Pope Francis says he was part of maneuver in 2005 conclave

.Media - published on 04/01/24
“He was my candidate,” says Pope Francis, asked about his relationship with Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger during the 2005 conclave. He made this revelation in a book-interview with Spanish journalist Javier Martìnez-Brocal, to be published on April 2, 2024, under the title El Sucesor – not yet translated into English. It is not the same book that was recently released; that one came out on March 19.
An extract of the book was published by the Spanish daily ABC this Easter Sunday, March 31. In it, the Pope recounts in detail his relationship with his predecessor, with whom he lived in close proximity for almost 10 years in the Vatican, until the Pope Emeritus’ death on December 31, 2022.
“They were using me”
Pope Francis explains that “cardinals swear not to reveal what happens in the conclave, but popes have the freedom to tell it.”
In the interview, he recalls the situation of the 2005 conclave, during which he came to obtain “40 of the 115 votes in the Sistine Chapel.” This threshold could have been enough to “block the candidacy of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, because if they had continued to vote, he would not have been able to reach the two-thirds necessary to be elected pope,” explains Francis.
“The maneuver consisted in putting my name forward, blocking Ratzinger’s election, and then negotiating a third candidate,” he reveals, pointing out that these cardinals wanted to elect a “non-foreigner,” i.e. an Italian.
“They were using me, but behind that they were thinking of proposing another cardinal.” Annoyed, the Argentine cardinal explains that he then said to Colombian Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, “Don’t joke about my candidacy, because I’m going to say right now that I won’t accept it.”
Cardinal Ratzinger was the only option
Pope Francis explains that he took part in the conclave considering that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger “was the only one who could be pope at that time. After the revolution of John Paul II, who had been a dynamic pontiff, very active, with initiative, who traveled, what was needed was a pope who could maintain a healthy balance, a transitional pope.”
“If they had elected someone like me, who makes a lot of mess, I wouldn’t have been able to do anything. At the time, it wouldn’t have been possible,” explains Pope Francis, who assures us he was “happy” with the choice.
“In electing Joseph Ratzinger, the Holy Spirit said, ‘I am in charge. There is no room for maneuvering,'” says the Argentine pontiff, who in turn would be elected almost eight years later, on March 13, 2013, after Benedict XVI’s renunciation of the Petrine ministry.
Oh, dear, Gene, it must be really difficult being you at the moment. You have been factually refuted time and time again, and no matter how often you try to rebut those facts, I keep coming back to that bruise on your scrotum and keep hammering away at it:
ReplyDeleteHad Ratzinger unfrocked Kiesle in 1985, the abuse of children at St Joseph's would not have continued for a further three years.
That is a FACT, no matter how often you try to deny it.
As for this desperately ridiculous effort: - show me the text of the apology he made in respect of the Kiesle case. Oops! Sorry, I forgot. You can't because it doesn't exist. - dear me, Gene, can you really be that stupid?
Ratzinger's apology in full reads as follows [my footnotes}:
“I can only express to all the victims [1] of sexual abuse my profound shame, my deep sorrow and my heartfelt request for forgiveness. I have had great responsibilities [2] in the Catholic Church. All the greater is my pain for the abuses [3] and the errors [4] hat occurred in those different places [5] during the time of my mandate."[6]
1 ALL THE VICTIMS, Gene: victimS, plural: you can tell this by the S on the end of the word. All the victims of sexual abuse that occurred during Ratzingers time as Archbishop of Munich [1977- 1982] and later head of the Congregation of the Faith and Pope - that is, 1985 - 2013. The phrase "ALL THE VICTIMS therefore must include the victims of Stephen Kiesle between the years 1985-1988, when Ratzinger failed to unfrock Kiesle.
[2] I HAVE HAD GREAT RESPONSIBILITES [see 1 above]: and one of those was to detect, root out and expel priests and others in the Catholic Church whose favourite hobby was buggering small boys and raping little girls. These GREAT RESPONSIBILITIES obviously include those children abused by Stephen Kiesle after Ratzinger failed to unfrock him in 1985.
[3] THE ABUSES - these must include the abuses committed by Stephen Kiesle after Ratzinger failed to unfrock him [unless you can prove differently, Gene?].
[4] THE ERRORS - these must include Ratzinger's failure to unfrock Kiesle in 1985 and probably his failure to alert Fr Thomas Ryan that he was allowing a convicted paedophile rapist to minister to the young people in his church.
[5] THOSE DIFFERENT PLACES - except, of course at St Joseph's Church, Penole, CA, where Stephen Kiesle, still a priest, continued to abuse children during the years 1985-1988 - Ratzinger made it clear that his apology did not include this, didn't he, Gene, and you can prove that, can't you? What's that? oh, you can't? Dear me, and YOU call ME a lying tosser...
[5] DURING MY MANDATE: that is, during the years 1985 - 2013.
It is clear to anyone whose mind has a greater ratiocinatory capacity than a pair of skid-marked underpants that Ratzinger was apologising for all the sexual abuse committed on his watch 1985-2013 by priests whom he failed either properly to oversee, accurately to diagnose and condignly to punish, as well as arranging for their being unable to access children and young people ever again.
"I can only express to ALL the victims of sexual abuse my profound shame, my deep sorrow and my heartfelt request for forgiveness."
It's that word ALL that gives it away, Gene: I'm sorry if it's confusing.
Oh, and don't bother with this kind of thing any more:
"Once again you are shown to be a lying tosser".
Do you seriously imagine that I care a two-penny fuck for what a monumental shit-bag like you, with a diseased mind and a rancid soul, thinks of me or anyone else? Stuff your pissy little opinions up your arse. I will not apologise for telling the truth, and I will go on telling it until you acknowledge that it is the truth.