Monday 11 March 2013

Huhne and Pryce jailed: an awful business, but Vicky has done us all a favour

Huhne and Pryce jailed: an awful business, but Vicky has done us all a favour

Huhne's wife knew what he was really like (Photos: PA)

"They deserve each other," everyone has been saying. I don't agree. I can't imagine anyone who deserves Chris Huhne – certainly not his former wife, whose vengefulness was unattractive but whose imprisonment for eight months strikes me as harsh.

Part of me wonders why she isn't being carried shoulder-high through the streets for ridding the House of Commons of its most unpleasant member: a man who, in addition to perverting the course of justice, was an ambition-crazed backstabber even by the standards of the Liberal Democrats, and that's saying something. Not since Roy Jenkins in his pomp has there been a politician of such Olympian self-regard – without any of Jenkins's scholarship and charm. Moreover, he was an utterly unscrupulous liar. His presence in the Cabinet, where he pursued a characteristically malign and slimy policy agenda, was the single worst feature of the Coalition.

I know this is a family tragedy, but I really do believe that Huhne's ex-wife and son had the measure of him.

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