Sunday 25 February 2024


Confessions: A Life of Failed Promises 

Known for his journalism, biographies and novels, A. N. Wilson turns a merciless searchlight on his own early life, his experience of sexual abuse, his catastrophic mistakes in love (sacred and profane) and his life in Grub Street – as a prolific writer.

Before he came to London, as one of the “Best of Young British” novelists, and Literary Editor of the
 Spectator, we meet another A. N. Wilson. We meet his father, the Managing Director of Wedgwood, the grotesque teachers at his first boarding school, and the dons of Oxford – one of whom, at the age of just 20, he married, Katherine Duncan-Jones, the renowned Shakespearean scholar.

The book begins with his heart-torn present-day visits to Katherine, now for decades his ex-wife, who has slithered into the torments of dementia.

At every turn of this reminiscence, Wilson is baffled by his earlier self – whether he is flirting with unsuitable lovers or with the idea of the priesthood. His chapter on the High Camp seminary which he attended in Oxford is among the funniest in the book.

We follow his unsuccessful attempts to become an academic, his aspirations to be a Man of Letters, and his eventual encounters with the famous, including some memorable meetings with royalty.

The princesses, dons, paedophiles and journos who cross the pages are as sharply drawn as figures in Wilson's early comic fiction. But there is also a tenderness here, in his evocation of those whom he has loved, and hurt, the most.


  1. Now don't be foolish Detters. Do not attempt to contact AN Wilson.


    1. I have succeeded in doing so already and will send the screenshots of the Harris and Hoole post first thing tomorrow.

      What's your worry? I am sure that he will accept your explanation about the review of Granny Barkes fell in Woolworths being written by Aloysius Norbert Wilson once you provide a copy of the review and source its publication authentically.

      And once you have done that I will get after Andrew Lowosky of the Huffington Post to source a copy of his review.

  2. "I will get after Andrew Lowosky of the Huffington Post to source a copy of his review."

    Andrew Lowosky did not write the review. It was written by Arianna Huffington-Puffington.


