Friday 2 August 2024


The Young Prostitute

The following true story happened more or less four years ago. I knew a young prostitute named Miriam. She was twenty-two years old and had two daughters, the oldest being two and a half years old. Since we also work with prostitutes who desire a new life, Miriam asked that we help her. She said that she desired to return home to her family, but her “manager” told her that if she did something “so brainless” the two girls would have to remain behind. They were, after all, a great investment. Before all this happened, however, Miriam and I had had a conversation about the holy angels and we agreed that we would entrust our cause to them.

Some twenty days later, I received a message from Miriam. She was hospitalized for severe kidney spasms, but had already been released and was considering the possibility of realizing her desire: to leave that life and return to her family. She was ready to flee, but not without her daughters. She asked me if I would go to the place, offer money and take the girls. She was confident that all would go well.

The following morning, I entrusted myself once more to the holy angels and went to that awful place. The “manager” was very angry to see me and told me that I would remain in Miriam’s place, in every sense; that she would strip me and force me to prostitute myself until the “Big Chief” arrived. Some “youths” drew closer and also about three men.

I ardently asked my holy angel to protect me and to pray with me the “Sanctus” which we pray during the Holy Mass. I prayed in a medium tone of voice and felt secure. The “manager” tried to touch me but, there being a distance between us of about twenty centimeters, more or less, she was unable to move. Irritated, she shouted at me to stop “saying that thing”, because “something” was holding her back. For forty five minutes she shouted and threatened, but couldn’t move herself. Finally after help arrived she fled terrified, shouting that I stop “saying that thing.” Thus, we were able to remove the children and give them to their mother, helping all three to return to their family.

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