Friday 18 January 2019

Don't take the readers of this blog to be illiterate Detterling...

"If consulting (sic) adults in private choose to express their sexuality in that way [engaging in sodomy] then it is their business and no-one else's."

Of course you are hereby once again condoning sodomy. Don't take the readers of this blog to be illiterate Detterling.

Now, the thought occurs to me: what would the reaction of the members of the Board of Governors of Sebastian's school be if they knew his father was publicly condoning the vile sin of sodomy? Methinks an alternative establishment to provide for the young man's educational needs would have to be sought mucho pronto.


1 comment:

  1. Bollocks, Gene - your desperation to score a point, however cheap, is showing.

    There are many Catholics, some of them running Catholic schools, who do not have your obsessive, prurient fascination with homosexuality [which of course reflects the long-repressed homosexual element in your own make-up, much less your hypocrisy and bigotry on the subject.

    Forty four minutes left to take this blog down. If it is still here in the morning, Robert Willoughby, God help you.
