Tuesday 15 January 2019

Had an interesting email from Johnny Bluenote today...

Had an interesting email from Johnny Bluenote today. Herewith:

'[ Wow! Gene. That was telling him! Quite right too. Detterling hasn't changed a whit over this past 14 years. 

What he does not seem to get into his head is how shameful it is to try and expose someone's identity or bring in third parties to try and damage them. No poster other than him has ever tried to do this on any website or blog I have visited.

Still, my feeling is that this is the end of the road for him. I can't see him ever returning. Your blog will be now in peace.

Yours etc

Johnny ]'

Yes, I think you are correct Johnny. This is the end of him. I have mixed feeling. Despite all his bombast, I feel that deep down Detters has the utmost regard for me.

Gene Vincent  BA  PGCE


  1. There is something genuinely unsettling about watching someone descend into psychosis, as you seem to be doing, Gene. Since no-one ever reads this blog much less responds to it, you have always had to resort to inventing correspondents - Mr and Mrs Anonymous of Torquay, for example - to make it look as if this awful literary extrusion isn't a form of masturbation - not the only form you practise, come to think of it, now that "Marianne" has thrown you out of her bedroom.

    Your allegations about my threatening to expose people on TES Opinion are, of course, complete bollocks. The only person to whom I ever made this promise was you - and the only information I had to enact this promise was, until yesterday, one or two morsels of information plus the abundant and boastful nonsense you have published about yourself over the years on this website.

    Until yesterday.

    Thanks to searches on Ancestry UK and the 1 9 2 website, I now know your full name, address and telephone number. I did this by correlating the real information that I have against a series of searches of births, marriages and deaths which eventually narrowed the field down to two, only one of which could match information you volunteered about your late brother on that terrible "Close Up" article by "Libby Purvis".

    Provided that you close your blog immediately, I shall do nothing with this information.

    But if this blog is still open at midnight this Friday, January 18th, then I will forward the address of the blog, your personal details and selected screenshots of some of the lies and filth you have published about me and my family to the editor of The Catholic Herald. As a publication concerned with projecting a positive image of the Roman Catholic Church, I see doing this as serving the legitimate journalistic purpose of suppressing an internet publication which presents the worst possible image of Catholicism and Catholics - which, given that my son is being nurtured in that faith - is something I regard as my duty.

    It's the end of the road for you, Gene.

    Deal with it.

  2. PS "I feel that deep down Detters has the utmost regard for me."

    Your descent into psychosis is an unsettling thing to witness, Gene, not least when it involves your lying to yourself on this scale. It will not be long before you run out of lies to tell yourself about your non-existent writing, your mundane teaching career, your failed marriage, your pathological drinking and your total inadequacy as a human being; when that happens I wouldn't mind a front seat.

    In the meantime, please be assured, as I have made abundantly clear on many occasions, that I loathe you, and everything you stand for, with total contempt.

    In a long life studded with many disappointments, I have never come across anyone so lacking in redeeming features as you. Put simply, I wouldn't piss on you even if you were on fire.
