Hi Delia,
I posted this item back in March. It's hilarious. I do hope dear old Detters managed to see it before he passed to the Lord.
Monday, 22 March 2021
Lee Harvey Oswald
For many years it has been rumoured that Lee Harvey Oswald visited Britain in the summer of 1963. I believe it it almost certain that he did.
My researches lead me to believe that he travelled to Heathrow in August 1963 and from there to Tyneside. It seems that he had a two-hour meeting in the Old George pub in Newcastle with an overweight young man whom I believe was the then nineteen year old Detterling.
I have tracked down the barman who was serving in the Old George that day. Now an old man in his nineties - but alert and lucid - he talks of how after the President Kennedy assassination he recognised Lee Harvey Oswald as the man present in the pub that August day. He reported this to the authorities but was just laughed at. I showed him the famous photo of Detterling trainspotting in 1959 and asked if this could be Detterling four years later in 1963. He replied, "Yes, indeed it could. He were a lard-assed young lad. Lee Harvey Oswald drank scotch whiskey and this lad you tell me is Detterling drank Wincarnis - which I thought was odd for a young fellow. I never heard what they were discussing but when I was picking up the glasses from their table I heard Lee Harvey Oswald pronounce as crap the record that Detterlig had just played on the jukebox - Dirty Old Town by The Spinners"
Last November Detterling posted on the Times Educational Supplement website that he was in Bristol on the day of the assassination. But was he?
On the afternoon of 22nd November 1963 a short film clip was shown on several American TV news channels. It showed an obese young man rushing up the grassy knoll, his fat ass wobbling in syncopated rhythm. Mysteriously the film clip was never seen again. Could the fat young man have been Detterling? Could Detterling have been the never-identified mystery man on the grassy knoll?
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