Tuesday 10 October 2023


(An occasional feature)

10th October 2023

Myself and Mary Winterbourne and Tony of the Big Saloon got together this morning in Harris & Hoole:

MARY WINTERBOURNE:  Gene I see that Detterling has been causing trouble again.

GENE:  Yes Mary. I made a very civil request for information about his nephew Cuthbert and he reacted with fury. He had steam coming out of his ears. I was so worried about him having a stroke or what not that I removed the post. I would be devastated if anything happened to him. 

Was he thankful? Not a bit of it. He flung abuse and more threats at me.

MARY WINTERBOURNE: Yes, I read it all Gene. What made me laugh is that he talked about persecution! He must be thinking he's a Nelson Mandela type figure.

GENE: He has such arrogance. He thinks he can tell me what I can publish on my blog. That's not going to happen. In fact I have some quite juicy stuff coming up for publication. I would give anything to see his face when he reads it.

TONY OF THE BIG SALOON: For me it is so disgraceful that he won't fight his own battles. He continually threatens to have your identity exposed to and by third parties. Totally disgusting. Only a dyed-in-the-wool bottlejob would do that.

GENE: Well, I forgive him. I have a feeling dear old Detters won't be in the land of the living much longer. Yes, one of these days if we wish to contact him we will have to consult the late Doris Stokes and make our way through ectoplasm to speak with him.

1 comment:

  1. Gene you are a very magnanimous man. Forgiving Detterling after what he threatened to you.

    In those circumstances I don't think I could be so forgiving.

    Gary Bandall
