Wednesday 14 June 2023


Woman Killed Her 33-Week-Old Unborn Baby With the Abortion Pill

International  |  SPUC  |   Jun 13, 2023   |   11:02AM   |  London, England

A woman has been sentenced to 28 months in prison for falsely obtaining abortion drugs past the legal limit, ending the life of her unborn baby when she was 8 months pregnant.

The unborn baby, who has been named in court as ‘Lily’ was between 32-34 weeks old when her life was ended by DIY abortion drugs.

Lilly’s mother obtained the drugs during the first Coronavirus lockdown of 2020. Through the DIY abortion scheme, UK abortion giant, BPAS, posted the abortion drugs to the woman after a virtual consultation and did not require an ultrasound or physical examination to determine the stage of pregnancy or the mother’s wellbeing.

On 11 May 2020, after taking the abortion drugs having taken the pills, an emergency call was made saying she was in labor.

Baby Lily was born not breathing during the phone call and was confirmed dead about 45 minutes later.

The Stoke on Trent Crown Court heard between February and May 2020 the mother had searched “how to have an abortion without going to the doctor” and “how to lose a baby at six months”.

The tragic death of a fully viable baby

Responding to the case, a SPUC spokesperson said:

“This is a tragic case for all involved, but it is important that the facts, as revealed in court, are reported. This is a horrifying case of a baby girl killed by an extremely late term abortion using DIY abortion drugs.

“The unborn baby, who has now been named as ‘Lily’ was killed by abortion when she was between 32-34 weeks old. Abortion providers and pro-abortion politicians who are outraged at a case being taken for taking abortions pills “beyond the ten week limit” are not mentioning that we are talking about the tragic death of a fully viable baby of eight months.

“The judge is also clear that Lily’s mother was fully aware that she was past the legal gestation and lied to obtain these drugs.


“It is clear that Lily’s mother, who self-administered the drugs to induce a late term abortion, is filled with remorse and is relying on mental health services. The real fault in this tragedy lies strongly with abortion providers who pushed for dangerous home abortions, and are now using this case to push for abortion up to birth.”

The shame of abortion giants

The SPUC Spokesperson continued: “The needless tragedy of this death and its consequences should shame abortion giants like BPAS. They make business from the “DIY Abortion” policy which recklessly permits the distribution of deadly abortion drugs to be sent in the post. Surely the death of a baby of 8 months exposes the complete inadequacy of the safeguards for this regime of abortion. BPAS did not require an ultrasound or any physical examination to take place to ensure the woman’s wellbeing and stage of pregnancy, and left her to self-administer these drugs alone, with no medical supervision or support.

“It is appalling that abortion giants like BPAS, are now calling for the opposite of what is needed. BPAS forcefully campaigned for abortion drugs to be sent to women in the post, and for women to self-administer these drugs with no medical supervision or support. SPUC warned from the beginning that this dangerous scheme would have horrific consequences.

“Now, that this policy has led to nearly full-term babies being killed well past the legal limit, abortion giants like BPAS are attempting to cover up this tragedy by calling for abortion to be entirely removed from the oversight of the law.

With pro-abortion activists increasingly pushing for full decriminalization, including abortion up to birth, it is important to assert that decriminalization will not help vulnerable women. The vast majority of those sentenced under abortion laws are men who have caused an abortion, either by brute force or by secretly administering abortion drugs. The 1967 Abortion Act is abhorrent for removing protection from vulnerable life, to remove the little safeguards it has would be a further tragedy for women and their babies.



  1. Gene, you are demented.

  2. "Gene, you are demented."

    Am I? Rather than these ad hominem attacks direct you attention to BPAS.

    “The needless tragedy of this death and its consequences should shame abortion giants like BPAS.

  3. And you Detterling should be ashamed of making a donation to BPAS.

  4. ' "Gene, you are demented." Am I? Rather than these ad hominem attacks.....'

    Calling you demented is not an ad hominem attack - it is simply a description of your irrational behaviour.

    - it is irrational to claim, for FOUR YEARS, that you have written a novel which is scheduled for publication - when in fact the "novel" in question is only three thousand words long and would only ever be published at the author's expense
    - it is irrational to call yourself a "full time professional writer" when, in SEVEN YEARS, you have neither written or published a single line
    - it is irrational to call yourself a campaigner against the "Gay Lobby" [sic] and abortion when your campaigning consists merely of plagiarising articles published elsewhere and putting them up on a blog that nobody reads. That is not "campaigning" - that is mere posturing.
    - it is irrational to claim that the condition of homosexuality and the right of homosexuals to act upon that [God given] sexuality can be separated in ethical terms
    - it is irrational to claim that all homosexuals are sodomites
    - it is irrational to claim that there is a case to be made against homosexuality and the homosexual life style which is confirmed by the teachings of Christ Jesus, in whom we are all one...
    There are a great many more aspects to your irrationality, but this will do to be going on with.

    "Direct you[r] attention to BPAS."

    From the BPAS website:

    Ambition: A future where every woman can exercise reproductive autonomy and is empowered to make her own decisions about pregnancy
    Purpose: To remove all barriers to reproductive choice and to advocate for and deliver high quality, woman-centred reproductive health care
    Compassionate - we listen to women and deliver services to meet their needs. We build relationships with those we care for based on empathy, dignity and respect
    Courageous - we are the voice of the women we care for and are never afraid to advocate on their behalf, particularly when others are silent. We are at the forefront of innovation in clinical care and campaign tirelessly for the services women need
    Credible - we act with integrity. Everything we do is evidence-based and ethical, informed by our knowledge and understanding of the needs of the women we serve
    Committed to women's choice - we believe that women are best placed to make their own decisions in pregnancy, with access to evidence-based information to inform those choices, and the services they need to exercise them

    Given that the law of the land allows abortion, then organisations like BPAS seem to me to be valuable. And the barracking and sneering of bigots [nearly all of them men, who cannot begin to understand the physical, emotional and mental effects of pregnancy, let alone terminating a pregnancy] is simply busy-bodying interference by people who are unable to mind their own business.

    I sent a donation to the BPAS because your latest piece of demented bigotry reminded me of a girl I knew many years ago. She was coerced into sex aged 15, became pregnant, was too frightened to tell anyone, tried to abort herself with a coat hanger and bled to death on her bathroom floor while her parents were at church.

    Had the BPAS been in existence then, it is quite possible that this young woman would still be alive; she would probably have been a grandmother by now.

    I find the whole business of abortion desperately sad but, unlike you, Gene, I prefer to let people make their own decisions about them without heckling them, and trying to make them feel even worse about an appallingly difficult situation. It's called minding your own business, and the world would be a marginally better place if the likes of you learned to hold their tongues.

    "And you Detterling should be ashamed of making a donation to BPAS."

    Don't tell me what to do with my own money, you impertinent sod.

  5. Detterling to your eternal shame you have made a donation to BPAS. BPAS and their ilk who caused this tragic situation of the baby aborted at thirty-three weeks to come about.

    To your eternal shame. got that?

  6. Situation normal. Gene wrong, unable to produce any kind of a reasoned argument, this usual demented heckling. Yet another epic fail.
