Sunday 12 August 2012

Archdiocese bans drag queens... well done!

Archdiocese bans drag queens...  well done!

The archdiocese is restricting use of its church property in Castro after the Catholic church said the behavior of some gay groups has gotten too risqué.

Most Holy Redeemer Catholic church in Castro, a longtime neighborhood fixture, is closing the curtain on renting out its parish hall to outside groups for events, such as The Switchhitter's Ball, an annual fund raiser for the San Francisco Gay Softball League.

The church's business manager Mike Poma told KTVU some events held there have gotten out of hand, which include simulated sex acts and nudity.

"A review of drag queens and boys in their underwear … This is a church first and foremost. This is sacred to a lot of people," Poma said. "To have that type of stuff going on, this (bothers) a lot of people."

Poma said the church's pastor was going to allow the Castro Country Club, a recovery group for former substance abusers, to hold a fundraiser featuring two drag queens at the parish hall in October, but the archdiocese said no.

Bill Whelan, Castro Country Club member, said he was upset by the church's decision.

"(I'm) a little angry when organized religion gets in and plays with morality in the way people live," he said.

San Francisco's new archbishop Salvatore Cardileone is known as a conservative and a backer of Proposition 8, a 2008 proposition and state constitutional amendment that only recognizes same-sex marriage.

KTVU contacted the archdiocese's director of communications and he denied that the archbishop played any role.

"It's difficult for parishes because they cannot control content,” said the spokesman for the archdiocese. The policy is not directed at any group."

"We don't want to hurt the gay community and we don't want the archdiocese to be hurt either," Poma said. "We're stuck in the middle trying to walk this fine balance."

"What may be appropriate in other parts of the country doesn't make sense in SF," said Whelan.

Most Holy Redeemer Church said they will continue to rent their parish hall to recovery groups for their weekly meetings and seniors for their daily luncheons.

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