Wednesday 15 February 2023



Well folks, I'm back. I returned to Chez Vincent this morning at 11.00am with a bunch of red roses for Marianne - red roses for a blue lady! And on Saint Valentine's Day!

I'm typing this after returning from Nonno Rosa in the High Street where Marianne and I had the most wonderful Valentine Night's meal. A lot of Chianti was put away - so my typing may not be perfect.

Yes, the past week or so has been a most difficult time but I'm returning very refreshed and optimistic.  I stayed at a hotel in the Chilterns and spent time walking in the woods, praying and meditating and planning out the future.

Those vile threats, blackmail and abuse from Detterling - well, I'm not ashamed to say they got to me. I began to have a recurring nightmare of waking up in the morning and finding myself all over the papers. A great stress for any man to live with. I began to get a glimpse of the suffering and torment that poor Myrtle Thornberry and Annie Baker went through at the hands of the Clique. And by the way I thoroughly recommend to my readers Annie Baker's book ORDEAL! The Tale of my Torment and Suffering inflicted by the Clique. But be warned: it is as harrowing as any tale that has come out of Auschwitz - Birkenau. 

Over the days of my isolation the words of Psalm 76 came often to my mind:

You have kept me awake, my eyes open;
  in my distress, I did not speak.
I pondered on the days of old,
  thought through the immemorial years.
In the night I meditated in my heart.
  I was troubled, and I asked my soul:
Will God reject you for ever,
  will he never again take you into his favour?
Has his kindness ended for ever,

But, I'm back and I will be fearless in my pursuit of truth and honesty.

And will I be taking aim at the Church of England? Is the Pope a Catholic?

Finally my response to Detterling's blackmail threats:

ooh matron - YouTube

Myrtle Thornberry R.I.P.   ...   victim of the Clique


  1. Great to have you back in Uxbridge Gene - Uxbridge, centre of the Universe.

    By the way, forget about Detterling. Detterling is the ultimate nobody.

    Mary Winterbourne

  2. Gene have you read Duckie Duckworth's comment about his desire to go up to Tyneside and repeatedly kick Detterling's ass all the way out to Wallsend? Ha! Ha! Ha! Why Wallsend???

    1. Sorry, I forgot to sign the above comment

      Tony of the Big Saloon

  3. Gene, Mary Winterbourne is correct. Leave Detterling and his rank effrontery behand. I have known of Detterling since 2005 when he began posting on the TES Opinion Forum.

    That man has opinions and trenchant views on everything. He also has a complete inability to keep these views and opinions to himself.

    Johnny Bluenote

  4. "By the way, forget about Detterling......" ["Mary Winterbourne"]

    "Leave Detterling and his rank effrontery behind......" ["Johnny Bluenote"]

    Ah, I get it.

    Any day now, following more bogus advice from equally bogus friends and readers of this blog [quite probably including Richard Dawkins, Justin Welby and Pope Francis], Gene will post somewhat as follows:

    "Having thought through and prayed over the issue, I have decided to move on and leave Detterling to his fate. He is after all an old man with little to look forward to, and I have no wish to blight his sunset years with further and deeper humiliations. I have more and better things to do - my projected ten-volume saga of life as a schoolteacher, provisionally entitled "The Classroom Cavalier" - is liable to occupy the next five years, and I will have no time for petty squabbles with snarling nobodies like Detterling.

    So, from now on, folks, the name of Detterling will no longer sully these pages - any posts he makes will not be published, and any emails he sends will be deleted without being read. I have wasted far too much time on him already. From today he will no longer be privileged to stink out this blog with his self-basting pietism."

    This, or something not dis-similar, will be Gene's typically lying gloss on the fact that Detterling now has him over a barrel. Gene's action in persistently deleting his account of having sex with Delia has proved that this account is Gene's Kryptonite - the post which, above all, could desfroy his reputation in Catholic circles in West London should Fr Nicholas Schofield, Angela Atkins, Fr Matthew Heslin, Fr Reg Abrahams, Tony Corish or his successor Fiona McCloskey, or Patrick Murden read it. Which, as Detterling has promised, they will: should Gene's viciously nasty campaign against him go on by a single further syllable.

    In those circumstances, no wonder Gene will feel obliged to make it look as though he is doing what he has been made to do of his own free will.

    Once a snivelling Cockney ponce, always a snivelling Cockney ponce.

  5. "...on the fact that Detterling now has him over a barrel."

    It's my recollection that it was I who had Delia over a barrel."
    Tee! Hee! Hee!

