Wednesday 4 September 2024



Recent discussions on here have made me realize how much I have always loathed the pinko/liberal extreme Left. I loathe all aspects: the intolerance, the atheism, the political correctness, the hypocrisy, the brown rice, the soya milk, the lentils, the low fat yogurt.

I loathe how the Left pay lip service to the principle of freedom of speech - but not if this involves something it does not wish to hear. The following encapsulates much of what is despicable about the Left:

Some years back I had a friend, a fellow-teacher, who was a member of the Labour Party. In fact he was for some years a Labour councillor for Westminster Council. He once related in the school staff room how he had been to a Labour Party meeting the night before. He raised the issue of the importance of the views of the pro-life anti-abortion groups being listened to in the party.

 My God! He was howled down. He wasn't allowed to say this. The pinko-liberal, Detterling clones howled him down.

What intolerance! What dishonesty! What hypocrisy!


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