To vary Oscar Wilde, the Church’s liturgical life often imitates art by being strikingly appropriate to a particular moment. That was certainly true on Monday of the Third Week of Lent, 2023—a day when the Scriptures of the eucharistic liturgy invite us to ponder the greatest of the capital sins, pride, through the story of Naaman, the Syrian general, and Jesus’s confrontation with his fellow Nazarenes. This year, Monday of Lent III immediately followed the concluding meeting of the German “Synodal Way.” And while there are many reasons why institutional German Catholicism is hurtling into apostasy, and may go off the cliff into schism, pride is one of them.
Naaman seeks a cure for his leprosy from the “man of God,” Elisha, successor to Elijah as “prophet in Israel” (2 Kings 5:8). The Syrian is willing to make a long and difficult journey to gain what he seeks. He is prepared to compensate the prophet for a cure with gold and silver. But when Elisha tells him to bathe seven times in the Jordan, Naaman balks. Why should this piddling Israelite stream have more curative power than the greater rivers of Damascus? He’s about to return home in a huff when his servants plead with him to bathe in the Jordan, arguing that, as he would have done something difficult if the prophet asked, why not do something easy?
Naaman bathes as Elisha instructed, is cured, and then declares that “I know that there is no God in all the earth but in Israel” (2 Kings 5:15). Naaman’s pride had been the obstacle to his cure, and ultimately to his faith in the one true God.
The Gospel reading for Monday of Lent III offers the Church a New Testament parallel to the tale of Naaman and Elisha. Just before the passage from St. Luke’s Gospel read that day, Jesus had taken the scroll of Isaiah the prophet at a Sabbath service in his hometown synagogue, read about the one who would “proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,” declared that “today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing”—and won the plaudits of all, “who spoke well of him” (Luke 4:20–22). The atmospherics quickly change, however, and the story as read on Monday of Lent III displays a different face of the Nazarenes.
For, in their pride, they start wondering about this upstart. Isn’t he Joseph’s son, a carpenter? Who does he think he is? And what kind of messiah is this? We had something different, something better, in mind. So they drive Jesus out of Nazareth and are about to throw him off a promontory when, “passing through the midst of them, he went away” (Luke 4:30). Pride, once again, has been an obstacle to faith. We, the Nazarenes, know what kind of messiah God should have sent—just as Adam and Eve, in their pride, thought they knew better than God about what was good and evil, displaying an arrogance that drove them out of paradise in Genesis 3.
When the German Synodal Way declares that it knows better than God about what makes for righteous living, happiness, and ultimate beatitude—which is what the Synodal Way did when it rejected the biblical anthropology of Genesis 1 and embraced gender ideology and the LGBTQ agenda—the Germans were behaving exactly like Adam and Eve, Naaman before his conversion, and the Nazarenes. When the German Synodal Way endorses a kind of parliamentary system of church governance in defiance of the order that Christ himself established for his Church, the Germans were doing precisely what every prideful sinner from Adam and Eve through the leprous Naaman and the scornful Nazarenes had done: rejecting divine revelation. Thus the remarkable, artful symmetry of those readings for Monday of the Third Week following immediately after the conclusion of the German Synodal Way, which deconstructed Catholicism in the name of the allegedly superior culture of today.
Some months after John Paul II issued his 1993 encyclical on the reform of Catholic moral theology, Veritatis Splendor, a book of commentaries on that text—all negative—was published by German theologians. The book’s editor wrote in the foreword that the book was being published because Germany had a special responsibility for theology in the Catholic Church. To which one wanted to say, “Says who? When was the election?”
That is the kind of pride that led many German theologians to regard the brilliant John Paul II as a pre-modern, reactionary Slav, not quite up to their enlightened standards. That same pride has infused, and thoroughly corrupted, the German Synodal Way.
George Weigel’s column is syndicated by the Denver Catholic, the official publication of the Archdiocese of Denver.

George Weigel is Distinguished Senior Fellow of Washington, D.C.’s Ethics and Public Policy Center, where he holds the William E. Simon Chair in Catholic Studies.
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A pity you can't cancel these German heretics, eh Gene? Still, it keeps the be-frocked senile celibates busy to have all these debates about how many angels can dance on Christ's foreskin, what time rank and file gay Catholics go on entrusting themselves to the appalling strangeness of the mercy of God [and thank you, Graham Greene] and try not to let bigoted wankers like Gene Vincent have them excommunicated; and rank and file heterosexual Catholics go on blithely ignoring Humana Vitae and using artificial contraception - just as Gene did before his wife barred him from the marriage bed because of his appalling halitosis, rank armpits and non-existent personal hygiene....
ReplyDeleteDetterling this article is particularly apposite for you, your parish priest and your bishop.
And furthermore Detterling make sure you inform your parish priest and your bishop about this article. Each of you are guilty of monstrous pride. You know better than the Church indeed!
Show me where I say I know better than the church - you can't because I didn't. I refuse the church's authority to lay down the law regarding its members' god-given sexuality, and I am willing to answer for that should I be required to. It's rather like the way you ignored Humana Vitae and practised artificial contraception during your adulterous second marriage [sic].
ReplyDeleteAnd it should be "each of you IS guilty", you illiterate ponce - publication [sic] of "Great Uncle Ebenezer tossed himself off in the Asda Delicatessen" [or whatever it's called] "shortly after Easter" my arse.
And you were going to list twelve individuals who have been "harassed, bullied and cancelled" [sic] by the "gay lobby" [sic].
Why haven't you done this? because you can't??
And please hurry up and tell us when you are going to do something about being a bigoted wanker, and an unpublished and unpublishable bigoted wanker to boot?
What is that grinding, groaning sound?
It's Gene's blog, once again being derailed by the unstoppable forces of logic, evidence and personal abuse.
Yes, I made a mistake. I intended to write 'all of you are guilty' saw my mistake but was unable to edit it once it was published.
DeleteDetterling leave such trivia behind and concentrate on your heresy - a heresy by a satanic osmosis you have inflicted upon your parish priest and your bishop.
Gene, grow up.
Delete"Satanic osmosis", for Christ's sake. For a man who claims to be a "published" [sic] "author" [sic], your grasp of metaphor is pathetic. Osmosis is a process via which a less concentrated solution dilutes a more concentrated solution. Hence for your metaphor to work, my "heresy" [sic] would have to be less heretical than my parish priest's or my bishop's - which is the opposite of what you meant. There is no point in arguing with unresisting imbecility [and thank you, Samuel Johnson].
Show me where I say I know better than the church - you can't because I didn't. I refuse the church's authority to lay down the law regarding its members' god-given sexuality, and I am willing to answer for that should I be required to. It's rather like the way you ignored Humana Vitae and practised artificial contraception during your adulterous second marriage [sic].
And you were going to list twelve individuals who have been "harassed, bullied and cancelled" [sic] by the "gay lobby" [sic].
Why haven't you done this? because you can't??
And please hurry up and tell us when you are going to do something about being a bigoted wanker, and an unpublished and unpublishable bigoted wanker to boot?
Now look here you pompous so-and-so, of course I know the meaning of osmosis. And in this case the metaphor is especially apt. The level of heresy engaged in by your parish priest and your bishop is greater than yours – they are both ordained clergy.
DeleteYou, although you are a heretic, are nothing but a snarling nobody.
And why are you calling for evidence about the nefarious activity of the Gay Lobby? It’s all around you.
Shall we start with the harassment and hounding of the Bulls, the Christian guesthouse owners, who were hounded, taken to court and almost put out of business? How about the Belfast bakery that suffered in similar fashion? What about that Church of England priest, a school chaplain , who was forced out of his job by the Gay Lobby – while Welby, Cottrell et al sat on their asses and did nothing? What about the hounding of JK Rowling, Kate Forbes, Tim Farron et al?
And finally what about my good self? Some year back on the TES Opinion Forum I got into a spat with an aggressive lesbian and Gay Lobbyist who went by the username of Grumpydog woman. (She is now dead I believe.) She posted about school children being turned out of their homes because they were gay. I posted that this was a totally false claim. In my teaching experience (then 35 years) I had never heard of a child being thrown out of their home for such a reason. The bitch reported me to the police! She also reported a wonderful poster named Grunwald. In my opinion the police should have taken action against the bitch for wasting police time.
You want me to continue Detterling?
No, I thought not.
On the contrary I am waiting for you to start. igot
ReplyDeleteDear God, what a pitiful response.
Not only a bigoted wanker, but a pig-ignorant bigoted wanker.
Dear God, what a pitiful response.
"Not a week goes by but some unfortunate soul is harassed, bullied and cancelled by the Gay Lobby." [Gene Vincent, 31st March 2023].
ReplyDeleteAnd so when Gene, after a week of flannelling and bluster, finally gets round to trying to substantiate his bigoted ignorance, what do we get?
[a] the sanctimonious Peter and HazelMary Bull - a case which made headlines FIFTEEN YEARS AGO, for fuck's sake. And in any case they were not persecuted by the "gay lobby" [sic], but prosecuted for breaking the law which prohibits the withholding of commercial services from people on the grounds of their sexuality. The "gay lobby" were not to blame for their prosecution, the Bulls were. Gene grading: FAIL.
[b] then the Belfast bakery case, dating from as recently as EIGHT YEARS AGO - which in any case the sanctimonious bigots who ran the bakery WON when they took it to the ECHR, albeit on a technicality - the original prosecution did not invoke human rights as having been infringed. Gene grading: FAIL
[c] and Revd Bernard Randall was dismissed from his post as school chaplain for preaching against LGBTQ rights ONLY after being suspended, dismissed, reinstated on appeal and then furloughed during COVID and not re-employed. Not the "gay lobby" [sic] but the schoool governors who wished to make their school inclusive. Gene
grading: FAIL
[d] J K Rowling was hounded and cancelled not by the "gay lobby" [sic], but by the trans lobby. Gene grading: FAIL
[e] Kate Forbes was not cancelled or hounded out of a job -she withdrew from the SNP leadership race because she knew she wouldn't win because of her [illegal] bigotry over [legal] same sex marriage. She is still MSP for Sutherland, has been offered a newspaper column and was also offered a job in the Scottish cabinet, which she refused, but will probably accepet sooner rather than later. No cancellation involved. Gene grading: FAIL
[e] Tim Farron is still a Liberal MP and the party's spokesman on Environment, Agriculture and Rural Affairs - not, therefore, hounded out of a job by the "gay lobby" [sic]. This is in spite of his sanctimonious bigotry about same sex marriage. Gene grading: FAIL
[f] the story about you and Grumpydogwoman is, of course, pernicious nonsense, all of it. If it isn't prove it: you won't, because you can't. Gene grading: FAIL.
[g] As for your pompous statement that "no child has ever been thrown out of his or her home because of their sexuality", what a smug, pig ignorant piece of shit you are. At the end of 2016, some 5000 homosexual young people were either thrown out of their homes or living in a hostile environment on the grounds of their sexuality. Spend half an hour googling UK
[g] As for your pompous statement that "no child has ever been thrown out of his or her home because of their sexuality", what a smug, pig ignorant piece of shit you are. At the end of 2016, some 5000 homosexual young people were either thrown out of their homes or living in a hostile environment on the grounds of their sexuality. Spend half an hour googling "UK homosexual youth expelled from home" or similar, check your facts, and apologise for your pig ignorant arrogance.
ReplyDeleteAltogether a complete and utter FAIL from a complete and utter FAILURE - even as a pig ignorant and bigoted wanker, Gene is a FAIL.
Come on then, Gene, prove me wrong.
And you are wrong about "osmosis" - but then you knew that.
Now piss off.
"the story about you and Grumpydogwoman is, of course, pernicious nonsense, all of it."
ReplyDeleteOh! no it isn't! And you know this. You stuck your oar in at the time in favour of this bitch.
So everything I have mentioned above is wrong? You are are like Nelson putting the telescope up to his blind eye and saying: "I SEE NO SHIPS."
If it is true, prove it; and prove I “stuck my oar in” as well. (And do it without bogus post from Sir Henry’s old server…).
ReplyDeleteYou can’t, because it isn’t.
And stop your pitiful flanelling.
I didn’t say that everything you alleged above was wrong. I merely proved that none of the incidents you cited were proof of the existence and malign purposes of the “gay lobby” (sic).
Gene, you are simply not up to this. You are ignorant, bigoted and incapable of constructing a logical chain of reasoning. If I didn’t despise as much as I do I might even feel sorry for such a pathetic little turd as you.
OH DEAR! another epic Gene FAIL...
ReplyDelete"You are are like Nelson putting the telescope up to his blind eye and saying: "I SEE NO SHIPS." "
As any fool knows, Nelson put his telescope to his blind eye in response to the cowardly orders of his admiral so that he could ignore them, have the courage of his convictions, and press on to win the battle of Copenhagen.
Who comes out of that situation as the winner? Nelson's cowardly, pig ignorant commander or Nelson himself?
Once again Gene, reaching for a cheap, easy and completely misunderstood metaphor, shoots himself in the foot.
Dear God, Gene, you are in a mess. Drunk, incoherent, baffled, incapable of logical thought and argument.
What now, I wonder? "Ooh Matron"? a dire parade of sock puppets? Either way, this blog has once more been brought to a grinding stop.
Give up, why don't you?
Detterling you are without doubt the most dishonest person I have ever encountered. How could you pretend to not remember the Grumpydogwoman episode on the TES Opinion Forum?
DeleteShe reported my good self and Grunwald to the police – all because she lost an argument. I had posted that, contrary to her allegations, I in my then 35 year teaching career, had never heard of a school child being expelled from home because they were gay.
The police sensibly took no action, but in my opinion, they should have charged her with wasting police time. Grunwald, understandably frightened, left the forum but I carried on and continued to give the bitch hell.
How can you continue to call yourself a member of the C of E with you displaying such heresy as in recent posts? For example, you have written:
“Revd Bernard Randall was dismissed from his post as school chaplain for preaching against LGBTQ …”
So, such secular ideologies such as the Satanic, Father Of Lies, stance of LGBTQ trump Church doctrine? If you hold to such heresies why don’t you have the guts to leave the Church?
Nevertheless, despite your obnoxious behaviour I will display true Christianity and send you, Delia, Sebastian and Cuthbert an Easter card.
"Detterling you are without doubt the most dishonest person I have ever encountered." says the man who has claimed to publish two novels [and is about to publish a third] and a work of theology; who has forged emails from Christopher Ricks, Richard Dawkins and Clive James, not to mention admitted that he cheated his way through a PPE degree at St John's College Oxford by plagiarising all his essays from the work of better men. Don't you DARE lecture me about honesty, you lying ponce.
ReplyDelete"Detterling you are without doubt the most dishonest person I have ever encountered." - oh really? do you never look in the mirror?
As for the Grumpydogwoman episode, I remember your fabricating some sort of fantasy about her reporting you to the police - as if she could have done that without knowing your name, for christ's sake - and being derided and laughed at by everyone else, as you deserved to be. Then as now, you were an inept liar as well as an incorrigible one. You can't even invent a convincing falsehood.
As for Grunwald, he was neither frightened nor left the forum, but carried on posting long after you were banned. And as for this
"I carried on and continued to give the bitch hell" - what an appalling admission coming from someone claiming to be a Christian - and you DARE to lecture me about my "heresies" [sic], you pompous arse.
And as for your demented ravings about heresy and my leaving the church, either grow up or piss off. I am entitled to my beliefs and I shall account for myself to anyone whose spiritual authority I recognise - which lets you out, as a canting, sanctimonious hypocrite with a dirty mind and the kind of nastiness which leads him to publish filth about the people he envies.
As for your "christian" [sic] "charity" [sic] and your "easter card", you can stuff all three of them up your arse. I would no more accept christian goodwill from a despicably disgusting human being like you than I would accept them from equally despicable and disgusting human beings like Vincent Nichols. If you want to start a heresy hunt, why not have a go at him, and ask him why he spent so much time and energy when he was bishop of Birmingham protecting those members of his clergy whose favourite pastime was abusing the children in their care?
Ooh! Matron!
ReplyDeleteI'll see myself out.