GRANNY BARKES UPDATE... Further slight delay to publication date.

Well folks Granny Barkes Fell in Woolworths will not come out tomorrow. For some unspecified reason the publishers have moved the publication date to Wednesday 20th December 2023.
That's still fine - in the the middle of the week before Christmas. What a Christmas stocking- stuffer it will make!
Back some years ago, when I was doing the rounds of literary agents with Granny Barkes, I had a very nasty letter from one agent. He asked how I could have the gall to send him such rubbish. I have kept this gentleman's details and on the day Granny Barkes hits the bookshelves he will get a specially inscribed copy with the inscription reading: Put that in your pipe and smoke it Nancyboy!
What an abjectly pathetic performance, even for Gene “Gutless Vermin” Vincent, the non-writing full time professional writer, the novelist who doesn’t even read novels let alone write them, the non-painting painter, the non-sculpting sculptor, plagiarist, liar, Peeping Tom, Groper, hypocrite, Pharisee and sexual obsessive.
ReplyDeleteWhy not tell us what we all know - that no publisher in history has ever pulled off the impossible feat of publishing an unwritten novel?
There is no “unspecified reason” for the non-publication of “Granny Barkes fell in Woolworths”.
The FACT is that there is no such novel because Gene “Gutless Vermin” Vincent can’t write.
Pathetic - too sad even to be the subject of the derision he so richly deserves.
Kiss! Kiss!
Julian “Judy” Garland