Monday 28 May 2018

Oops! It seems I have made an appalling faux pas!

 Oops! It seems I have made an appalling faux pas!

Yesterday I posted:

'A couple of years back the Irish voted to accept gay marriage (sic). So far as I know not a single gay marriage has taken place in Ireland and none ever will'

Well, I stand corrected. It seems that there have been approaching 500 gay marriages (sic) in the Emerald Isle since that referendum.

In these situation we ask ourselves: "How could I have got it so wrong?" Well, in this case I had not read of any gay marriages (sic)  in Ireland so I assumed that there had been none.

Mea Culpa


1 comment:

  1. "How could I have got it so wrong?"

    Perhaps because you are an ignorant, bigoted cunt? It's worth considering.
