Sunday 30 January 2022



Saturday, 16 April 2016

A CHALLENGE TO DETTERLING (Before he leaves us sine die on this blog)

A CHALLENGE TO DETTERLING (Before he leaves us, sine die, on this blog)

Detterling next week deo volente the techno squad on here will ensure that you will be prevented from even reading this blog. Afore ye go let me issue you with this little challenge...

You have been crying the most toe curling awful crocodile tears about what you claim is my plagiarising Clive James. (This was a subject of conversation last night in the Good Yarn and all agreed that even by your previous standards of canting and phoniness this took the biscuit.) Why don't you write to Clive James and find out if he agrees with you? I think you'll find that he regards it as an honour that I have quoted him. I'm sure also that Clive will see a fellow literary soul in my writing.

So, what's stopping you writing then? Oops! Sorry. I forgot. You just don't have the bottle! Silly me!
Clive James: literary soul brother of Gene?

I came out with another corker about you last night in the Good Yarn. You know that at every session we have this little parlour game: Detterling is the sort of man who...

Last night my contribution was:

'Detterling is the sort of man who in church would join in with the 'clap hands' Gloria.'

How we laughed!



  1. No, I didn't, because I didn't want to risk distressing a dying man whose writing had enriched my life and continues to do so.

    Unlike you and your unprincipled [and cringingly inept] forgeries of emails you purported to have received from Mr James, the diseased extrusions of a demented and dirty mind.

    And I particularly didn't want to distress him by bothering him about a pretentious, lying, hypocritical and inept little twat like you.

    If you do not seek immediate psychiatric help then I predict that you will be an in-patient in a mental hospital by the end of this year. Lying to yourself as you do day in and day out about who you are, what you mean and what you have achieved with loosen your fragile hold on reality before long.


  2. 'If you do not seek immediate psychiatric help then I predict that you will be an in-patient in a mental hospital by the end of this year.'

    Total bollocks!
