Thursday 4 July 2024


How The Devil Distorted The Rainbow

As the devil makes modified Christian symbols signs of rebellion against God.

The rainbow is a natural phenomenon that occurs when the sun’s rays pass through water.

And in a world filled with natural wonders, few phenomena captivate the human spirit as much as the vibrant beauty of a rainbow.

But beyond its aesthetic appeal, the rainbow contains deep symbolism, which speaks of the depths of our faith and of God’s unlimited love and his promises.

Let us also remember that the sun represents God, while water represents life.

That is why the devil has taken the rainbow, emptying it of its form and its original content.

Because he cannot create anything, he always copies God, in this case by taking the rainbow for himself, subverting it aesthetically, and assuming in its content to promote his values, also the inverse of God.

In the Holy Scriptures the rainbow is presented as a gift from God.

In the book of Genesis, Noah leaves the ark at the end of the flood and makes an altar for the Almighty.

And immediately God sends the rainbow as a sign, symbolizing that earth will no longer be destroyed again.

In the Book of Exodus, the rainbow is presented as a sign of the Throne of God.

And in Ezekiel, as a presence of God in Heaven.

And the rainbow also appears reflected in the wings of the angels, because they carry the reflection of God.

In the New Testament, it appears as an expression of the glory of God.

In the Book of Revelation, the rainbow appears again as part of the Throne of God.

And it is exposed as a sign of the end of man’s time and the announcement of the Kingdom of God.

Tradition has linked this play of colors in nature to the Virgin Mary.

Firstly, with the mystery of Her Nativity, it is said that the Virgin was born at six in the afternoon under the shadow of the rainbow.

Anne Catherine Emmerich had a vision that, when Jesus was born, there was a sign for the Roman emperor.

She observed a Virgin sitting on a rainbow with a Child Who seemed to come out of her.

The emperor went to consult an oracle, who fell silent with shock upon learning of the birth of Jesus.

And the Three Wise Men also saw that rainbow, where the Virgin was on the crescent.

So the rainbow is not only present in the creation of the world and in the revelation of God to men, but also in the incarnation of the Son of God.

In the apparitions of the Virgin of Guadalupe del Tepeyac, the Indian Juan Diego describes the Virgin on a type of bright lights, a rainbow that acts as a throne.

And perhaps for that reason, in some revelations, the rainbow is spoken of as the sign of God’s intervention in the world.

Our Lady allegedly said in Garabandal that there will be a sign prior to the “Warning” or “Illumination of Conscience.” 

According to alleged seer Conchita, it begins with the letter A, and many speculate that it could be a rainbow.

And on June 17, 2023, a northeastern nun had a vision of an altar boy of about fifteen years old who claimed to come with God’s permission to reveal a great event related to the tribulation already present.

He said that before this event appears, a sign will occur, a huge rainbow, which the whole world will see.

We have made a video about this event, which we recommend you watch.

So up to this point, we have seen that the rainbow is a warning sign of God’s intervention, of hope, of mercy, and of His protection.

But it is also true of the genuine breadth and diversity found in the Church of Christ, which brings together Jews and Gentiles, slaves and free, men and women:

Of all nations, cultures, races and peoples, in one family of God.

And in turn, just as the colors of the rainbow blend harmoniously, creating a magnificent kaleidoscope, so our lives are called to radiate the various facets of our unique gifts and virtues as we become living reflections of the Love of Christ, and by bringing others closer to God, through our words and actions.

But the devil does everything possible to destroy the work of God by trying to foster the spirit of antichrist throughout history.

And we know that the spirit of antichrist imitates and mocks Christ, takes what is of God and reverses it.

Because the demon that produces it is the father of lies, he cannot create anything; he is only God’s monkey.

And he will not come up with a new symbol for the investment of values ​​that he encourages, but rather take a symbol of God and desecrate it.

The devil’s great fixation is on supplanting God and being worshiped.

That’s where it comes from: appropriating the symbols of God and perverting them. 

In other words, it empties them of meaning and turns them inside out like a sock.

And what is the consequence?

That any moral or doctrinal inversion of a Christian symbol necessarily becomes a demonic symbol.

And the rainbow symbol, among others, has become the object of this manipulation.

Lately, the devil has used this symbol, not as a sign of hope, nor of the glory of God, but as one of defiance to God.

In the Holy Scriptures and in Catholic tradition, the rainbow is seven colors, as it appears in nature.

And it is one of the symbols that represents the Holy Spirit.

But half a century ago, the enemies of God, those who lived the spirit of antichrist, began to use the six-color rainbow.

According to ancient numerology, six is the number of man and seven is the number of the Divine, and there are seven colors in a natural rainbow.

This rebellion means the attempt to supplant God with man, deifying Him and forgetting His limits as a creature.

And when it is insisted on, 666, we are facing the number of the beast that the Apocalypse warns about. 

So then, a rainbow that rebels against nature, because it does not preserve the colors of the rainbow produced by natural laws, is also the symbol of the moral inversion of the natural law that God created.

And he who uses it puts himself at the service of the beast.

In conclusion, the natural rainbow represents the Presence and Mercy of God.

And it means salvation for the human being who is obedient to God.

But the modified rainbow means destruction for those who do not want to believe in God but rather follow the moral investment plans of the evil one.

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