Tuesday 9 May 2023


Detterling is a term used in German to describe the act of clearing and cultivating a piece of land for agricultural purposes. It is a process that involves the removal of trees, stumps, rocks, and other debris from the land, as well as the tilling and preparation of the soil for planting crops.


The practice of detterling has a long history in Germany, dating back to the Middle Ages when farmers would clear forested areas to create new farmland. It was a difficult and labor-intensive process that often required the use of axes, saws, and other hand tools to remove trees and other obstacles from the land.


Over time, detterling became more mechanized, with the introduction of tractors and other heavy equipment that could clear land more quickly and efficiently. However, it remained an important part of German agriculture, particularly in regions with large forests and limited arable land.


Today, detterling is still practiced in many parts of Germany, although it has become less common as farming practices have changed. Many farmers now rely on industrial agriculture techniques, such as monoculture and chemical fertilizers, rather than traditional detterling methods.


Despite this shift, detterling remains an important part of German cultural heritage, and many farmers still take pride in their ability to clear and cultivate land by hand. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in traditional detterling practices, as people have become more aware of the environmental benefits of sustainable agriculture.


As we continue to face environmental challenges in the 21st century, detterling may once again become an important part of sustainable agriculture in Germany and beyond.


1 comment:

  1. Nonsense. Detterling is Norwegian for a baby daughter or, as a family diminutive for a daughter in law.
