An olive branch on the way...
Yes Detterling. Your nephew is right. It is unseemly that this feud is going on for now over twenty years. And in my view the fault is all yours You are totally intractable.
I have been thinking a lot about why you are the way you are. Why you continually make mountains out of molehills. I think it is because you have had such a cosy, pampered middleclass life. A primrose path. A rose garden. You have had no real pain, suffering, grief or tragedy in your life. For you a major crisis in your life would be an overdue library book.
Anyhow, I shall be sending out the dove of peace and an olive branch. All planned for Easter week.
Watch this space over the next few days.
Yours fraternally,
My nephew has nothing to do with this, so stop making a tit of yourself by pretending that you are in touch with him. Your persistence in these fantasies is deranged.
ReplyDeleteI have made it clear that I have absolutely no interest in the rubbish you steal and print on this blog, and although I regard your views on homosexuality and morals in general as a vicious betrayal of the Christian gospel, in the end they are completely trivial so far as I am concerned. You are a fool and a bigot, and one more ignorant buffoon will make no difference to the price of fish.
But I will not have my family figure in your grubby fantasies. You have had literally a dozen opportunities to desist from insulting my beautiful wife and my beloved son, and you have spurned them all.
And now you will reap the consequences. You will be humiliated and disgraced in the communities that matter most to you first - the catholic and educational communities of West London, and then the disgrace will broaden out and may even make the national press - and why not?
So get it through your head once and for all:
I will not be watching this space over the next few days and
you can stuff your olive branch, your dove and your fraternal greetings up your arse.
You are a disgusting human being, Gene, and by Easter I won't be the only one who knows why.
"I regard your views on homosexuality and morals in general as a vicious betrayal of the Christian gospel"
ReplyDeleteIt is you who betray the gospels and the teaching of the Church. You support sodomy - something outlawed as grave sin by the Church. You support abortion - something outlawed as grave sin by the Church. You support euthanasia - something outlawed as grave sin by the Church.
It is you who betray the gospels and the teaching of the Church. You support sodomy - something outlawed as grave sin by the Church. You support abortion - something outlawed as grave sin by the Church. You support euthanasia - something outlawed as grave sin by the Church.
ReplyDeleteWell said Gene. Game, set and match methinks.
Tony of the Big Saloon
"I think it is because you have had such a cosy, pampered middleclass life. A primrose path. A rose garden. You have had no real pain, suffering, grief or tragedy in your life. For you a major crisis in your life would be an overdue library book."
ReplyDeleteSpot on Gene.
Mary Winterbourne
"You support sodomy - something outlawed as grave sin by the Church."
ReplyDeleteThat is a lie.
I neither support nor condemn sodomy.
I support the right of individuals, whether heterosexual or homosexual, to choose whatever means they wish to express their sexuality, always provided that such means are lawful and consensually agreed upon.
"You support abortion - something outlawed as grave sin by the Church."
That is a lie.
I neither support nor condemn the practice of abortion.
I support the right of individual women and their partners to decide to terminate pregnancies for reasons which are valid for them. Their right to do so should be conditioned and determined by no-one but the man and woman concerned, and such actions must always be legally and medically constrained.
"You support euthanasia - something outlawed as grave sin by the Church."
That is a lie.
I support the right of individuals to choose to end their own lives voluntarily should their quality of life be unbearably limited by pain, incapacity or physical deterioration, and should qualified medical opinion be that there is nothing to be gained for the individual by the prolongation of the act of dying.
I further support your right, Gene/Tony of the big saloon/Mary Winterbourne, to condemn as "grave sin" the practices of anal sexual intercourse [whether heterosexual or homosexual], abortion and euthanasia as being against the will of God as you understand it from scripture.
I do not, however support your right to impose those opinions on other people, to require their agreement to them, to judge them for failing to share them, or to enforce legislation to outlaw anal sexual intercourse [whether heterosexual or homosexual], abortion or euthanasia.
In other words, mind your own fucking business and leave me to mind mine.
You are a pathetic excuse for a man Detterling. You have had such a cosy, pampered middleclass life. A primrose path. A rose garden. You have had no real pain, suffering, grief or tragedy in your life. For you a major crisis in your life would be an overdue library book.
Why do you persist in thinking that repeating nonsense somehow turns it into sense? This latest fantasy about a pampered middle class life is the only funny thing you have ever said - and, typically, you mean it to be taken seriously.
ReplyDeleteActually, you know NOTHING about me at all - you even think that I live in Tyneside, which is of course what you were meant to think…
I on the other hand, know a great deal about you - and for the price of a 192 subscription I could have your address and phone number in ten minutes. But using those would cross a line that could well backfire.
Let that be as it may, by the end of Lent, an awful lot more people are going to know a great deal more about you than they do now (absolutely none of it will be to your credit) and very much I hope they will enjoy it.
You won’t, of course, as you’ll be too busy shitting yourself at what might be revealed next.
Still, shitting yourself will make room up your arse for your fraternal greetings, the olive branch and the dove. Mind your arsehole on that beak …
ReplyDeleteI repeat: You are a pathetic excuse for a man Detterling. You have had such a cosy, pampered middleclass life. A primrose path. A rose garden. You have had no real pain, suffering, grief or tragedy in your life. For you a major crisis in your life would be an overdue library book.
Had you suffered grief, tragedy and pain in this life you would not be such a selfish snowflake.
And I repeat - and will go on repeating for so long as you reiterate this deranged piffle:
DeleteWhy do you persist in thinking that repeating nonsense somehow turns it into sense? This latest fantasy about a pampered middle class life is the only funny thing you have ever said - and, typically, you mean it to be taken seriously.
Actually, you know NOTHING about me at all - you even think that I live in Tyneside, which is of course what you were meant to think…
I on the other hand, know a great deal about you - and for the price of a 192 subscription I could have your address and phone number in ten minutes. But using those would cross a line that could well backfire.
Let that be as it may, by the end of Lent, an awful lot more people are going to know a great deal more about you than they do now (absolutely none of it will be to your credit) and very much I hope they will enjoy it.
You won’t, of course, as you’ll be too busy shitting yourself at what might be revealed next.
Still, shitting yourself will make room up your arse for your fraternal greetings, the olive branch and the dove. Mind your arsehole on that beak …
But significantly you do not, and cannot, deny that had you suffered grief, tragedy and pain in this life you would not be such a selfish snowflake.
You have no idea my life has consisted of, Gene, and your insistence that my life has had no grief, tragedy and pain in it merely illustrates your arrogance, your stupidity and your insensitivity, not to mention your selfishness.
DeleteYour selfishness is illustrated by two things - that you have no capacity whatsoever for introspection, no empathy at all with anyone but yourself, and a total confidence that there are only two modes of thought, action and belief - your way and the wrong way.
And I repeat:
And I repeat - and will go on repeating for so long as you reiterate this deranged piffle:
Why do you persist in thinking that repeating nonsense somehow turns it into sense? This latest fantasy about a pampered middle class life is the only funny thing you have ever said - and, typically, you mean it to be taken seriously.
Actually, you know NOTHING about me at all - you even think that I live in Tyneside, which is of course what you were meant to think…
I on the other hand, know a great deal about you - and for the price of a 192 subscription I could have your address and phone number in ten minutes. But using those would cross a line that could well backfire.
Let that be as it may, by the end of Lent, an awful lot more people are going to know a great deal more about you than they do now (absolutely none of it will be to your credit) and very much I hope they will enjoy it.
You won’t, of course, as you’ll be too busy shitting yourself at what might be revealed next.
Still, shitting yourself will make room up your arse for your fraternal greetings, the olive branch and the dove. Mind your arsehole on that beak.
Don't hand it out if you can't take it.
Belt up Detters. And I say again significantly you do not, and cannot, deny that had you suffered grief, tragedy and pain in this life you would not be such a selfish woke snowflake.
You have no idea my life has consisted of, Gene, and your insistence that my life has had no grief, tragedy and pain in it merely illustrates your arrogance, your stupidity and your insensitivity, not to mention your selfishness.
DeleteYour selfishness is illustrated by two things - that you have no capacity whatsoever for introspection, no empathy at all with anyone but yourself, and a total confidence that there are only two modes of thought, action and belief - your way and the wrong way.
And I repeat - and will go on repeating for so long as you reiterate this deranged piffle:
Why do you persist in thinking that repeating nonsense somehow turns it into sense? This latest fantasy about a pampered middle class life is the only funny thing you have ever said - and, typically, you mean it to be taken seriously.
Actually, you know NOTHING about me at all - you even think that I live in Tyneside, which is of course what you were meant to think…
I on the other hand, know a great deal about you - and for the price of a 192 subscription I could have your address and phone number in ten minutes. But using those would cross a line that could well backfire.
Let that be as it may, by the end of Lent, an awful lot more people are going to know a great deal more about you than they do now (absolutely none of it will be to your credit) and very much I hope they will enjoy it.
You won’t, of course, as you’ll be too busy shitting yourself at what might be revealed next.
Still, shitting yourself will make room up your arse for your fraternal greetings, the olive branch and the dove. Mind your arsehole on that beak.
Don't hand it out if you can't take it.
"For you a major crisis in your life would be an overdue library book."
ReplyDeleteHa! Ha! Ha! Vintage Gene.
Gary Bandall
"For you a major crisis in your life would be an overdue library book."
DeleteHa! Ha! Ha! Vintage Gene.
Gary Bandall
I have certainly struck a nerve here. You cannot deny that had you suffered grief, tragedy and pain in this life you would not AT THE AGE OF 81 be such a selfish woke snowflake.
"I have certainly struck a nerve here."
DeleteDon't give yourself airs, you ridiculous little wankstain.
You have no idea my life has consisted of, Gene, and your insistence that my life has had no grief, tragedy and pain in it merely illustrates your arrogance, your stupidity and your insensitivity, not to mention your selfishness.
Your selfishness is illustrated by two things - that you have no capacity whatsoever for introspection, no empathy at all with anyone but yourself, and a total confidence that there are only two modes of thought, action and belief - your way and the wrong way.
And I repeat - and will go on repeating for so long as you continue to reiterate this deranged piffle:
Why do you persist in thinking that repeating nonsense somehow turns it into sense? This latest fantasy about a pampered middle class life is the only funny thing you have ever said - and, typically, you mean it to be taken seriously.
Actually, you know NOTHING about me at all - you even think that I live in Tyneside, which is of course what you were meant to think…
I on the other hand, know a great deal about you - and for the price of a 192 subscription I could have your address and phone number in ten minutes. But using those would cross a line that could well backfire.
Let that be as it may, by the end of Lent, an awful lot more people are going to know a great deal more about you than they do now (absolutely none of it will be to your credit) and very much I hope they will enjoy it.
You won’t, of course, as you’ll be too busy shitting yourself at what might be revealed next.
Still, shitting yourself will make room up your arse for your fraternal greetings, the olive branch and the dove. Mind your arsehole on that beak.
Oh! yes Detterling I know about you and your life. Twenty years of correspondence reveals a lot about a man. I can read you like a book. Had you had pain, suffering and tragedy in your life you would not have ended up at the age of 81 a woke snowflake.
If it pleases you to foster your delusion that you know about me and my life then nothing will shift it, any more than you will ever lose the nonsensical belief that repeating a lie somehow turns it into the truth. Or any more than you will lose your inveterate habit - the sure sign of a really bad writer - of doing an already hackneyed commonplace to death by repeating it ad nauseam. "Woke snowflake", for God's sake. You'll be called "Granny Barkes fell in Woolworths" iconic next.
DeleteIn the meantime, I repeat, and will go on repeating for so long as you continue to repeat your deranged piffle, that you are making a complete horse's arse of yourself in so doing.
Don't give yourself airs, you ridiculous little wankstain. You have no idea what my life has consisted of, Gene, and your insistence that my life has had no grief, tragedy and pain in it merely illustrates your arrogance, your stupidity and your insensitivity, not to mention your selfishness.
Your selfishness is illustrated by two things - that you have no capacity whatsoever for introspection, no empathy at all with anyone but yourself, and a total confidence that there are only two modes of thought, action and belief - your way and the wrong way.
Why do you persist in thinking that repeating nonsense somehow turns it into sense? This latest fantasy about a pampered middle class life is the only funny thing you have ever said - and, typically, you mean it to be taken seriously.
Actually, you know NOTHING about me at all - you even think that I live in Tyneside, which is of course what you were meant to think…
I on the other hand, know a great deal about you - and for the price of a 192 subscription I could have your address and phone number in ten minutes. But using those would cross a line that could well backfire.
Let that be as it may, by the end of Lent, an awful lot more people are going to know a great deal more about you than they do now (absolutely none of it will be to your credit) and very much I hope they will enjoy it.
You won’t, of course, as you’ll be too busy shitting yourself at what might be revealed next.
Still, shitting yourself will make room up your arse for your fraternal greetings, the olive branch and the dove. Mind your arsehole on that beak.
Why are you pretending you don't live on Tyneside? Pathetic!
DeleteYou won't find me pretending I don't live in Uxbridge.
I can read you like a book Detterling.
"Why are you pretending you don't live on Tyneside? Pathetic!"
DeleteProve that I live on Tyneside. You can't.
"You won't find me pretending I don't live in Uxbridge."
What makes you think I give a rat's for which community you pollute?.
"I can read you like a book Detterling."
So tell us, which poem has provided me with the central literary experience of my intellectual life? and what is your evidence for your answer?
In the meantime, If it pleases you to foster your delusion that you know about me and my life then nothing will shift it, any more than you will ever lose the nonsensical belief that repeating a lie somehow turns it into the truth. Or any more than you will lose your inveterate habit - the sure sign of a really bad writer - of doing an already hackneyed commonplace to death by repeating it ad nauseam. "Woke snowflake", for God's sake. You'll be called "Granny Barkes fell in Woolworths" "iconic" next.
In the meantime, I repeat, and will go on repeating for so long as you continue to repeat your deranged piffle, that you are making a complete horse's arse of yourself in so doing.
Don't give yourself airs, you ridiculous little wankstain. You have no idea what my life has consisted of, Gene, and your insistence that my life has had no grief, tragedy and pain in it merely illustrates your arrogance, your stupidity and your insensitivity, not to mention your selfishness.
Your selfishness is illustrated by two things - that you have no capacity whatsoever for introspection, no empathy at all with anyone but yourself, and a total confidence that there are only two modes of thought, action and belief - your way and the wrong way.
Why do you persist in thinking that repeating nonsense somehow turns it into sense? This latest fantasy about a pampered middle class life is the only funny thing you have ever said - and, typically, you mean it to be taken seriously.
Actually, you know NOTHING about me at all - you even think that I live in Tyneside, which is of course what you were meant to think…
I on the other hand, know a great deal about you - and for the price of a 192 subscription I could have your address and phone number in ten minutes. But using those would cross a line that could well backfire.
Let that be as it may, by the end of Lent, an awful lot more people are going to know a great deal more about you than they do now (absolutely none of it will be to your credit) and very much I hope they will enjoy it.
You won’t, of course, as you’ll be too busy shitting yourself at what might be revealed next.
Still, shitting yourself will make room up your arse for your fraternal greetings, the olive branch and the dove. Mind your arsehole on that beak.
You can repeat this bluff and bluster ad nauseam. But Detterling I can read you like a book. Had you had grief, tragedy, deep hurt and pain in your life you would not have ended up a pampered, self-centered woke snowflake.
"But Detterling I can read you like a book."
ReplyDeleteIn which case, why have you avoided answering this simple question, Gene?
"Which poem has provided me with the central literary experience of my intellectual life? and what is your evidence for your answer?"
And as for this:
"Had you had grief, tragedy, deep hurt and pain in your life you would not have ended up a pampered, self-centered woke snowflake."
you can go on repeating it for as long as you like, but it will make no more sense than it did when you first dreamt it up out of fresh air, just as your lies, no matter how often repeated, never turn into the truth.
Don't give yourself airs, you ridiculous little wankstain. You have no idea what my life has consisted of, Gene, and your insistence that my life has had no grief, tragedy and pain in it merely illustrates your arrogance, your stupidity and your insensitivity, not to mention your selfishness.
Your selfishness is illustrated by two things - that you have no capacity whatsoever for introspection, no empathy at all with anyone but yourself, and a total confidence that there are only two modes of thought, action and belief - your way and the wrong way.
Why do you persist in thinking that repeating nonsense somehow turns it into sense? This latest fantasy about a pampered middle class life is the only funny thing you have ever said - and, typically, you mean it to be taken seriously.
Actually, you know NOTHING about me at all - you even think that I live in Tyneside, which is of course what you were meant to think…
I on the other hand, know a great deal about you - and for the price of a 192 subscription I could have your address and phone number in ten minutes. But using those would cross a line that could well backfire.
Let that be as it may, by the end of Lent, an awful lot more people are going to know a great deal more about you than they do now (absolutely none of it will be to your credit) and very much I hope they will enjoy it.
You won’t, of course, as you’ll be too busy shitting yourself at what might be revealed next.
Still, shitting yourself will make room up your arse for your fraternal greetings, the olive branch and the dove. Mind your arsehole on that beak.
Oh yes, and where is your PROOF that I live on Tyneside?
DeleteOh yes, and where is your PROOF that I live on Tyneside?
DeleteProof is your postings from the last twenty years.
I can read you like a book. You are trying to disassociate yourself from Tyneside because you are scared that when any furore erupts over your 'outing' of me you will be easily tracked down to Tyneside.
"Proof is your postings from the last twenty years."
ReplyDeleteDon't be stupid, Gene. Anyone who has dealt with treacherous bastards like you on-line learns early on to take care to lay as many false trails as possible, and the Tyneside story is only one of mine.
Where is your proof that I live there?
You cannot cite any proof because there is none.
Nor will anyone be able to "track me down" once the shit starts to hit the fan at some point in the next six weeks - I have made sure of that, although I am not daft enough to tell you how I have arranged it.
There again, I could be lying about not living on Tyneside.
You don't KNOW, do you, any more than a reader of this blog would know that your self-description in its masthead is such a pack of self-aggrandising lies - "Educator, Novelist, Humanitarian and Humorist".
"Educator" - for which read "Serial groper of defenceless young female colleagues and subject of several written warnings as to his professional conduct as a teacher, 1981 - 2016"
"Novelist" - for which read "abjectly awful amateur writer who has been published only once, and that at his own expense, selling 71 copies of the appalling 'Granny Barkes fell in Woolworths' in fourteen months";
"Humanitarian" - for which read "unscrupulous, flint-hearted bigot and nasty ,dirty minded homophobe, a serial hypocrite and bogus Catholic who disgraced by his allegiance a noble institution";
"Humorist" - for which read "a man whose idea of humour was sneering at the mentally ill or writing illiterate filth about buggering other men's wives".
"I can read you like a book"
In which case where is your answer to this elementary question?
"Which poem has provided me with the central literary experience of my intellectual life? and what is your evidence for your answer?"
I shall be winding up my posting on this blog tomorrow, Shrove Tuesday, Gene, as I have no wish to spend what could well be my final few months in this beautiful world wrangling with a contemptible piece of human shit like you.
You pollute this world with your malice, hypocrisy and vicious intolerance, and if I am to leave this world soon then I will sleep easier for knowing that you received the public humiliation that you so richly deserve.
ReplyDelete"Which poem has provided me with the central literary experience of my intellectual life?
The Tay Bridge Disaster BY William McGonagall
Oh! Gene. You are a one!
DeleteMary Winterbourne
And yet another of your pitifully empty boasts is shown up as the bombast it is. Still, it’s a lovely day here in the Hambledons. Or do I mean Hull?