Detterling I have read your latest comment but I won't be thrown into negativity. I won't be thrown off track from my new found peace and serenity. I simply wish you, Delia and Sebastian a joyful Feast of the Epiphany.
Also, I have moved away from the past. I have realised that over the past two years people I meet will talk about good old Gene and his legend as a teacher. Not any more. I will make clear to all that it's from now on Gene the writer. I am focussed on my magnum opus (working title) HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SUCH A PRAT?
I wish you well with your memoirs Detters. What on earth is this internet deal you have obtained? Is it simply that your book will come out as an E-book? Damp squib if that's all it means.
Now Detters for the good of your eternal soul make 2019 the year you repent and atone for your deeds in the notorious Clique reign of terror. More is coming to light all the time - particularly since the publication of Annie Baker's harrowing account of her suffering inflicted by the Clique.
Then of course there is the appalling suicide brought about by the torment handed out by the Clique - that teacher, a lady from West Sussex, who was hounded to death. Now I know you Detters, and you will throw up your hands and say, "But Gene, I never had any direct contact with this lady." Maybe not, I don't know. It seems her principal tormenters were those two sonderkommandos, Big Kid and that dreadful Seren_dipity woman. Nevertheless it happened on your watch as Obergruppenfuhrer Detters. Find a priest, kneel down, confess you sins and show true contrition.

Gene/Robert Willoughby, it is long past time that you sought help with your psychosis. Every sentence of the above reeks with evidence of someone who has, long since, and significantly, parted company with reality. Whether you seek help with your psychosis, alcoholism and erectile dysfuntion is of course up to you.
ReplyDeleteBut what is up to me is the fact that this is the third time you have accused me of being complicit in a suicide, despite the fact that you have
[a] never been able to produce any evidence whatsoever of the existence of a clique on TES Opinion, let alone that I was its leader and director and
[b] have always refused to substantiate your bogus claim that a suicide resulted from any action of that clique
for the simple reasons that the clique never existed and so no-one ever committed suicide as a result of its actions.
Be that as it may, I am not standing for your deluded filth and nastiness any longer.
Unless your blog is closed - finally and irrevocably - by midnight GMT on Monday 7th January, the screenshots I have taken of the post above will be printed and sent, with a covering letter, to the editor of The Catholic Herald, together with a selection of screenshots of the filth you have published about my wife.
This will also be accompanied by a copy of the press release which summarises all the information you have published about yourself in the last twelve years on your blog, including an account of your dealings with R------ McT--------, corroboration of which will of course be available to the Catholic Herald from their files.
All of these documents will also be copied to the TES Webmaster, who will be in a position to refute your scurrilous and bogus accusations.
I shall make it clear that, unless they follow up this information, it will be made available to the national press with the spin that "The Catholic Herald covers up for filth posted on a blog by a prominent Uxbridge Roman Catholic High School teacher".
You are filth, Gene, and I am going to stamp on you once and for all unless this blog is permanently off the internet before midnight tomorrow. I am aware that this exposure will undoubtedly distress your family, but you have got away too often with praying in aid their vulnerability; something you have exploited with the callous nastiness which informs your every action.