Christian teacher loses job over refusal to teach LGBT+ studies

Bishop Justus C of E School
A TEACHER’s career hangs in the balance after she refused to teach LGBT material on the religious-education syllabus to Year 7 pupils (aged 11-12).
Glawdys Leger was dismissed in May 2022 from Bishop Justus C of E School, Bromley, in south London. Last week, she appeared before a fitness-to-practise hearing at the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA), investigating claims that she had upset one pupil with her views.
Ms Leger, aged 43, a teacher of modern foreign languages who had worked at the school since 2017, said that she was “treated as though I was a danger for expressing my Christian beliefs” after telling pupils that LGBT practices were sinful, and that humans were born either male or female.
She told the Mail Online website last week that she objected to introducing children to the concept of gender and sexual — including pansexual, asexual, intersex, and transgender — identities, as well as the promotion of critical race theory and abortion. She said: “The impact of what has happened to me has taken a great toll on me. The thought of me losing my career for expressing my Christian beliefs in response to questions from students is heartbreaking.”
While she expressed “great compassion” for LGBT people, she could not “in good conscience” teach or say things that she believed were contrary to her faith: “for example, saying that same-sex sexual relationships are good, and/or affirming people in their gender confusion”.
The hearing at the TRA’s Coventry offices was scheduled to last all week.
Bishop Justus School is one of 11 academies in southern England which form the Aquinas Church of England Education Trust, which has a total of 5000 pupils. In a statement, it said: “Delivering a high-quality education and supporting the wellbeing of students is our top priority. To ensure this is achieved, we promote fundamental British values including mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, as part of a broad and balanced curriculum. The school teaches in line with statutory requirements to promote British values and follows relevant guidance outlined by the Department for Education.
“Given the ongoing investigation, and sensitivities involved, it would not be appropriate to comment any further.”
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