(Quite a few TESSERS are now turning up on this blog. They are most
welcome. Tessers enjoy the following.)
(This homily was
delivered on Easter Sunday 2017 in a C of E church on Tyneside by a
visiting C of E pastor who wishes to remain anonymous.)
Dearly Beloved,
First let us get all the Tyneside
colloquialisms, aphorisms, clichés and platitudes out of the way:
"Northern born and northern bred.
Broad in the arm and thick in the head" "nooling"
"charver" "mint" "belter" "away
the lads" "hinny" "wor lad" "gan nin"
"howay" "Geordie's lost his penga" "Toon
army" "Bonnie lad" "Doon the double ra"
"Scotswood Road" "The Blaydon Races" ...
Oh! my. Doesn't that feel better? (laughter)
Now dear brothers and sisters we have all
heard the quote from Edmund Burke:
thrives when good people do nothing”
is a quote that stirred my heart. Evil has surely made itself known and
one does not have to go far to see it or hear about it. This quote has applied
to each and every one of us from the beginning of creation until the end of
days on earth. From a Christian perspective, I have recognized the
necessary participation we as believers need to have in this
world. Now this morning I would like to apply the corollary to
Edmund Burke's observation and state that: "Evil disappears when good men
do something."
brothers and sisters let us cast our minds back a few years to a dreadful reign
of terror that befell England's green and pleasant land. This occurred on the
Opinion Forum of the website of the TES publication. Many of us are familiar
with what happened but let us refresh our memories. A nefarious grouping, who
became known as The Clique, gained a hold on Opinion Forum.
Clique was composed mostly of pinko
liberal and extreme left-wing Fascists and their agenda was to exterminate all
opinion that did not go along with their support for such left wing/liberal
causes as the Gay Lobby and pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia stances. To say The
Clique carried out a reign of terror is to totally understate. These guys made the Waffen-SS look like 'bob a
job' Boy Scouts.
those dark days on Opinion Forum you toed the pinko liberal line or else! Many
suffered horrendously. A recent account by a survivor - a lady named Annie Baker - I recommend to
all of you. Her book is entitled:
it makes harrowing reading.

Clique activities were led by pinko liberal
par excellence Obergruppenführer
Detterling. He was aided and abetted by a dreadful woman from Glasgow's
Gorbals named Seren_dipity, by an pathetic mummy's boy named Bigkid and by a
host of fellow travellers with codenames such as Lilyofthefield, Inky, Jacob,
Scintillant, et al. Detterling directed operations and the group communicated
through landlines, faxes, mobile phones, telexes, texts and the personal
messaging facility of the website. Anyone who looked as if they might be
dissident to The Clique's agenda was targeted, harassed, bullied and hounded.
who was the good man who opposed such evil? Step forward Gene Vincent: Educator, Novelist, Humanitarian and
Humorist. Gene fought The Clique from the very outset. His war cry was:
shall go on to the end, we shall fight on Opinion Forum,
shall fight on the seas and oceans,
shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in cyberspace,
shall defend our principles, whatever the cost may be,
shall fight on the beaches,
shall fight on the landing grounds,
shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
shall fight in the hills;
shall never surrender...
taunted The Clique with:
times things looked grim. Possibly the lowest point was when a gentleman from
West Sussex posted that his wife, Myrtle Thornberry, had committed suicide after being harassed and
bullied for months by The Clique.
Myrtle Thornberry R.I.P. ... victim of The Clique
This news seemed to galvanise Gene into a
superhuman effort and he staged, metaphorically speaking, his 'Normandy
landings' and within a matter of weeks
The Clique was vanquished.
"Evil disappears when good men do something."
dearly beloved what I hear you ask became of Obergruppenführer Detterling? Well, my dear brethren
Obergruppenführer Detterling is living
right here in your midst on Tyneside. (Gasps and sharp intakes of breath from
the congregation)
now an old man of 73, he can sometimes be spotted ambling along the Scotswood
Road bizarrely dressed in a blue denim jacket, lovat chinos and in green socks
in open-toed sandals. Mostly however he
remains indoors listening to his collection of appalling late 60s/early 70s
progressive rock albums: Emmerson, Lake and Palmer, Barclay James Harvest and
Iron Butterfly.
why I hear you ask is he not in sackcloth and ashes praying to the Lord to
forgive him? Why not indeed brothers and sisters?
claims to be writing his memoirs. Whether this is so or not I have no way of
knowing. And if such memoirs are written it is not for me to speculate on
whether they will be published. What I can say with confidence is that in these
'memoirs' there will be no mention of Opinion Forum - or if there is it will be
a completely sanitised account.
called on this wretched soul last week in preparation for this homily. I
knocked on his door and after an interminable wait hear footsteps shuffling to
the door. The door creaked open and there stood Detterling a pathetic wretch of
a man.
morning Mr Detterling I bring you tidings from Gene Vincent, he sends you the
following message: 'WHAT LARKS DETTERS!" I said in a most civil manner. He
glared at me venomously and snarled in best Fr Jack fashion:
"Gobshite!" He slammed the door in my face and as he shuffled inwards
I heard a muffled: "Bastard!"
ReplyThe more tendentious shite you can dredge up from the past, the better, so far as I am concerned. You seem to think that you have some kind of advantage over me - by all means go on thinking that.
"Should Mr Detterling forget his place" - you do realise, I hope, what a precise image of pompous self-regard this projects?
I didn't think that Gene would fall for this one, but he has. I always said that he was as thick as he was nasty.