Thursday 9 March 2023

This morning in Harris & Hoole in the High Street I was reminiscing with Tony of the Big Saloon about the early days of the TES Opinion Forum. Great memories...

It was a wonderful forum for teachers to let off steam, rant, empathise, and chew the fat. In those days you could get away with almost anything on the forum - and I did!

Within a week or so of my first postings I got into a spat with a group of ladies - Wordsworth, Mixu, Inky, Elaine C et al. I got so annoyed with them I posted, "You bitches! Call yourselves teachers? Ha! Ha! Ha! Don't make me laugh. I wouldn't give any of you a job as a cleaner in the lowest pissoir in Uxbridge."

In the spring of 2005 Detterling appeared. He very soon introduced the subject of his gay nephew. He was quite belligerent. The gist of his approach was: My nephew is gay. Any of you got a problem with that?  Next he informed us that his gay nephew had a partner. There was a lot of 'Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink. Say no more squire.' amongst posters.

Then of course on 25th November 2006 we had the glorious Duke of York showdown...



Detterling I have decided to call your gay nephew Cuthbert. A good north east saint's name.


  1. In some ways this is painful to watch - Gene Vincent recycling for the fifteenth time his Duke of York lies, not to mention the ludicrous reminiscence of his daily humiliations on TES Opinion which he somehow managed to recycle as "victories". This is the protracted death rattle of a blog which had nothing to say in 2005 and still hasn't.

    Gene was identified in his first few weeks on TES Opinion as a liar, poseur, hypocrite, homophobe and wanker, and it is a mark of his total failure as a human being that he has not developed or changed at all in the eighteen years since. This pitiful flailing and wriggling tells us that he is near the end of his rope. The psychiatric ward beckons, and even many people who would not piss on Gene were he on fire hope that he will be able to accept his need for psychoanalysis and focused help with his alcoholism.

    Fr Richard Dawkins, SJ, formerly known as Professor Richard Dawkins, professional atheist, but converted by Gene Vincent during 2021

  2. Well, I hear what you say and of course I, and all my readers, will ignore it.

    But, let me ask: are you happy with Cuthbert as the name for your gay nephew?


    1. Do you SERIOUSLY imagine that Detterling gives a flying fuck about your feeble inventions? You are suffering seriously from delusions of adequacy.
      Monsignor Giovanni Batista Pudenda, Novice Master, Order of the Blessed St Onan.

  3. "Next he informed us that his gay nephew had a partner. There was a lot of 'Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink. Say no more squire.' amongst posters."

    Yes indeed. And we were amongst those posters!

    Mr & Mrs Anonymous

  4. No you weren’t. You were founder members of Gene’s sweaty sock puppet brigade. Contemptible.
    Antonio de L’auto Granda

  5. 'Antonio de L’auto Granda'

    Ha! Ha! Ha! We like it.

    Mr & Mrs Anonymous

  6. Hark! what is that mingled crunching, grinding and roaring noise resounding through cyberspace?

    It is the sound of Gene's blog crashing and burning...

    Wystan Hugh "if that's his face, what must his scrotum look like?" Auden.
