Monday 29 July 2024


Reposted from February 2024


Detters we have to talk about Sebastian. He's now fifteen? And like all teenagers of that age very impressionable.

First of all Detters let me congratulate you and Delia on your parenting. You have my unbounded admiration. From everything I gather Sebastian has had a wonderful upbringing and is fortunate in this day and age to grow up with such solicitous care for his moral and spiritual welfare. Recently Detters you wrote that when you and Delia visit The Bay Food Bank with donations you take Sebastian along with you. Such good example. Well done!

However, it's not all plain sailing. Sebastian must encounter some difficulty in you being eighty or thereabouts. No doubt many of his friends mistake you for his grandfather.

Also there is the issue of you being Protestant* and your wife being Catholic. 

I don't mind if you attend Catholic Mass with Sebastian and Delia but there are problems if they attend C of E Eucharist with you. Firstly you of course cannot receive Holy Communion at the Catholic Mass. Under no circumstances at the C of E Eucharist must Sebastian and Delia receive communion - it is of course not communion but an unconsecrated wafer. Henry VIII and the break in Apostolic succession has seen to that. C of E bishops and priests are not validly ordained. How correct was Pope Benedict XVI when he declared that the Anglican Church had no legitimacy.

Finally, please do not allow Sebastian to come under any Gay Lobby influences or ideas. I do not have to elaborate. Likewise please direct him away from any acceptance of abortion or assisted dying. 

Please Detters and Delia keep up the good work.


* I used to have arguments with the Church of England Busybody R.I.P. about this. She maintained that she was not Protestant. I countered with that because the C of E accepted the 39 Articles she was ergo Protestant.

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