered to me by various of your enemies, and elementary detective skills were all that I needed. Talk of "sinking to disgusting depths" is simply the poncey attitudinising of whining cry-baby bully who resents being paid out in his own dud coinage.

    As far as The Catholic Herald is concerned, I think that they will be interested in a blog like this, which purports to promote the Catholic faith but does so by blatant and constant plagiarism, by shallow, bigoted and unpleasant commentary, and includes such material as forged emails purporting to be sent by public figures like Clive James, Christopher Ricks and Geoffrey Robertson [not a good idea to impersonate an eminent QC, I wouldn't have thought], and appropriating the name of a famous Times journalist and broadcaster.

    When, to this unlovely mixture is added a serious of dirty minded, nasty, lying and obscene attacks on someone [and his wife and son] who has done nothing more than powerfully and effectively to challenge your lies and hypocrisy for fourteen years, then I think we will have a story to interest the Herald and its readers.

    "This from a man who has publicly condoned sodomy." WHat has this got to do with the price of fish? To the best of my knowledge I have neither condoned nor condemned sodomy; it doesn't interest me or appeal to me. If consulting adults in private choose to express their sexuality in that way then it is their business and no-one else's. The prurient disgust you have shown for the practice over the years speaks volumes about the murkier corners of your own psychosexual make-up.

    That's it, Gene. Do yourself a favour, log off and don't come back.
