Wednesday 29 March 2023

 Have you ever had some one say something to you that caused you to make significant changes in your life?

I have. Come back with me to 1980. In my first term as a teacher I had a row with the Head of Drama. During our exchanges he called me a mustachioed poseur. I was cut to the quick.

Over the next few days I, as well as shaving off my mustache, reflected that I indeed was a poseur. Some things about me were utterly fake. Take my accent; I had a perfectly normal middle class accent. However in my 'gap' year after university I worked on a London building site. The lads used to tease me about my 'posh' accent. I n response I cultivated what I would call an estuary/Cockney accent - something like the fake and phony accent Mick Jagger used to affect early in his career. I immediately dropped that and resolved that there would never again be anything phony in my life.

So I guess that I owe a lot to that Drama HOD - a Larry Grayson clone - for causing me to change things for the better.



  1. So you went from being a moustachioed poseur to being a clean shaven poseur.

    When are you going to do something about being a bigoted wanker?

  2. Oh! so you wish to talk about bigotry Detters. Shall we start with the Gay Lobby whose pernicious bigotry, intolerance and bullying has had 'cancelling' applied to so many good and decent people.


    1. Name twelves people who have been so cancelled by the "gay lobby" [sic].

      And, seriously, Gene, when ARE you going to do something about being a bigoted wanker? and an un-published and un-publishable bigoted wanker to boot?

  3. .....and I think I have just cottoned on to your ploy.

    You were going to claim that the "gay lobby" [sic] had threatened to firebomb your publishers if they published your "novel" [sic] "Great Aunt Fanny shat her pants in Selfridges" or whatever its blithering title was, weren't you? Well, you can't now, can you?

    What next, I wonder? the publisher's dog ate the only copy of the manuscript? Jeffrey Archer is suing you for plagiarism?

    But never mind all that.

    Seriously, Gene, when ARE you going to do something about being a bigoted wanker? and an un-published and un-publishable bigoted wanker to boot?


    1. Well said Gene. As Eric Morcombe was wont to say: There's no answer to that:

      Tony of the Big Saloon

    2. And now, out come shambling the sock puppets, each carrying the white flag of surrender waved by Gene every time he is asked to substantiate some bigoted piece of nonsense with an actual fact or two.

      Who next, I wonder? Mary Winterbourne? Ducky Duckworth? Mr and Mrs Anonymous of Torquay? Richard Dawkins? Christopher Ricks? Libby Purvis? Clive James?


  5. Detterling ask yourself this question and give yourself an honest answer: Would you have been a supporter of the Gay Lobby had not your nephew Cuthbert turned out to be gay? Methinks you would not.


  6. Typically small-minded Gene. Because you are completely unprincipled yourself, you can’t anyone else supporting a cause in which they have no personal stake.

    But you were going to name twelve people who have been “cancelled” [sic] by the “gay lobby”[sic]. Why haven’t you done this?

    And when ARE you going to do something about being a bigoted wanker? And an unpublished and unpublishable bigoted wanker to boot?

    1. "But you were going to name twelve people who have been cancelled” [sic] by the “gay lobby”[sic]. Why haven’t you done this?"

      Not a week goes by but some unfortunate soul is harassed, bullied and cancelled by the Gay Lobby.

      Plenty of names to choose twelve from Detterling.


  7. "Not a week goes by but some unfortunate soul is harassed, bullied and cancelled by the Gay Lobby."

    When are you going to stop flannelling and name twelve people who have been "harassed, bullied and cancelled" [sic] by the "gay lobby" [sic]?

    What a paltry, piffling little creep you are, Gene, making these sleasy accusations and not even trying to back them up when you are challenged.

    And I see that Gene, the "searingly honest" [sic] proponent of "free speech" has taken to censoring posts that show him up to be a snivelling little creep again.

    And don't bother to deny it - I have the screen shots to prove it, just as I have the screen shots about Nick Chamberlain to help you to remember to watch your step.

    And when ARE you going to do something about being a bigoted wanker? And an unpublished and unpublishable bigoted wanker to boot?
