That's the trouble when we get into high spirits. As the working class down here in this part of England's green and pleasant land put it: I was bang out of order.
I know I can't really blame Tuborg or Jameson's - but well you know. We all had a great time but I have paid the price with a hangover today.

In case anyone is reading this apology for a blog and wonders what Gene is whining and snivelling about above, it is this unspeakable filth which, in his customary drink-sodden state last Friday, he posted about my wife.
ReplyDelete"Hi, Detters, greetings from The Good Yarn. We are having a smashing time here tonight. We'd just like to say that we think Delia Detterling is a gorgeous piece of stuff.
And we'd like to congratulate Gene for having shagged her.
From all the lads in the Friday Night Club.
Tuborg's all round barman, s'il vous plait."
He has since emailed me privately to snivel and grovel in apology, pleading with me not to retaliate and claiming, in mitigation, that he was drunk when wrote that disgustingly nasty post. It's interesting that Gene pleads drunkenness as a mitigation for his actions, as though drink made him act out of character. As he would say, in his own pretentious ninth-rate style, au contraire. Alcohol removes inhibitions and reveals people in their true nature; and so we see here Gene as he really is: dirty-minded, nasty and, in his pretence of piety, a colossal hypocrite, the worst catholic since Henry VIII - likewise a selfish, gross, drunken, gluttonous sot and, like Gene, an incorrigible plagiarist, publishing the writings and music of other men as his own.
And, in sending me this email in what Gene imagines to be mitigation, offering a grotesque insult to my intelligence.
"Detters I know you are entitled to be angry but please don't take any action against me. I'm my own worst enemy when I have too much to drink. Any action you take will only hurt Marianne and the children and they don't deserve that. I've had a lecture today from Tony (big saloon) about how silly I have been."
Well, Gene, too bad about that, but this is the end of the line for you. You claim that you are "your own worst enemy" - well, not while I'm around you're not. I have had enough of you and I am going to stamp on you. As you will see, I have already taken my own blogs down to cover my tracks before I send off a package of incriminating material - including a screenshot of the post above - to the Westminster Record and the Catholic Herald.
You can prevent this ONLY by taking this blog down finally and permanently by midnight tonight, Sunday September 23rd. As I said in my email to you last night, Saturday September 22nd:
"I have had enough of your bastardy and I am going to finish you off. You have one chance to avoid disgrace, and you need to take it by midnight tomorrow, Sunday 23rd September. Take your blog down, permanently, by that deadline or face the consequences - to you and to your wife and family who, as you say, have done nothing to deserve the disgrace I am about to visit on you.
No negotiation.
Blog permanently closed by 1200 on Sunday September 23rd, Gene in the clear.
Blog still open at 1201 on Monday 24th September, Gene [and wife and children] in the shit.
You have no-one to thank but yourself for this, Gene. You are filth, and in getting away with your filth for years on end you have come to think of yourself as invincible.
You are about to find out that you are wrong.
Detters hold fire. Something important on right now. Will explain tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteAll best wishes,
I said no negotiation.
ReplyDeleteToo late.
Too bad.
Goodbye Gene.