How the media are covering up for Pope Francis

How the media are covering up for Pope Francis
If the head of any other organisation were guilty of such complicity, he or she would not only be forced to resign but could also end up in the dock
It’s depressing to see the media – both Catholic and secular – shielding Pope Francis from the explosive allegation made
by his own former nuncio to the United States, that he knowingly
covered up for and revived the career of serial gay predator Cardinal
Theodore McCarrick.
Carlo Maria Viganò, in testimony published on Saturday, says he
personally told Francis in 2013 that McCarrick, retired Archbishop of
Washington, had ‘corrupted generations of seminarians and priests’.
Pope shrugged this off, says Viganò, and went on to lift canonical
sanctions placed on McCarrick by Benedict XVI. McCarrick was his close
ally – as was retired Cardinal Danneels of Belgium, who had concealed
incestuous abuse by one of his bishops. Fully aware of this, Francis
invited Danneels to a synod on the family –
something that didn’t trouble the Pope’s most fanatical supporters in
the media, known as ‘Team Francis’. It still doesn’t bother them.
Confronted by these new grave and credible charges against the Pope, members of Team Francis writing in the liberal National Catholic Reporter, the Tablet and America magazine have desperately sought to discredit Viganò.
had very limited success. Yes, the former nuncio is an ideological
opponent of Francis; assisted by fellow conservatives, he timed his
statement in order to cause maximum embarrassment to the pontiff. Also,
it appears that Benedict’s sanctions against McCarrick were delayed,
ineffective and flouted.
But we know that the old cardinal was forced
out of the seminary where he was living, and on the orders of Benedict.
That may be as far as the sanctions went. It wouldn’t surprise me if
McCarrick’s continued insubordination – supported by fellow cardinals
aware of his dirty reputation – played a part in Benedict’s decision to
resign the papacy in despair.
evasive coverage of this scandal by Team Francis hardliners is
impossible to justify. Certain ‘reporters’ should ask themselves whether
they have become complicit in concealing sexual abuse.
most of the secular media – now almost bereft of religion specialists –
are lazily clinging to the narrative of Francis as a ‘Great Reformer’.
is nothing of the sort. He’s a man whose ruthless and cynical modus
operandi was well known in Argentina before he was elected pope. (I urge
everyone to read the book The Dictator Pope by
Henry Sire, which gives chapter and verse.) Note that Francis has not
set foot in his home country since leaving for the 2013 conclave. He
dare not: he has too many enemies there.
Especially disappointing is the biased coverage of the Viganò affair by the New York Times, which broke the original McCarrick story. Why did the respected Jason Horowitz begin a long report this week with the following paragraphs?
the start of his papacy, Francis has infuriated Catholic
traditionalists as he tries to nurture a more welcoming church and shift
it away from culture war issues, whether abortion or homosexuality.
“Who am I to judge?” the pope famously said, when asked about gay
how angry his political and doctrinal enemies are became clear this
weekend, when a caustic letter published by the Vatican’s former top
diplomat in the United States blamed a “homosexual current” in the
Vatican hierarchy for sexual abuse. It called for Francis’ resignation,
accusing him of covering up for a disgraced cardinal, Theodore
the letter – released in the middle of the pope’s visit to Ireland – an
ideologically motivated opposition has weaponised the church’s sex
abuse crisis to threaten not only Francis’ agenda but his entire papacy.
At the very least, it has returned the issue of homosexuality in the
Roman Catholic Church, which many conservatives are convinced lies
behind the abuse crisis, to the centre of debate.
of this is untrue, though it perhaps misinterprets the line ‘who am I
to judge?’ Francis was answering a question about Mgr Battista Ricca, a
Vatican diplomat caught up in a colourful gay scandal whom the Pope
nonetheless appointed to help reform the Vatican bank. But much of Horowitz’s piece reads as if it has been dictated by Team Francis.
Liberal Catholics and the mainstream media are misleading us on two crucial points:
Viganò’s motives in releasing the testimony are fundamentally
irrelevant. We need to know whether his claims are true. Did Francis
ignore what Viganò told him about McCarrick – which, let us not forget,
was the truth? I reckon he did, but then I’ve long been convinced that
this Pope is prepared to overlook all manner of offences so long as the
offender is useful to him. Read my blog post
about the shady papal confidant Cardinal Oscar Maradiaga of Honduras,
whom Francis declared innocent before the investigation of allegations
of financial wrongdoing had even begun.
The reputations of John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis have all been
damaged by the McCarrick scandal. John Paul made McCarrick Archbishop
of Washington and a cardinal even though he was already widely rumoured
to be a predator – and his previous archdiocese of Newark had paid money to adults
claiming that they had been sexually assaulted. Benedict acted very
late in the day against McCarrick, after the latter’s retirement, and
his low-key canonical sanctions amounted to very little. Francis,
however, is credibly accused of a far greater degree of complicity in
McCarrick’s crimes. If the head of any other organisation were guilty of
such complicity, he or she would not only be forced to resign but could
also end up in the dock. Team Francis must understand this. To their
eternal disgrace, and helped by ignorant secular news outlets, they want
to make sure that the public doesn’t understand it and continues to
believe in Francis the Reformer. Who does not exist.
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